NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0

UFM Configuration REST API

  • Description – Returns UFM configuration details, such as whether the feature is activated or not, and more.

  • Request URL – GET / ufmRest/app/ufm_config

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    default_session_interval: 30 disabled_features: ["UsageStatistics"] ha_mode: "Disabled" ha_standby_node: [] is_local_user: true ..

  • Status Code:

    • 200 – Ok

  • Description – Updates sections within the gv.cfg file. Please note that not all sections and properties can to be modified.

  • Request URL – PUT / ufmRest/app/ufm_config

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response: Text

  • Request Data


    <section name>:{      <property>:<value>   }

  • Status Code:

    • 200 – Ok

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