8.19. Clara Pipeline Payload Entry
Payload entries are name / path pairs defined in the pipeline definition for the currently executing pipeline for the current operator.
The name of a payload entry can be empty (zero length string). Though only a single entry can have an empty name for any set of inputs or outputs.
Clara remaps operator input and output paths as necessary prior to starting a pipeline. The path remapping is done to enable the output of one operator (example: “/data/output”) to be mapped to the input of another operator (example: “/app/input”).
see also: Payload
Gets the name value from a payload entry object.
The name of a payload entry can be empty (zero length string). Though only a single entry can have an empty name for any set of inputs or outputs.
Returns a System.String
string Name { get; }
Gets the path value of a payload entry object.
Clara remaps operator input and output paths as necessary prior to starting a pipeline.The path remapping is done to enable the output of one operator (example: “/data/output”) to be mapped to the input of another operator (example: “/app/input”).
Returns a System.String
string Path { get; }