NVIDIA® WinOF VPI Documentation v5.50.54000
Linux Kernel Upstream Release Notes v6.5

Extracting WPP Traces

WinOF Mellanox driver automatically dumps trace messages that can be used by the driver developers for debugging issues that have recently occurred on the machine.
The default location for the trace files is: %SystemRoot%\system32\LogFiles\Mlnx\

There are one or more trace files, those whose name begins with: Mellanox-System.etl

The automatic trace session is called Mellanox-Kernel.

In order to view the session, run the following command:


logman query Melloanox-Kernel -ets

In order to stop the session, run the following command:


logman stop Mellanox-Kernel -ets

When opening a support ticket, it is advised to attach the file to the ticket

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