NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0

Mirroring REST API

  • Description – allows performing mirroring actions on ports of FDR, HDR, QDR, and EDR Mellanox switches

  • Request URL – /ufmRest/app/mirrorings

  • Main Operations

    • Create a mirroring template

    • Update a mirroring template

    • Get a mirroring template

    • Delete a mirroring template

    • Port mirroring action

  • Description – allows users to create a mirroring template that will be later applied on a specific port

  • Request URL – POST /ufmRest/app/mirrorings

  • Request Content Type – application/json

  • Request Data


    { "system_id": "<system_id>", "target_port": "<target_port_id>", "packet_size":"<packet_size>", "service_level":"<service_level>" }

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – mirroring template created successfully

    • 400 – bad request (bad or missing parameters)

  • Description – allows users to update an existing mirroring template

  • Request URL – PUT /ufmRest/app/mirrorings

  • Request Content Type – application/json

  • Request Data


    { "system_id": "<system_id>", "target_port": "<target_port_id>", "packet_size":"<packet_size>", "service_level":"<service_level>" }

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – mirroring template created successfully

    • 400 – bad request (bad or missing parameters)

  • Description – retrieves information on an existing mirroring template using system ID

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/app/mirrorings/<system_id>

  • Request Content Type – application/json

  • Request Data


    { "target_port": { "number": 9, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "0002c903000e0b73_1", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "guid": "e41d2d0300167ee0", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "severity": "Minor", "logical_state": "Armed", "capabilities": [ "enable", "reset" ], "active_speed": "10.0 Gbps", "lid": 10, "description": "Switch IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "e41d2d0300167ee0", "tier": 4, "path": "default(2) / Switch: r-ufm-sw63 / NA / 9", "name": "e41d2d0300167ee0_9", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "9", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 9 }, "packet_size":200, "service_level":5 }

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – mirroring template created successfully

    • 400 – bad request (bad or missing parameters)

  • Description – allows users to delete an existing mirroring template using system ID

  • Request URL – DELETE /ufmRest/app/mirrorings/<system_id>

  • Request Content Type – application/json

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – mirroring template created successfully

    • 400 – bad request (bad or missing parameters)

  • Description – allows users to perform the mirroring action on a specific port

  • Request URL – POST /ufmRest/app/mirrorings/action

  • Request Content Type – application/json

  • Request Data


    { "port_id": "<port_id>", "action": "enable,disable", "rx": true,false, "tx": true,false }

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – mirroring template created successfully

    • 400 – bad request (bad or missing parameters)

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