NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0


  • Description – returns information on all alarms in the fabric, or on one alarm using its ID

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/app/alarms

  • Main operations

    • Get all alarms

    • Get an alarm using its ID

    • Get alarms of a specific device

    • Remove alarms of a specific device

  • Description – Returns information on all alarms in the fabric

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/app/alarms

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "id":2, "type":"Switch", "name":"System Module Error", "description":"Module status FAULT", "event_type":394, "duration":"0 s", "reason":"Module PS 1 on sw-ufm-qm01( status is fatal", "severity":"Critical", "timestamp":"2024-05-28 08:23:10", "counter":"N/A", "event_count":459, "object_name":"0c42a1030079a66c", "object_path":"Switch: sw-ufm-qm01" }, { "id":3, "type":"IBPort", "name":"Link HW Error", "description":"Link Downed", "event_type":112, "duration":"0 s", "reason":"Link-Downed counter delta threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, calculated delta is 2. Peer info: default / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "severity":"Warning", "timestamp":"2024-05-27 08:18:51", "counter":"Infiniband_LinkDowned", "event_count":1, "object_name":"b8599f03000a7768_1", "object_path":"Computer: r-ufm77 / mlx5_0" } ] ABOUT

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – Returns information on a specific alarm by its ID

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/app/alarms/<id>

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    { "id":9, "type":"Grid", "name":"System Information is missing", "description":"Switch System Information is missing", "event_type":406, "duration":"0 s", "reason":"Failed to get sysinfo for switch 0c42a1030079a66c due to bad credentials", "severity":"Warning", "timestamp":"2024-05-27 08:21:45", "counter":"N/A", "event_count":1, "object_name":"Grid", "object_path":"Grid" }

  • Note – if the <id> parameter is not provided, all alarms will be listed

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

    • 404 – NOT FOUND—alarm was not found (by ID)

  • Description – Returns information on all alarms of a specified device

  • Request URL – GET ufmRest/app/alarms?device_id=<device_ID>

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "id":4, "type":"IBPort", "name":"Link HW Error", "description":"Link Downed", "event_type":112, "duration":"0 s", "reason":"Link-Downed counter delta threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, calculated delta is 3. Peer info: default \/ Switch: ufm-ndr-04 \/ 62.", "severity":"Warning", "timestamp":"2024-05-27 08:18:51", "counter":"Infiniband_LinkDowned", "event_count":1, "object_name":"0c42a1030079a66c_33", "object_path":"Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 \/ 33" }, { "id":5, "type":"IBPort", "name":"Link HW Error", "description":"Link Downed", "event_type":112, "duration":"0 s", "reason":"Link-Downed counter delta threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, calculated delta is 3. Peer info: default \/ Switch: ufm-ndr-04 \/ 61.", "severity":"Warning", "timestamp":"2024-05-27 08:18:51", "counter":"Infiniband_LinkDowned", "event_count":1, "object_name":"0c42a1030079a66c_34", "object_path":"Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 \/ 34" } ]

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

    • 404 – NOT FOUND—alarm was not found (by ID)

  • Description – Removes all alarms of a specified device

  • Request URL – DELETE ufmRest/app/alarms?device_id=<device_ID>

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

    • 404 – NOT FOUND—alarm was not found (by ID)

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