NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0

Update Credentials REST API

  • Description – allows users to get devices credentials in UFM

  • Request – GET /ufmRest/resources/systems/<dev_name>/credentials?credential_types=<type>

    The type parameter may be any of the following:

    • SSH_Server

    • SSH_Switch

    • MLNX-OS

    • IPMI

  • Response Data


    [ { "type": "IPMI", "user": "admin", "port": 623, "timeout": "N\/A", "name": "IPMI", "credentials": "admin" } ]

  • Request Content Type – application/json

  • Notes

    • If connected through HTTP the API will return asterisks (***) instead of actual text

    • If connected through HTTPS the API will return the actual password instead of asterisks

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – credentials were updated successfully

    • 400 – bad request (bad or missing parameters)

    • 404 – system not found

  • Description – allows users to get siet credentials in UFM

  • Request – GET /ufmRest/resources/sites/<site_name>/credentials?credential_types=<type>

    The type parameter may be any of the following:

    • SSH_Server

    • SSH_Switch

    • MLNX-OS

    • IPMI

  • Response Data


    [ { "type": "IPMI", "user": "admin", "port": 623, "timeout": "N\/A", "name": "IPMI", "credentials": "admin" } ]

  • Request Content Type – application/json

  • Notes

    • If connected through HTTP the API will return asterisks (***) instead of actual text

    • If connected through HTTPS the API will return the actual password instead of asterisks

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – credentials were updated successfully

    • 400 – bad request (bad or missing parameters)

  • Description – allows users to update devices credentials in UFM

  • Request – PUT /ufmRest/resources/systems/<name1>,<name2>,…/credentials


    <name1> and <name2> are the system's <name> attribute that should be updated.

  • Request Data


    } "type": "SSH_Server"/"SSH_Switch"/"IPMI"/"SNMP"/"TELNET"/"MLNX_OS", "user": "<username>", "password": "<password>", "port": <port>*, "timeout": <timeout>* "use_manual_ip": true/false, "ip": <ip> }


    The value of this attribute can only be an integer and not a string.

  • Request Content Type – application/json

  • Notes

    • The “type” attribute is mandatory. The rest of the attributes are optional

    • If the “user” and “password” attributes were not updated before, the first update should contain both attributes


  • Status Codes

    • 200 – credentials were updated successfully

    • 400 – bad request (bad or missing parameters)

    • 404 – system not found

  • Description – allows users to update site credentials in UFM

  • Request – PUT /ufmRest/resources/sites/<site_name>/credentials

  • Request Data


    { "type": "SSH_Server"/"SSH_Switch"/"IPMI"/"MLNX_OS", "user": "<username>", "password": "<password>", "port": <port>, "keep_old_pwd": true,   "timeout": <timeout> }

  • Request Content Type – application/json

  • Notes

    • The default site name is “default”

    • The “type” attribute is mandatory. The rest of the attributes are optional.

    • If the “user” and “password” attributes were not updated before, the first update should contain both attributes.

    • The attribute "keep_old_pwd" can be configured as "true" if there's a requirement to maintain the previous password operational during the transition period when the switch password is changed for large-scale fabrics. This setting is only relevant for MLNX_OS credentials type. By default, the value is set to "false".

  • Response – N/A

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – credentials were updated successfully

    • 400 – bad request (bad or missing parameters)

    • 404 – system not found

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