Dynamic Batcher#
Dynamic batching is a feature of Triton that allows inference requests to be combined by the server, so that a batch is created dynamically. Creating a batch of requests typically results in increased throughput. The dynamic batcher should be used for stateless models. The dynamically created batches are distributed to all model instances configured for the model.
Dynamic batching is enabled and configured independently for each model using the ModelDynamicBatching property in the model configuration. These settings control the preferred size(s) of the dynamically created batches, the maximum time that requests can be delayed in the scheduler to allow other requests to join the dynamic batch, and queue properties such a queue size, priorities, and time-outs. Refer to this guide for a more detailed example of dynamic batching.
Recommended Configuration Process#
The individual settings are described in detail below. The following steps are the recommended process for tuning the dynamic batcher for each model. It is also possible to use the Model Analyzer to automatically search across different dynamic batcher configurations.
Decide on a maximum batch size for the model.
Add the following to the model configuration to enable the dynamic batcher with all default settings. By default the dynamic batcher will create batches as large as possible up to the maximum batch size and will not delay when forming batches.
dynamic_batching { }
Use the Performance Analyzer to determine the latency and throughput provided by the default dynamic batcher configuration.
If the default configuration results in latency values that are within your latency budget, try one or both of the following to trade off increased latency for increased throughput:
Increase maximum batch size.
Set batch delay to a non-zero value. Try increasing delay values until the latency budget is exceeded to see the impact on throughput.
Preferred batch sizes should not be used for most models. A preferred batch size(s) should only be configured if that batch size results in significantly higher performance than other batch sizes.
Preferred Batch Sizes#
The preferred_batch_size property indicates the batch sizes that the dynamic batcher should attempt to create. For most models, preferred_batch_size should not be specified, as described in Recommended Configuration Process. An exception is TensorRT models that specify multiple optimization profiles for different batch sizes. In this case, because some optimization profiles may give significant performance improvement compared to others, it may make sense to use preferred_batch_size for the batch sizes supported by those higher-performance optimization profiles.
The following example shows the configuration that enables dynamic batching with preferred batch sizes of 4 and 8.
dynamic_batching {
preferred_batch_size: [ 4, 8 ]
When a model instance becomes available for inferencing, the dynamic batcher will attempt to create batches from the requests that are available in the scheduler. Requests are added to the batch in the order the requests were received. If the dynamic batcher can form a batch of a preferred size(s) it will create a batch of the largest possible preferred size and send it for inferencing. If the dynamic batcher cannot form a batch of a preferred size (or if the dynamic batcher is not configured with any preferred batch sizes), it will send a batch of the largest size possible that is less than the maximum batch size allowed by the model (but see the following section for the delay option that changes this behavior).
The size of generated batches can be examined in aggregate using count metrics.
Delayed Batching#
The dynamic batcher can be configured to allow requests to be delayed for a limited time in the scheduler to allow other requests to join the dynamic batch. For example, the following configuration sets the maximum delay time of 100 microseconds for a request.
dynamic_batching {
max_queue_delay_microseconds: 100
The max_queue_delay_microseconds property setting changes the dynamic batcher behavior when a maximum size (or preferred size) batch cannot be created. When a batch of a maximum or preferred size cannot be created from the available requests, the dynamic batcher will delay sending the batch as long as no request is delayed longer than the configured max_queue_delay_microseconds value. If a new request arrives during this delay and allows the dynamic batcher to form a batch of a maximum or preferred batch size, then that batch is sent immediately for inferencing. If the delay expires the dynamic batcher sends the batch as is, even though it is not a maximum or preferred size.
Preserve Ordering#
The preserve_ordering property is used to force all responses to be returned in the same order as requests were received. See the protobuf documentation for details.
Priority Levels#
By default the dynamic batcher maintains a single queue that holds all inference requests for a model. The requests are processed and batched in order. The priority_levels property can be used to create multiple priority levels within the dynamic batcher so that requests with higher priority are allowed to bypass requests with lower priority. Requests at the same priority level are processed in order. Inference requests that do not set a priority are scheduled using the default_priority_level property.
Queue Policy#
The dynamic batcher provides several settings that control how requests are queued for batching.
