Prerequisites for running container
nvidia-docker2 needs to be installed
NVIDIA Pascal GPU or newer
CUDA 11.0+
NVIDIA driver 450.80.02+
A single container can be spun up as a server or accessed through Jupyter Notebook to work on SDK. Users can also utilize bash directly into the container and use cuOpt. The following describes how to run a container to access these options.
Pascal will be dropped in future releases.
Access the Container
The container is hosted on NGC and requires NGC sign-in to access the container.
Please refer to the doc for more information about NGC and API keys.
Log in to the NGC container registry.
sudo docker login
When prompted for a user name, enter the following text:
When prompted for a password, enter the NGC API key, as shown in the following example.
If you have not generated an API Key, you can generate it by going to the Setup option in your profile and choose Get API Key. Store this or generate a new one next time. More information can be found here.
Username: $oauthtoken
Password: <MY-API-KEY>
Select the container version from the NGC registry page and copy the container image path. In a command prompt, run the following command to pull the docker image.
sudo docker pull <IMAGE_PATH>
Ensure the pull completes successfully before proceeding to the next step.
Run cuOpt as a Microservice
This starts a microservice to run on port 5000, and other microservices can send requests to this endpoint.
If you have Docker 19.03 or later, a typical command to launch the container is:
docker run --network=host -it --gpus all --rm <IMAGE_ID>
If you are running on WSL, you would need explicit port mapping:
docker run -it -p 8000:5000 --gpus all --rm <ImageID>
If you have Docker 19.02 or earlier, a typical command to launch the container is:
nvidia-docker run -it --gpus all --rm --network=host <ImageID>
If you are running on WSL, you would need explicit port mapping:
nvidia-docker run -it -p 8000:5000 --gpus all --rm <ImageID>
Run cuOpt as a Python SDK
To do this, run the container and open the bash shell.
If you have Docker 19.03 or later, a typical command to launch the container is:
docker run -it --gpus all --rm --network=host <ImageID> /bin/bash
If you have Docker 19.02 or earlier, a typical command to launch the container is:
nvidia-docker run -it --gpus all --rm --network=host <ImageID> /bin/bash
Access Sample Juptyer Notebooks
There are sample notebooks available in the container itself to try, in the in /home/cuopt_user/notebooks directory. This can be accessed as follows
docker run --gpus all -it --rm --network=host <ImageID> jupyter-notebook --notebook-dir /home/cuopt_user/notebooks
cuOpt container can be deployed using Helm charts provided through NGC. Users would need a Kubernetes cluster to deploy this and can refer to NGC’s instructions on creating a simple cluster locally for testing.
Create Namespace for NVIDIA cuOpt Server
Create a namespace and an environment variable for the namespace to organize the k8s cluster deployed to logically separate NVIDIA cuOpt deployments from other projects using the following command:
kubectl create namespace <some name>
export NAMESPACE="<some name>"
Fetch Helm Chart
helm fetch<tag> --username='$oauthtoken' --password=<YOUR API KEY>
Run cuOpt as a Server
On ClusterIP
helm install --namespace $NAMESPACE --set ngc.apiKey=<YOUR API KEY> nvidia-cuopt-chart cuopt --values cuopt/values.yaml
It might take some time to download the container, which is shown in the status as ContainerCreating, else it would be Running. Use the following commands to verify,
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get all NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/cuopt-cuopt-deployment-595656b9d6-dbqcb 1/1 Running 0 21s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/cuopt-cuopt-deployment-cuopt-service ClusterIP X.X.X.X <none> 5000/TCP,8888/TCP 21s NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/cuopt-cuopt-deployment 1/1 1 1 21s NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/cuopt-cuopt-deployment-595656b9d6 1 1 1 21s
On nodePort
Enable node port using param enable_nodeport. The default node port for the server is 30000 and can be changed to another using the param node_port_server.
helm install --namespace $NAMESPACE --set ngc.apiKey=<YOUR API KEY> nvidia-cuopt-chart cuopt --set enable_nodeport=true --set node_port_server=30011 --values cuopt/values.yaml
NoteNotebook can also be run with option enable_notebook_server along with cuOpt server.
Run Jupyter Notebook
Using values_notebook.yaml to set-up notebook related set-ups
On ClusterIP
helm install --namespace $NAMESPACE --set ngc.apiKey=<YOUR API KEY> nvidia-cuopt-chart cuopt --values cuopt/values_notebook.yaml
On nodePort
Enable node port using param enable_nodeport. The default node port for the server is 30001 and can be changed to another using the param node_port_notebook.
helm install --namespace $NAMESPACE --set ngc.apiKey=<YOUR API KEY> nvidia-cuopt-chart cuopt --set enable_nodeport=true --set node_port_notebook=30021 --values cuopt/values_notebook.yaml
cuOpt server can also run with option enable_server along with notebook.
Uninstalling NVIDIA cuOpt Server
helm uninstall -n $NAMESPACE nvidia-cuopt-chart
For examples and additional information, refer to the documentation.