Ensemble Models#
An ensemble model represents a pipeline of one or more models and the connection of input and output tensors between those models. Ensemble models are intended to be used to encapsulate a procedure that involves multiple models, such as “data preprocessing -> inference -> data postprocessing”. Using ensemble models for this purpose can avoid the overhead of transferring intermediate tensors and minimize the number of requests that must be sent to Triton.
The ensemble scheduler must be used for ensemble models, regardless of the scheduler used by the models within the ensemble. With respect to the ensemble scheduler, an ensemble model is not an actual model. Instead, it specifies the dataflow between models within the ensemble as ModelEnsembling::Step entries in the model configuration. The scheduler collects the output tensors in each step, provides them as input tensors for other steps according to the specification. In spite of that, the ensemble model is still viewed as a single model from an external view.
Note that the ensemble models will inherit the characteristics of the models involved, so the meta-data in the request header must comply with the models within the ensemble. For instance, if one of the models is stateful model, then the inference request for the ensemble model should contain the information mentioned in Stateful Models, which will be provided to the stateful model by the scheduler.
As an example consider an ensemble model for image classification and segmentation that has the following model configuration:
name: "ensemble_model"
platform: "ensemble"
max_batch_size: 1
input [
name: "IMAGE"
data_type: TYPE_STRING
dims: [ 1 ]
output [
data_type: TYPE_FP32
dims: [ 1000 ]
data_type: TYPE_FP32
dims: [ 3, 224, 224 ]
ensemble_scheduling {
step [
model_name: "image_preprocess_model"
model_version: -1
input_map {
key: "RAW_IMAGE"
value: "IMAGE"
output_map {
value: "preprocessed_image"
model_name: "classification_model"
model_version: -1
input_map {
value: "preprocessed_image"
output_map {
model_name: "segmentation_model"
model_version: -1
input_map {
value: "preprocessed_image"
output_map {
The ensemble_scheduling section indicates that the ensemble scheduler will be used and that the ensemble model consists of three different models. Each element in step section specifies the model to be used and how the inputs and outputs of the model are mapped to tensor names recognized by the scheduler. For example, the first element in step specifies that the latest version of image_preprocess_model should be used, the content of its input “RAW_IMAGE” is provided by “IMAGE” tensor, and the content of its output “PREPROCESSED_OUTPUT” will be mapped to “preprocessed_image” tensor for later use. The tensor names recognized by the scheduler are the ensemble inputs, the ensemble outputs and all values in the input_map and the output_map.
The models composing the ensemble may also have dynamic batching enabled. Since ensemble models are just routing the data between composing models, Triton can take requests into an ensemble model without modifying the ensemble’s configuration to exploit the dynamic batching of the composing models.
Assuming that only the ensemble model, the preprocess model, the classification model and the segmentation model are being served, the client applications will see them as four different models which can process requests independently. However, the ensemble scheduler will view the ensemble model as the following.
When an inference request for the ensemble model is received, the ensemble scheduler will:
Recognize that the “IMAGE” tensor in the request is mapped to input “RAW_IMAGE” in the preprocess model.
Check models within the ensemble and send an internal request to the preprocess model because all the input tensors required are ready.
Recognize the completion of the internal request, collect the output tensor and map the content to “preprocessed_image” which is an unique name known within the ensemble.
Map the newly collected tensor to inputs of the models within the ensemble. In this case, the inputs of “classification_model” and “segmentation_model” will be mapped and marked as ready.
Check models that require the newly collected tensor and send internal requests to models whose inputs are ready, the classification model and the segmentation model in this case. Note that the responses will be in arbitrary order depending on the load and computation time of individual models.
Repeat step 3-5 until no more internal requests should be sent, and then response to the inference request with the tensors mapped to the ensemble output names.
Unlike other models, ensemble models do not support “instance_group” field in
the model configuration. The reason is that the ensemble scheduler itself
is mainly an event-driven scheduler with very minimal overhead so its
almost never the bottleneck of the pipeline. The composing models
within the ensemble can be individually scaled up or down with their
respective instance_group
settings. To optimize your model pipeline
performance, you can use
Model Analyzer
to find the optimal model configurations.
Additional Resources#
You can find additional end-to-end ensemble examples in the links below:
This guide explores the concept of ensembles with a running example.
Accelerating Inference with NVIDIA Triton Inference Server and NVIDIA DALI