Aerial CUDA-Accelerated RAN 24-1

Getting Started with cuMAC

All cuMAC data structures and scheduler module classes are included in the name space cumac

The header files api.h and cumac.h should be included in the application program of cuMAC

A diagram of cuMAC data flow for both CPU MAC scheduler host and GPU execution is given in follwoing figure:


cuMAC multi-cell scheduler execution data flow

Each cuMAC scheduler module (UE selection, PRB allocation, layer selection, MCS selection, etc.) is implemented as a C++ class, consisting of constructors with different combinations of input arguments, a destructor, a setup () function to set up the CUDA kernels in each TTI and a run () function to execute the scheduling algorithms in each TTI.

All parameters and data buffers required by the cuMAC scheduler modules are wrapped into three cuMAC API data structures, including cumacCellGrpUeStatus, cumacCellGrpPrms, and cumacSchdSol. Each of these data structures contains a number of constant parameters, and a number of data buffers whose memories are allocated on GPU.

In the initialization phase, the objects of all cuMAC scheduler modules are created using their corresponding constructors. Meanwhile, the above-mentioned three API data structures are also created, with their constant parameters being properly set up and data buffers getting memory allocations on GPU.

In the per-TTI execution, the CPU MAC scheduler host first prepares all the required data in GPU memory for the three API data structures. Then the setup () function of each cuMAC scheduler module is called 1) to pass the required constant parameters and addresses of the data buffer GPU memories from the API data structures to the scheduler module objects, and 2) to complete the internal configuration of the CUDA kernels. Next, the run () function of each schedule module is called to execute the scheduling algorithms and obtain the scheduling solutions. Finally, the CPU MAC host transfers the computed scheduling solutions from GPU to CPU and applies them in the system.


  1. CMake (version 3.18 or newer)

    If you have a version of CMake installed, the version number can be determined as follows:

    cmake --version

    You can download the latest version of CMake from the official CMake website.

  2. CUDA (version 12 or newer)

    CMake intrinsic CUDA support will automatically detect a CUDA installation using a CUDA compiler (nvcc), which is located via the PATH environment variable. To check for nvcc in your PATH:

    which nvcc

    To use a non-standard CUDA installation path (or to use a specific version of CUDA):

    export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-12.0/bin:$PATH

    For more information on CUDA support in CMake, see (The statement above is equivalent to ” -gencode arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 -gencode arch=compute_90,code=sm_90 “.)

  3. cuMAC requires a minimum GPU architecture of Ampere or newer.

  4. HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format 5)

    The cuMAC CMake system currently checks for a specific version (1.10) of HDF5. To install a specific version of HDF5 from a source code archive:

    4.1. Remove the original hdf5 library (if necessary)

    dpkg -l \| grep hdf5

    sudo apt-get remove <name of these libraries>

    4.2. To build from source:


    tar -xzf hdf5-1.10.5.tar.gz

    cd hdf5-1.10.5

    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-cxx --enable-build-mode=production

    sudo make install

Getting and building cuMAC

  1. To download cuMAC, you can use the following link:

    git clone --recurse-submodules

  2. To build cuMAC, use the following commands:

    cd cumac

    mkdir build && cd build

    cmake ..


Additional CMake options:

Creating a release build (using the default list of target architectures):

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

Creating a debug build (using the default list of target architectures):

cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

Specifying a single GPU architecture (e.g., to reduce compile time):


Specifying multiple GPU architectures:


(The statement above is equivalent to ” -gencode arch=compute_80,code=sm_80 -gencode arch=compute_90,code=sm_90 “.)

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