Clara Holoscan Deploy 0.7.4

17.26. Pipelines Update RPC

Requests an update to a pipeline definition known by the service.

rpc Update (stream PipelinesUpdateRequest) returns (PipelinesUpdateResponse);

17.26.1. Messages

  • PipelinesUpdateRequest
  • PipelinesUpdateResponse

message PipelinesUpdateRequest { RequestHeader header = 1; Identifier pipeline_id = 2; PipelineDefinitionFile definition = 3; }

17.27.1. Properties

type: message

Standard RPC request header.

See RequestHeader for details. pipeline_id

type: message

Unique identifier of the pipeline to update.

Required. If the identifier value is omitted from the request or does not match any known pipeline identifier, Clara Deploy SDK will be unable to fulfill the request.

See Identifier for details. definition

type: message

A file in the definition of the pipeline.

Expected format: YAML using the Clara Deploy SDK Pipeline definition schema.

Note that this request is streamed to allow large pipeline definitions beyond the limits of a single GRPC message size. In the case of large pipelines, parts of the pipeline definition may be chunked into multiple parts such that the server will concatenate all parts having the same name into a single file server-side.

Pipeline definition file names are case-preserving. When a definition contains multiple files with names that only differ by case, they will be combined into a single file using one of the colliding names as the combined file’s name.

See PipelineDefinitionFile for details.


message PipelineUpdateResponse { ResponseHeader header = 1; }

Clara Deploy SDK Pipelines service will respond to any update request with a PipelinesUpdateResponse message. Requestors can use the response message to determine the result of their request.

17.28.1. Properties header

type: message

Standard RPC response header.

See ResponseHeader for details.

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