
cuquantum.cutensornet.state_apply_network_operator(intptr_t handle, intptr_t tensor_network_state, intptr_t tensor_network_operator, int32_t immutable, int32_t adjoint, int32_t unitary) int64_t[source]

Applies a tensor network operator to a tensor network state.

  • handle (intptr_t) – cuTensorNet library handle.

  • tensor_network_state (intptr_t) – Tensor network state.

  • tensor_network_operator (intptr_t) – Tensor network operator containg only a single component.

  • immutable (int32_t) – Whether or not the tensor network operator data may change during the lifetime of the tensor network state.

  • adjoint (int32_t) – Whether or not the tensor network operator is applied as an adjoint.

  • unitary (int32_t) – Whether or not the tensor network operator is unitary with respect to the first and second halves of its modes.


Unique integer id (for later identification of the tensor network operator).

Return type
