
Pyramid.orb_descriptors(self: vpi.Pyramid, corners: vpi.Array, *, backend: vpi.Backend = vpi.Backend.DEFAULT, descriptors: vpi.Array = None, disable_RBRIEF: bool = False, stream: vpi.Stream = None) vpi.Array

Runs ORB to extract descriptors.


This algorithm needs both the input pyramid and corners to compute descriptors from. If descriptors output array is not provided, one is created with the capacity the same as corners inpute array.

See also

Refer to the algorithm explanation for more details and usage examples.

  • corners (vpi.Array) – Array input with previously detected corners.

  • descriptors (vpi.Array, optional) – Array that will store the descriptor for each corner. Array size is updated with the number of descriptors extracted.

  • disable_RBRIEF (bool, optional) – Flag indicating whether to disable rotationally-invariant BRIEF calculation or not.

  • backend (vpi.Backend, optional) – The backend to be used by the algorithm.

  • stream (vpi.Stream, optional) – The stream to be used by the algorithm.


An array with the output descriptors.

Return type



Restrictions to several arguments may apply. Check the C API references of the submit function and the group concepts for more details.