
Pyramid.orb_features(self: vpi.Pyramid, *, backend: vpi.Backend = vpi.Backend.DEFAULT, corners: vpi.Array = None, capacity: int = 0, circle_radius: int = 3, arc_length: int = 9, intensity_threshold: float = 10.0, non_max_suppression: bool = True, max_features_per_level: int = 100, max_pyr_levels: int = 4, score_type: vpi.CornerScore = vpi.CornerScore.HARRIS, border: vpi.Border = vpi.Border.LIMITED, stream: vpi.Stream = None) vpi.Array

Runs ORB to detect features on the pyramid.


If corners output array is not provided, it is created with the capacity as given by the max_features_per_level times max_pyr_levels.

See also

Refer to the algorithm explanation for more details and usage examples.

  • corners (vpi.Array, optional) – Array that will receive the detected corners. Array size is updated with the number of corners found.

  • capacity (int, optional) – Capacity of internal buffers used to store FAST corners and scores per pyramid level. Use zero (the default) to set the capacity to be 20 times the maximum number of features per level.

  • circle_radius (int, optional) – Circle radius around a pixel to check if it is a corner.

  • arc_length (int, optional) – Arc length in pixels over the circle to check central pixel is a corner.

  • intensity_threshold (float, optional) – Intensity threshold to select a pixel as being part of the arch in circle around a corner keypoint candidate.

  • non_max_suppression (bool, optional) – Whether to apply non-maximum suppression to remove corners too close together.

  • max_features_per_level (int, optional) – Maximum number of features to be found per level of the input pyramid.

  • max_pyr_levels (int, optional) – Maximum number of levels of the pyramid to be used.

  • score_type (vpi.CornerScore, optional) – Scoring type used when sorting the features.

  • border (vpi.Border, optional) – The border extension used by the algorithm.

  • backend (vpi.Backend, optional) – The backend to be used by the algorithm.

  • stream (vpi.Stream, optional) – The stream to be used by the algorithm.


An array with the output corners.

Return type



Restrictions to several arguments may apply. Check the C API references of the submit function and the group concepts for more details.