When priority_levels is not defined, the ModelQueuePolicy for the single queue can be set with default_queue_policy. When priority_levels is defined, each priority level can have a different ModelQueuePolicy as specified by default_queue_policy and priority_queue_policy.
The ModelQueuePolicy property allows a maximum queue size to be set using the max_queue_size. The timeout_action, default_timeout_microseconds and allow_timeout_override settings allow the queue to be configured so that individual requests are rejected or deferred if their time in the queue exceeds a specified timeout.
Custom Batching#
You can set custom batching rules that work in addition to the specified behavior of the dynamic batcher. To do so, you would implement five functions in tritonbackend.h and create a shared library. These functions are described below.
Function |
Description |
TRITONBACKEND_ModelBatchIncludeRequest |
Determines whether a request should be included in the current batch |
TRITONBACKEND_ModelBatchInitialize |
Initializes a record-keeping data structure for a new batch |
TRITONBACKEND_ModelBatchFinalize |
Deallocates the record-keeping data structure after a batch is formed |
TRITONBACKEND_ModelBatcherInitialize |
Initializes a read-only data structure for use with all batches |
TRITONBACKEND_ModelBatcherFinalize |
Deallocates the read-only data structure after the model is unloaded |
The path to the shared library can be passed into the model configuration via the parameter
. If not provided, the dynamic batcher will look for a custom
batching strategy named in the model version, model, and backend directories,
in that order. If found, it will load it. This lets you easily share a custom batching strategy
among all models using the same backend.
For a tutorial of how to create and use a custom batching library, please see the backend examples directory.
Sequence Batcher#
Like the dynamic batcher, the sequence batcher combines non-batched inference requests, so that a batch is created dynamically. Unlike the dynamic batcher, the sequence batcher should be used for stateful models where a sequence of inference requests must be routed to the same model instance. The dynamically created batches are distributed to all model instances configured for the model.
Sequence batching is enabled and configured independently for each model using the ModelSequenceBatching property in the model configuration. These settings control the sequence timeout as well as configuring how Triton will send control signals to the model indicating sequence start, end, ready and correlation ID. See Stateful Models for more information and examples.
Iterative Sequences#
[!NOTE] Iterative sequences are provisional and likely to change in future versions. The sequence batcher supports stateful execution of “iterative sequences” where a single request is processed over a number of scheduling iterations. “Iterative sequences” enable the scheduler to batch multiple inflight requests at each step and allow the model or backend to complete a request at any iteration.
For models and backends that support “iterative sequences”, users can enable support in the sequence batcher by specifying:
sequence_batching {
iterative_sequence: true
An “iterative sequence” refers to stateful models that iteratively process a single request until a complete response is generated. When iterative sequence is enabled, the sequence scheduler will expect a single incoming request to initiate the sequence. Backends that support iterative sequences can then yield back to the sequence batcher to reschedule the request for further execution in a future batch.
Because only one request is used to represent the “iterative sequence”, the user doesn’t need to set control inputs mentioned in the previous section. They will be filled internally by the scheduler.
“Iterative sequences” can be decoupled where more than one response can be generated during execution or non-decoupled where a single response is generated when the full response is complete.
The main advantage of “iterative sequences” is the ability to use Triton’s native batching capabilities to form batches of requests at different iteration stages without having to maintain additional state in the backend. Typically batches executed by backends are completed in the same execution which can waste resources if the execution of one of the requests in the batch takes much longer than the rest. With “iterative sequences”, processing for each request in a batch can be broken down into multiple iterations and a backend can start processing new requests as soon as any request is complete.
Continuous/Inflight Batching with Iterative Sequences#
Continuous batching, iteration level batching, and inflight batching are terms used in large language model (LLM) inferencing to describe batching strategies that form batches of requests at each iteration step. By forming batches “continuously” inference servers can increase throughput by reusing batch slots as soon as they are free without waiting for all requests in a batch to complete.
As the number of steps required to process a request can vary significantly, batching existing requests and new requests continuously can have a significant improvement on throughput and latency.
To achieve inflight batching with iterative sequences, the backend should break request processing into a number of steps, where each step corresponds to one Triton model instance execution. At the end of each step, the model instance will release requests that have been completed and reschedule requests that are still inflight. Triton will then form and schedule the next batch of requests that mixes new and rescheduled requests.