19.46. Jobs Status RPC
Requests the status of a known job by its identifier.
rpc Status (JobsStatusRequest) returns (JobsStatusResponse);
19.46.1. Messages
- JobsStatusRequest
- JobsStatusResponse
message JobsStatusRequest {
RequestHeader header = 1;
Identifier job_id = 2;
The timestamps reported by the status of pipelines that rely on Argo workflow orchestration are invalid. Clara Platform does not track times related to pipelines that rely on Argo workflow orchestration.
19.47.1. Properties header
type: message
Standard RPC request header.
See RequestHeader for details. job_id
type: message
Unique identifier of the job status is requested for.
See Identifier for details.
message JobsStatusResponse {
ResponseHeader header = 1;
Identifier job_id = 2;
Identifier pipeline_id = 3;
Identifier payload_id = 4;
JobState state = 5;
JobStatus status = 6;
string name = 7;
JobPriority priority = 9;
Timestamp created = 13;
Timestamp started = 14;
Timestamp stopped = 15;
repeated JobOperatorDetails operator_details = 16;
map<string, string> metadata = 17;
repeated JobDagNode dag = 18;
repeated string messages = 8;
Clara Deploy SDK Jobs service will respond to any status request with a JobsStatusResponse
message. Requestors can use the response message to determine the result of their request.
19.48.1. Properties header
type: message
Standard RPC response header.
See ResponseHeader for details. job_id
type: message
Unique identifier of the job status is being reported on.
See Identifier for details. pipeline_id
type: message
Unique identifier of the pipeline the job is an instance of.
See Identifier for details. payload_id
type: message
Unique identifier of the payload the job is assigned to.
See Identifier for details. state
type: enum
Current state of the job.
See JobState for details. status
type: enum
Current status of the job.
See JobStatus for details. name
type: string
Human readable name of the job. priority
type: enum
Priority of the job. created
type: message
Timestamp describing when the job was created.
See Timestamp for details. started
type: message
Timestamp describing when the job was started.
See Timestamp for details. stopped
type: message
Timestamp describing when the job was stopped.
See Timestamp for details. operator_details
type: list
List of operators with associated status details associated with the job.
See JobOperatorStatus for details. metadata
type: map
Metadata (set of key/value pairs) associated with the job.
Key and Value are string types. messages
type: list
List of messages reported by the job. dag
type: repeated message
A directed acyclic graph [DAG] representing the input/output dependencies as well as ordering dependencies in execution between operators of the pipeline.
The input/output dependencies and orderering dependencies are represented separately as they may not be the same since the platform may reorder the pipeline to accommodate for gpu requests for the pipeline.
Repeated element because pipeline DAG can start or end with as many nodes as necessary.
See JobDagNode for details.