
The available algorithms are listed below.

vpi.Image.bilateral_filter(self, ksize, ...)

Runs a 2D bilateral filter over the image.

vpi.Image.box_filter(self, ksize, *[, ...])

Runs a 2D box filter over the image.

vpi.Image.convert(-> vpi.Image)

Converts image/pyramid to the desired format.

vpi.Image.convolution(-> vpi.Image)

Runs a generic 2D convolution over the image.

vpi.Image.eqhist(self, *[, backend, out, stream])

Equalize the histogram of the image.

vpi.Image.fft(self, *[, backend, out, stream])

Runs the direct FFT on the image.

vpi.Image.ifft([denorm, out, backend, stream])

Runs the inverse FFT on the image.

vpi.Image.irfft(self[, size, denorm, ...])

Runs the inverse (real) FFT on the image.

vpi.Image.recursive_gaussian_filter(self, ...)

Runs Recursive Gaussian Filter over the image.

vpi.Image.gaussian_filter(self, ksize, sigma, *)

Runs a 2D Gaussian filter over the image.

vpi.Image.gaussian_pyramid(-> vpi.Image)

Computes the Gaussian pyramid of the image.

vpi.Image.canny(self, *[, backend, out, ...])

Runs Canny edge detector on the image.

vpi.Image.harriscorners(self, *[, backend, ...])

Runs Harris corner detector on the image.

vpi.Image.fastcorners(self[, backend, out, ...])

Runs FAST corner detector on the image.

vpi.Image.histogram(self[, bins, backend, ...])

Computes the image histogram.

vpi.Image.image_flip(self, flip_mode, *[, ...])

Flips the image.

vpi.Image.median_filter(self, kernel, *[, ...])

Runs a 2D median filter over the image.

vpi.Image.mixchannels(self, mappingIn, ...)

Runs mix channels on single input/output images.

vpi.Image.image_stats(self[, mask, backend, ...])

Computes the image statistics.


Computes the Laplacian pyramid of the image.

vpi.Image.minloc(self, *[, backend, ...])

Find minimum value locations in an image.

vpi.Image.maxloc(self, *[, backend, ...])

Find maximum value locations in an image.

vpi.Image.minmaxloc(self, *[, backend, ...])

Find min(max)imum value locations in an image.

vpi.Image.erode(self, kernel, *[, backend, ...])

Runs a 2D erode over the image.

vpi.Image.dilate(self, kernel, *[, backend, ...])

Runs a 2D dilate over the image.

vpi.Image.perspwarp(-> vpi.Image)

Applies a perspective warp on the image.

vpi.Image.remap(self, wmap[, size, backend, ...])

Remap the image.

vpi.Image.rescale(-> vpi.Image  -> vpi.Image)

Rescales the image.

vpi.Pyramid.convert(-> vpi.Image)

Converts image/pyramid to the desired format.

vpi.Pyramid.orb(self, *[, backend, corners, ...])

Runs ORB on the pyramid.

vpi.Pyramid.orb_features(self, *[, backend, ...])

Runs ORB to detect features on the pyramid.

vpi.Pyramid.orb_descriptors(self, corners, *)

Runs ORB to extract descriptors.

vpi.mixchannels(inputs, outputs, mappingIn, ...)

Runs mix channels on multiple inputs/outputs.

vpi.optflow_dense(-> vpi.Image)

Runs dense optical flow on two images.

vpi.stereodisp(left, right, *[, backend, ...])

Runs stereo processing on two images.

vpi.execute(host_function, *[, stream])

Executes a function on the stream.

vpi.brute_force_matcher(query_descriptor, ...)

Computes brute force matcher of two arrays.

vpi.templateMatching(src, templ, *[, ...])

Runs template matching on two images.

vpi.dynamic_remap(input, map[, size, out, ...])

Dynamic remap the image.

vpi.BackgroundSubtractor(size, format[, backend])

Creates the main object of the BgSub algorithm.

vpi.KLTFeatureTracker(-> vpi.KLTFeatureTracker)

Creates the basis for the KLT algorithm.

vpi.OpticalFlowPyrLK(-> vpi.OpticalFlowPyrLK)

Creates the basis for the PyrLKOFlow algorithm.

vpi.TemporalNoiseReduction(size, format[, ...])

Creates the main object of the TNR algorithm.

vpi.WarpMap(-> vpi.WarpMap  -> vpi.WarpMap)

Creates warpmap for Lens Distortion Correction.