
cuquantum.cutensornet.network_operator_append_mpo(intptr_t handle, intptr_t tensor_network_operator, double complex coefficient, int32_t num_state_modes, state_modes, tensor_mode_extents, tensor_mode_strides, tensor_data, int boundary_condition) int64_t[source]

Appends a Matrix Product Operator (MPO) component to the tensor network operator.

  • handle (intptr_t) – cuTensorNet library handle.

  • tensor_network_operator (intptr_t) – Tensor network operator.

  • coefficient (complex) – Complex coefficient associated with the appended operator component.

  • num_state_modes (int32_t) – Number of state modes the MPO acts on (number of tensors in the MPO).

  • state_modes (object) –

    State modes the MPO acts on. It can be:

    • an int as the pointer address to the array, or

    • a Python sequence of int32_t.

  • tensor_mode_extents (object) –

    Tensor mode extents for each MPO tensor. It can be:

    • an int as the pointer address to the nested sequence, or

    • a Python sequence of ints, each of which is a pointer address to a valid sequence, or

    • a nested Python sequence of int64_t.

  • tensor_mode_strides (object) –

    Storage strides for each MPO tensor or NULL (default generalized column-wise strides). It can be:

    • an int as the pointer address to the nested sequence, or

    • a Python sequence of ints, each of which is a pointer address to a valid sequence, or

    • a nested Python sequence of int64_t.

  • tensor_data (object) –

    Tensor data stored in GPU memory for each MPO tensor factor. It can be:

    • an int as the pointer address to the array, or

    • a Python sequence of ints (as pointer addresses).

  • boundary_condition (BoundaryCondition) – MPO boundary condition.


Unique sequential integer identifier of the appended tensor network operator component.

Return type
