NVIDIA Clara Deploy SDK User Guide

9.11. Container

Clara Deploy SDK pipelines are comprised of one or more containerized applications, with each operator and service definition in a pipeline defining how a containerized application interacts with the pipeline.

The container property is one of the few required properties in operator and service definitions. Its primary role is to provide Clara Deploy SDK enough information to setup and run the containerized application. image

type: string

The name of the container image (as known by the container image repository) that Clara Deploy SDK should run when executing the operator or service.

The value should not include the repository root URI, as Clara Deploy SDK will only attempt to run container images from its registered repository. tag

type: string

The container image tag. Often used as a method of versioning generations of the same image.

When tag value is not supplied, “latest” will be used as the default value. command

type: array

When supplied and the container image does not have a predefined container entry-point, the value of the command becomes the entry-point.

When supplied and the container image does have a predefined container entry-point, the value of the command is passed to the entry-point as arguments.

Read Docker (default command or options) for more details.

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