NVIDIA® WinOF VPI Documentation v5.50.54000
Linux Kernel Upstream Release Notes v6.5

WinOF VPI Package Contents

The Mellanox WinOF driver package contains the following components:

  • Core and ULPs:

    • IB HCA low-level drivers (mlx4)

    • Ethernet driver (ETH)

    • IP over InfiniBand (IPoIB)

    • Network Direct (ND)

    • Network Direct Kernel (NDK) Provider Interface

    • MUX driver for IPoIB and Client OSes

  • Utilities:

    • OpenSM: InfiniBand Subnet Manager is provided as a sample code. The sample code is intended to allow users to test or bring-up the InfiniBand fabric without a management console / switch (to get started).
      For cluster production environments, Mellanox's recommendation is to use a Managed Switch or the UFM-SDN Appliance.

    • Low level performance tools

    • mlxtool

  • InfiniBand Diagnostics tools

  • CIM, PowerShell, and WMI support (Supported in Windows Server 2012 and above, and Windows Client 8.1 and above.)

  • Software Development Kit (SDK)

  • Documentation

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