NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0

UFM Bright Cluster Integration Plugin REST APIs

The following authentication types are supported:

  • basic (/ufmRest)

  • client (/ufmRestV2)

  • token (/ufmRestV3)

  • Description: Gets the current streaming configurations

  • URL: GET ufmRest/plugin/bright/conf

  • Request Data: N/A

  • Response:


    { "bright-config": {    "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nXXXXXXX\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",    "certificate_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nXXXXXXX\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",    "data_retention_period": "30d",    "enabled": true,    "host": "",    "port": 8081,    "status": {      "err_message": "",      "status": "Healthy"    },    "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam" }, "logs-config": {    "log_file_backup_count": 5,    "log_file_max_size": 10485760,    "logs_file_name": "/log/bright_plugin.log",    "logs_level": "INFO" } }

  • Description: Updates the current bright configurations

  • URL: PUT ufmRest/plugin/bright/conf

  • Request Data:


    { "bright-config": {    "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nXXXXXXX\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",    "certificate_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nXXXXXXX\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",    "data_retention_period": "30d",    "enabled": true,    "host": "",    "port": 8081,    "status": {      "err_message": "",      "status": "Healthy"    },    "timezone": "Europe/Amsterdam" }, "logs-config": {    "log_file_backup_count": 5,    "log_file_max_size": 10485760,    "logs_file_name": "/log/bright_plugin.log",    "logs_level": "INFO" } }

  • Response: string “Set configurations has been done successfully”

  • Status Codes:

    • 200 – Ok.

    • 400 – bad request (bad or missing parameters).

Configurations parameter details:




Hostname or IP of the BCM server


Port of the BCM server, normally will be 8081


BMC client certificate content that could be located in the BMC server machine under .cm/XXX.pem

Certificate key

BMC client certificate key that could be located in the BMC server machine under .cm/XXX.key

Data retention period

UFM erases the data gathered in the database after the configured retention period. By default, after 30 days.

  • Description: Gets the cached nodes from the Bright Cluster Manager

  • URL: GET ufmRest/plugin/bright/data/nodes

  • Request Data: N/A

  • Response:


    [ "node001", "swx-tor01" ]

  • Description: Gets the cached jobs from the Bright Cluster Manager nodes

  • URL: GET ufmRest/plugin/bright/data/jobs[?nodes=<node1,node2,…>]&from=timestamp1&to=timestamp2&tz=”requested_client_timezone”

  • Request Data: N/A

  • Response:


    [ {    "account": "root",    "arguments": "",    "arrayID": "",    "baseType": "Job",    "cgroup": "",    "childType": "SlurmJob",    "commandLineInterpreter": "",    "comment": "",    "debug": false,    "dependencies": [],    "endtime": "2023-04-13T14:08:59",    "environmentVariables": [],    "executable": "",    "exitCode": 0,    "inqueue": "",    "jobID": "166",    "jobname": "interactive",    "mailList": "",    "mailNotify": false,    "mailOptions": "",    "maxWallClock": "UNLIMITED",    "memoryUse": 0,    "minMemPerNode": 0,    "modified": false,    "modules": [],    "nodes": [      "node001"    ],    "numberOfNodes": 1,    "numberOfProcesses": 8,    "oldLocalUniqueKey": 0,    "parallelEnvironment": "",    "parentID": "",    "pendingReasons": [      "NonZeroExitCode"    ],    "placement": "",    "priority": "4294901759",    "project": "",    "refJobQueueUniqueKey": 77309411329,    "refWlmClusterUniqueKey": 163208757249,    "requestedCPUCores": 0,    "requestedCPUs": 8,    "requestedGPUs": 0,    "requestedMemory": 0,    "requestedSlots": 0,    "resourceList": [],    "revision": "",    "runWallClock": 3,    "rundirectory": "/root",    "scriptFile": "",    "starttime": "2023-04-13T14:08:56",    "status": "FAILED",    "stderrfile": "",    "stdinfile": "",    "stdoutfile": "",    "submittime": "2023-04-13T14:08:56",    "taskID": "",    "toBeRemoved": false,    "uniqueKey": 70368744177830,    "userdefined": [],    "usergroup": "root",    "username": "root" } ]

Please be aware that the following filters are available as options (as indicated in the URL):

  • To filter jobs by node(s) name, use the parameter "nodes" followed by a comma-separated list of nodes (e.g. nodes=node1,node2,etc...).

  • To filter jobs by their creation timestamp, specify a start and end time in integer timestamp format (in milliseconds).

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