Low-level Python bindings¶
As of cuQuantum-python v24.11, all cuStateVec and cuTensorNet C APIs are exposed under the cuquantum.custatevec
and cuquantum.cutensornet
The C APIs for cuDensityMat are currently exposed under cuquantum.bindings.cudensitymat
Naming & calling convention¶
When the C APIs are exposed, we follow the PEP 8 style guide and adopt the following changes:
All library name prefixes are stripped
The function names are broken by words and follow the camel case
The first letter in each word in the enum names is capitalized
Each enum’s name prefix is stripped from its value’s names
Common enums that can be used in all submodules are placed in the parent module
Whenever applicable, the outputs are stripped away from the function arguments and returned directly as Python objects
Pointers are passed as Python
Below is a non-exhaustive list of examples of such C-to-Python mappings:
.Enum type:
.Enum type:
.Enum value name:
.Enum value name:
.Return: The outputs of
are the sampler descriptor and the required workspace size, which are wrapped as a 2-tuple in the correspondingcustatevec.sampler_create()
Python API.Global enum:
There may be exceptions for the above rules, but they would be self-evident and properly documented. In the next section we discuss pointer passing in Python.
Memory management¶
Pointer and data lifetime¶
Unlike in C/C++, Python does not provide low-level primitives to allocate/deallocate host memory, not to mention device memory. In order to make the C APIs work with Python, it is important that memory management is properly done through Python proxy objects. In cuQuantum Python, we ask users to address such needs using NumPy (for host memory) and CuPy (for device memory).
It is also possible to use array.array
(plus memoryview
as needed) to manage host memory, however it is more
tedious compared to using numpy.ndarray
, especially when it comes to array manipulation and computation.
It is also possible to use CUDA Python to manage device memory, but as of CUDA 11 there is no simple, pythonic way to modify the contents stored on GPU, which requires custom kernels. CuPy is a lightweight, NumPy-compatible array library to address this need.
To pass data from Python to C, using pointer addresses (as Python int
) of various objects is required. With NumPy/CuPy arrays
as the proxy, it is as simple as follows:
# create a host buffer to hold 5 int
buf = numpy.empty((5,), dtype=numpy.int32)
# pass buf's pointer to the wrapper
# buf could get modified in-place if the function writes to it
my_func(..., buf.ctypes.data, ...)
# examine/use buf's data
# create a device buffer to hold 10 double
buf = cupy.empty((10,), dtype=cupy.float64)
# pass buf's pointer to the wrapper
# buf could get modified in-place if the function writes to it
my_func(..., buf.data.ptr, ...)
# examine/use buf's data
# create an untyped device buffer of 128 bytes
buf = cupy.cuda.alloc(128)
# pass buf's pointer to the wrapper
# buf could get modified in-place if the function writes to it
my_func(..., buf.ptr, ...)
# buf is automatically destroyed when going out of scope
Please be aware that the underlying assumption is that the arrays must be contiguous in memory (unless the C interface allows for specifying the array strides).
As a consequence, for example, as of cuQuantum Python v0.1.0 all C structs (including handles and descriptors) are not exposed
as Python classes; that is, they do not have their own types and are simply cast to plain Python int
for passing around. Any
downstream consumer should create a wrapper class to hold the pointer address if so desired. In other words, users have full
control (and responsibility) for managing the pointer lifetime.
However, in certain cases we are able to convert Python objects for users (if readonly, host arrays are needed) so as to alleviate users’ burden. For example, in functions that require a sequence or a nested sequence, the following operations are equivalent:
# passing a host buffer of int type can be done like this
buf = numpy.array([0, 1, 3, 5, 6], dtype=numpy.int32)
my_func(..., buf.ctypes.data, ...)
# or just this
buf = [0, 1, 3, 5, 6]
my_func(..., buf, ...) # the underlying data type is determined by the C API
which is particularly useful when users need to pass a large number of tensor metadata to C (ex: cutensornet.create_network_descriptor()
User-provided memory pools¶
Starting cuQuantum v22.03, we offer an interface for users to bring in their memory pool for the cuStateVec/cuTensorNet libraries to use. Once set, users are no longer required to manage any temporary workspace before calling an API; the library will draw memory from the user’s pool (and return it back once done). The only requirement for the memory pool is it must be stream-ordered. See Memory Management API for an introduction. Currently we only support device mempools.
In cuQuantum Python, this interface is exposed with low-level APIs custatevec.set_device_mem_handler()
and custatevec.get_device_mem_handler()
(likewise for cutensornet
). Currently we offer three different ways to set the handler
if an
is given, it is assumed to be a pointer address to a fully initializedcustatevecDeviceMemHandler_t
structif a Python sequence of length 4, it is assumed to be
(ctx, device_alloc, device_free, name)
if a Python sequence of length 3, it is assumed to be
(malloc, free, name)
see the API reference for further detail. Once set, using the calling convention
setting the workspace (or workspace descriptor) pointer address to
setting the workspace size to
wherever an API needs a workspace will notify the library that it should use the user mempool. This example demonstrates the usage of this API.
Usage example¶
The code below is a Python translation of the corresponding cuStateVec example written in C.
import numpy as np
import cupy as cp
from cuquantum import custatevec as cusv
from cuquantum import cudaDataType as cudtype
from cuquantum import ComputeType as ctype
nIndexBits = 3
nSvSize = (1 << nIndexBits)
nTargets = 1
nControls = 2
adjoint = 0
targets = (2,)
controls = (0, 1)
d_sv = cp.asarray([[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.1], [0.1, 0.1], [0.1, 0.2],
[0.2, 0.2], [0.3, 0.3], [0.3, 0.4], [0.4, 0.5]], dtype=np.float64)
d_sv = d_sv.view(np.complex128).reshape(-1)
d_sv_result = cp.asarray([[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.1], [0.1, 0.1], [0.4, 0.5],
[0.2, 0.2], [0.3, 0.3], [0.3, 0.4], [0.1, 0.2]], dtype=np.float64)
d_sv_result = d_sv_result.view(np.complex128).reshape(-1)
d_matrix = cp.asarray([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]], dtype=np.float64)
d_matrix = d_matrix.view(np.complex128).reshape(-1)
# cuStateVec handle initialization
handle = cusv.create()
# check the size of external workspace
extraWorkspaceSizeInBytes = cusv.apply_matrix_get_workspace_size(
handle, cudtype.CUDA_C_64F, nIndexBits, d_matrix.data.ptr, cudtype.CUDA_C_64F,
cusv.MatrixLayout.ROW, adjoint, nTargets, nControls, ctype.COMPUTE_64F)
# allocate external workspace if necessary
if extraWorkspaceSizeInBytes > 0:
workspace = cp.cuda.alloc(extraWorkspaceSizeInBytes)
workspace_ptr = workspace.ptr
workspace_ptr = 0
# apply gate
handle, d_sv.data.ptr, cudtype.CUDA_C_64F, nIndexBits,
d_matrix.data.ptr, cudtype.CUDA_C_64F, cusv.MatrixLayout.ROW, adjoint,
targets, len(targets), controls, 0, len(controls), ctype.COMPUTE_64F,
workspace_ptr, extraWorkspaceSizeInBytes)
# destroy handle
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check if d_sv holds the updated statevector
correct = cp.allclose(d_sv, d_sv_result)
if not correct:
raise RuntimeError("example FAILED: wrong result")
# if this is a standalone script, everything is cleaned up properly at exit