NVIDIA cuOpt Managed Service
NVIDIA cuOpt Managed Service

Managed Service Client API Reference

Service Client

Service CLI


usage: cuopt_cli [-h] [-s SAK] [-c CREDENTIALS] [-a API] [-f FUNC] [-i FVID] [-g] [-t TEMP] [-l {critical,error,warning,info,debug}] [-p POLL_TIMEOUT] [-n] [file] Solve a cuOpt problem using a managed service client. positional arguments: file Filename or JSON string, required if -g is not specified. Data may be a cuopt problem or contain reqId and assetId (if any) as displayed in the output from a previous request which timed out. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SAK, --sak SAK NOTE: This is still under development and not yet supported. File containing sak value in JSON. If this file is not supplied, the environment variable CUOPT_CLIENT_SAK will be used. Only one of the two authetication methods (SAK or CLIENT ID & SECRET) can be used. -c CREDENTIALS, --credentials CREDENTIALS File containing client_id and secret values in JSON. If this file is not supplied, the environment variables CUOPT_CLIENT_ID and CUOPT_CLIENT_SECRET will be used Only one of the two authetication methods(SAK or CLIENT ID & SECRET) can be used. -a API, --api API Relevant only for internal NVIDIA testing. File containing api URLS in JSON. If this file is not supplied, the environment variables CUOPT_AUTH_URL and CUOPT_API_URL will be used if set. -f FUNC, --func FUNC name or id of the cuOpt cloud function to call. If no name or id is specified and all available functions have the same name then that name will be used. The latest version of the specified function will be called if the -i option is not set. -i FVID, --fvid FVID The id of a specific version of the specified function to call. This should only be used when multiple versions of the same function are available and a version other than the latest is desired. By default, the latest version will be called. -g, --get-functions Print a list of available cuOpt functions and exit. Refreshes the version cache. -t TEMP, --temp TEMP directory to write temporary files for handling large results (default ./) -l {critical,error,warning,info,debug}, --log-level {critical,error,warning,info,debug} Log level -p POLL_TIMEOUT, --poll-timeout POLL_TIMEOUT Number of seconds to poll for a result before timing out and returning a request id to re-query (defaults to 120) -n, --no-compress Disable zlib compression for uncompressed data files larger than 250kb. For most cases zlib compression will improve cuOpt download speed and should be left enabled. This flag may be used to preserve backward compatibility with older cuOpt versions that do not support zlib compression.

© Copyright 2021-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Nov 13, 2023.