Clara Holoscan Deploy 0.7.4

7.14. Pipeline Stage Payload

Application code looking to make use of Clara’s pipeline orchestration should utilize of Clara Pipeline Driver life-cycle and register an execute callback handler. When the execution event callback handler is called, a reference to the current stage’s payload (clara.Payload) will be passed to application code.

Using the supplied pointer enables application code to iterate through the list of name / path pairs for both inputs and outputs.

see also: Clara Pipeline Driver and Clara Pipeline Driver Callbacks

Gets the collection of clara.PayloadEntry objects defining the payload input for this stage.

The set of input entries returned when calling this function is determined by the pipeline definition. Pipeline definitions declare a set of input values for each operator. Those input values are represented as payload entries.

see also: Payload Entry


Returns a clara.PayloadCollection which is a collection of clara.PayloadEntry objects.


@property def input_entries(self):

Gets the collection of clara.PayloadEntry objects defining the payload output for this stage.

The set of output entries returned when calling this function is determined by the pipeline definition. Pipeline definitions declare a set of output values for each operator. Those output values are represented as payload entries.

see also: Payload Entry


Returns a clara.PayloadCollection which is a collection of clara.PayloadEntry objects.


@property def output_entries(self):

Gets the clara.FastIOContext provided by the payload for this stage.

see also: Fast I/O Context


Returns a clara.FastIOContext to provide access to Fast I/O pipeline job resources.


@property def fastio_context(self):

Gets the collection of clara.FastIOEntry objects defining the FastIO input payload for this stage.

The set of input entries returned when calling this function is determined by the pipeline definition. Pipeline definitions declare a set of typed input values for each operator. Input values with type = {array, string} or any Clara Primitive (uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64, float16, float32, float64) are represented as FastIO payload entries.

see also: FastIO Entry


Returns a clara.FastIOCollection which is a collection of clara.FastIOEntry objects.


@property def fastio_input_entries(self):

Gets the collection of clara.FastIOEntry objects defining the FastIO output payload for this stage.

The set of output entries returned when calling this function is determined by the pipeline definition. Pipeline definitions declare a set of typed input values for each operator. Input values with type = {array, string} or any Clara Primitive (uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64, float16, float32, float64) are represented as FastIO payload entries.

see also: FastIO Entry


Returns a clara.FastIOCollection which is a collection of clara.FastIOEntry objects.


@property def fastio_output_entries(self):

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