Aerial SDK 22-4

Aerial SDK Platform

Aerial SDK is a software-defined workload hosted on NVIDIA-certified EGX servers and a stack that uses the CUDA OS platform and GPU/NIC/CPU firmware and toolkits. This section highlights the Aerial SDK workload configuration interdependencies as part of the NV platform stack.

  • A100x card qualification complete (x86 host mode)

  • A100x and A100 supports upto 4 carriers

  • Multi-GPU platform support (2 cells on each GPU )

Description Revision
Host OS Ubuntu 20.04 with 5.4.0-65-lowlatency kernel
Container OS Ubuntu 20.04
CUDA 11.7
Host GPU driver 515.43.04+
Nvidia-peermem Same as CUDA driver version
Mellanox OFED. 5.7-
CX6-DX NIC FW. 22.34.1002
A100x FW. 24.34 24.34.1002
SCF SCF vendor specific extension: 222.10.04 222.10.02
HW Platform. Gigabyte DevKit 1.0 and Dell R750
Description Revision
Host OS Ubuntu 20.04 server
Container OS Ubuntu 20.04
Containerd 1.5.8
Kubernetes version 1.23
Helm: 3.8
Network operator 1.3.0+
Mellanox OFED same as above
CX6-DX NIC FW: same as above
NVIDIA GPU Operator: 1.11.1+
NV GPU driver: R515
CUDA Toolkit 11.7
nvidia-peermem Same as CUDA driver version
Feature Configuration Supported
Platform for Discrete GPU, NIC
  • Servers x2 Model Gigabyte E251-U70
  • CPU Intel Xeon Gold 6240R, 2.4GHz, 24C48T
  • Memory 96GB DDR4
  • Storage 480GB LiteOn SSD x1
  • GPU GA100 x2
  • NIC x2 MLX CX6-DX (MCX623106AE-CDAT)
Platform for Converged Accelerator Dell R750
  • Server Skew 10-AYCG
  • Intel Xeon Gold 6336Y 2.4G, 24C/48T
  • PCIe Gen4
  • Memory 512GB DDR4
  • Storage 2TB
  • GPU+NIC BF2A100x
  • NIC CX6-DX
Feature Supported
Maintain integration, qualification of discreet GPU A100 Y
Support Aerial SDK offload Y
Preserve existing interfaces / API / shared memory buffers integrated with ISVs Y
L2+ integrated with x86 host Y
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