
cuquantum.cutensornet.tensor_svd_config_set_attribute(intptr_t handle, intptr_t svd_config, int attr, intptr_t buf, size_t size_in_bytes)[source]

Sets attributes of svd_config.

  • handle (intptr_t) – Opaque handle holding cuTensorNet’s library context.

  • svd_config (intptr_t) – Opaque structure that is accessed.

  • attr (TensorSVDConfigAttribute) – Specifies the attribute that is requested.

  • buf (intptr_t) – This buffer (of size size_in_bytes) determines the value to which attr will be set.

  • size_in_bytes (size_t) – Size of buf (in bytes).


To compute the attribute size, use the itemsize of the corresponding data type, which can be queried using get_tensor_svd_config_attribute_dtype().