Clara Holoscan Deploy 0.7.4

RPC Error Codes

RPC error codes are signed, 32-bit values returned by Clara Deploy SDK as part of the Standard Reponse Header.

All error codes are negative values, with non-negative values reserved for success conditions. The errors are as follows:

Errors related to Pipelines and/or the Pipeline Service are in the range -[0x1000, 0x1999].

Invalid Pipeline ID

Returned when a Pipeline ID in an RPC request is malformed (i.e. not a valid UUID).

Code: -0x1000

Missing/Invalid Pipeline

Returned when specified pipeline ID does not match an existing pipeline.

Code: -0x1001

Pipeline Store Error

Returned when storage of a pipeline in the pipeline service fails.

Code: -0x1002

Pipeline List Error

Returned when listing the pipelines in the pipeline service fails.

Code: -0x1003

Pipeline Update Error

Returned when updating an exising pipelind in the pipeline service fails.

Code: -0x1004

Pipeline Definition Error

Returned when the pipeline definition in an RPC request is malformed.

Messages: An exception string describing the issue with the request.

Code: -0x1100

Pipeline Load Error

Returned when loading/parsing a Clara Pipeline Definition fails.

Messages: An exception string generated during the pipeline load process. This generally includes error messages to help resolve the issue with the provided pipeline definition.

Code: -0x1101

Errors related to Pipeline Jobs and/or the Jobs Service are in the range -[0x2000, 0x2999].

Invalid Job ID

Returned when a job ID in an RPC request is malformed (i.e. not a valid UUID).

Code: -0x2000

Missing/Invalid Job

Returned when specified job ID does not match an existing job.

Code: -0x2001

Job Store Error

Returned when storage of a job in the jobs service fails.

Code: -0x2002

Jobs List Error

Returned when listing the jobs in the jobs service fails.

Code: -0x2003

Invalid Job Name

Returned when the specified name of a job is invalid.

Messages: Job name parse error and/or a definition for a valid job name.

Code: -0x2100

Invalid Job Variable

Returned when a variable specified during job start is invalid.

Messages: Description of the variable definition that is invalid.

Code: -0x2101

Create Payload Failed

Returned when creating a payload as part of job creation fails.

Code: -0x2102

Job Start Error

Returned when starting a job fails.

Code: -0x2103

Job Cancel Error

Returned when cancelling a job fails.

Code: -0x2104

Errors related to payloads and/or the payload service are in the range -[0x3000, 0x3999].

Invalid Payload ID

Returned when a payload ID in an RPC request is malformed (i.e. not a valid UUID).

Code: -0x3000

Missing/Invalid Payload

Returned when specified payload ID does not match an existing payload.

Code: -0x3001

Missing File

Returned when a provided filename does not exist in the payload.

Messages: The name of the missing file.

Code: -0x3100

Delete Contents Failure

Returned when deleting the contents of a payload fails.

Code: -0x3101

Payload Details Failure

Returned when enumerating the contents of a payload fails.

Code: -0x3102

Download File Failure

Returned when downloading the contents of a file from a payload fails.

Messages: An exception string describing the download failure.

Code: -0x3103

Upload File Failure

Returned when uploading the contents of a file to a payload fails.

Messages: An exception string describing the upload failure.

Code: -0x3104

Payload Delete Failure

Returned when deleting a payload fails.

Code: -0x3105

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