cuStateVec: A High-Performance Library for State Vector Quantum Simulators

Welcome to the cuStateVec library documentation!

NVIDIA cuStateVec is a high-performance library dedicated to operations with state vectors for expressing quantum algorithms. cuStateVec is a component of the NVIDIA cuQuantum SDK. Functionalities of cuStateVec are described in Overview with a usage guide provided under Examples.

Key Features

  • Provide APIs for:

    • State vector initialization

    • Gate application

    • Measurement

    • Expectation

    • Sampling

    • Qubit reordering on single/multiple device(s)

    • Logging purposes


  • Supported GPU Architectures: Volta, Turing, Ampere, Ada, Hopper

  • Supported OSes: Linux

  • Supported CPU Architectures: x86_64, ARM64


One of the following CUDA Toolkits and a compatible driver are required:

CUDA Toolkit

Minimum Required Linux Driver Version

CUDA® 11.x

>= 450.80.02

CUDA® 12.x

>= 525.60.13

Please refer to CUDA Toolkit Release Notes for the details.