Implicit State Management#
Implicit state management allows a stateful model to store its state inside Triton. When using implicit state, the stateful model does not need to store the state required for inference inside the model.
Below is a portion of the model configuration that indicates the model is using implicit state.
sequence_batching {
state [
input_name: "INPUT_STATE"
output_name: "OUTPUT_STATE"
data_type: TYPE_INT32
dims: [ -1 ]
The state section in the sequence_batching setting is used to indicate that the model is using implicit state. The input_name field specifies the name of the input tensor that will contain the input state. The output_name field describes the name of the output tensor produced by the model that contains output state. The output state provided by the model in the ith request in the sequence will be used as the input state in the i+1th request. The dims field specifies the dimensions of the state tensors. When the dims field contains variable-sized dimensions, the shape of the input state and output state does not have to match.
For debugging purposes, the client can request the output state. In order to allow the client to request the output state, the output section of the model configuration must list the output state as one of the model outputs. Note that requesting the output state from the client can increase the request latency because of the additional tensors that have to be transferred.
Implicit state management requires backend support. Currently, only onnxruntime_backend tensorrt_backend, and pytorch_backend support implicit state.
State Initialization#
By default, the starting request in the sequence contains uninitialized data for
the input state. The model can use the start flag in the request to detect the
beginning of a new sequence and initialize the model state by providing the
initial state in the model output. If the dims section in the state
description of the model contains variable-sized dimensions, Triton will use 1
for every variable-sized dimension for the starting request. For other
non-starting requests in the sequence, the input state is the output state of
the previous request in the sequence. For an example ONNX model that uses
implicit state you can refer to this onnx model generated from the
from this generation script.
This is a simple accumulator model that stores the partial sum of the requests
in a sequence in Triton using implicit state. For state initialization, if the
request is starting, the model sets the “OUTPUT_STATE” to be equal to the
“INPUT” tensor. For non-starting requests, it sets the “OUTPUT_STATE” tensor
to the sum of “INPUT” and “INPUT_STATE” tensors.
In addition to the default state initialization discussed above, Triton provides two other mechanisms for initializing state.
Initializing State from Zero.#
Below is an example of initializing state from zero.
sequence_batching {
state [
input_name: "INPUT_STATE"
output_name: "OUTPUT_STATE"
data_type: TYPE_INT32
dims: [ -1 ]
initial_state: {
data_type: TYPE_INT32
dims: [ 1 ]
zero_data: true
name: "initial state"
Note that in the example above variable dimensions in the state description are converted to fixed size dimensions.
Initializing State from File#
For initializing state from file, you need to create a directory named “initial_state” under the model directory. The file that contains the initial state under this directory needs to be provided in the data_file field. The data stored in this file will be used in row-major order as the initial state. Below is an example state description initializing state from file.
sequence_batching {
state [
input_name: "INPUT_STATE"
output_name: "OUTPUT_STATE"
data_type: TYPE_INT32
dims: [ -1 ]
initial_state: {
data_type: TYPE_INT32
dims: [ 1 ]
data_file: "initial_state_data"
name: "initial state"
Scheduling Strategies#
The sequence batcher can employ one of two scheduling strategies when deciding how to batch the sequences that are routed to the same model instance. These strategies are direct and oldest.
With the Direct scheduling strategy the sequence batcher ensures not only that all inference requests in a sequence are routed to the same model instance, but also that each sequence is routed to a dedicated batch slot within the model instance. This strategy is required when the model maintains state for each batch slot, and is expecting all inference requests for a given sequence to be routed to the same slot so that the state is correctly updated.
As an example of the sequence batcher using the Direct scheduling strategy, assume a TensorRT stateful model that has the following model configuration.
name: "direct_stateful_model"
platform: "tensorrt_plan"
max_batch_size: 2
sequence_batching {
max_sequence_idle_microseconds: 5000000
direct { }
control_input [
name: "START"
control [
fp32_false_true: [ 0, 1 ]
name: "READY"
control [
fp32_false_true: [ 0, 1 ]
input [
name: "INPUT"
data_type: TYPE_FP32
dims: [ 100, 100 ]
output [
name: "OUTPUT"
data_type: TYPE_FP32
dims: [ 10 ]
instance_group [
count: 2
The sequence_batching section indicates that the model should use the sequence batcher and the Direct scheduling strategy. In this example the model only requires a start and ready control input from the sequence batcher so only those controls are listed. The instance_group indicates two instances of the model should be instantiated and max_batch_size indicates that each of those instances should perform batch-size 2 inferences. The following figure shows a representation of the sequence batcher and the inference resources specified by this configuration.
Each model instance is maintaining state for each batch slot, and is expecting all inference requests for a given sequence to be routed to the same slot so that the state is correctly updated. For this example that means that Triton can simultaneously perform inference for up to four sequences.
Using the Direct scheduling strategy, the sequence batcher:
Recognizes when an inference request starts a new sequence and allocates a batch slot for that sequence. If no batch slot is available for the new sequence, Triton places the inference request in a backlog.
Recognizes when an inference request is part of a sequence that has an allocated batch slot and routes the request to that slot.
Recognizes when an inference request is part of a sequence that is in the backlog and places the request in the backlog.
Recognizes when the last inference request in a sequence has been completed. The batch slot occupied by that sequence is immediately reallocated to a sequence in the backlog, or freed for a future sequence if there is no backlog.
The following figure shows how multiple sequences are scheduled onto the model instances using the Direct scheduling strategy. On the left the figure shows several sequences of requests arriving at Triton. Each sequence could be made up of any number of inference requests and those individual inference requests could arrive in any order relative to inference requests in other sequences, except that the execution order shown on the right assumes that the first inference request of sequence 0 arrives before any inference request in sequences 1-5, the first inference request of sequence 1 arrives before any inference request in sequences 2-5, etc.
The right of the figure shows how the inference request sequences are scheduled onto the model instances over time.
The following figure shows the sequence batcher uses the control input tensors to communicate with the model. The figure shows two sequences assigned to the two batch slots in a model instance. Inference requests for each sequence arrive over time. The START and READY rows show the input tensor values used for each execution of the model. Over time the following happens:
The first request arrives for the sequence in slot0. Assuming the model instance is not already executing an inference, the sequence scheduler immediately schedules the model instance to execute because an inference request is available.
This is the first request in the sequence so the corresponding element in the START tensor is set to 1. There is no request available in slot1 so the READY tensor shows only slot0 as ready.
After the inference completes the sequence scheduler sees that there are no requests available in any batch slot and so the model instance sits idle.
Next, two inference requests arrive close together in time so that the sequence scheduler sees them both available in their respective batch slots. The scheduler immediately schedules the model instance to perform a batch-size 2 inference and uses START and READY to show that both slots have an inference request available but that only slot1 is the start of a new sequence.
The processing continues in a similar manner for the other inference requests.
With the Oldest scheduling strategy the sequence batcher ensures that all inference requests in a sequence are routed to the same model instance and then uses the dynamic batcher to batch together multiple inferences from different sequences into a batch that inferences together. With this strategy the model must typically use the CONTROL_SEQUENCE_CORRID control so that it knows which sequence each inference request in the batch belongs to. The CONTROL_SEQUENCE_READY control is typically not needed because all inferences in the batch will always be ready for inference.
As an example of the sequence batcher using the Oldest scheduling strategy, assume a stateful model that has the following model configuration:
name: "oldest_stateful_model"
platform: "tensorflow_savedmodel"
max_batch_size: 2
sequence_batching {
max_sequence_idle_microseconds: 5000000
max_candidate_sequences: 4
control_input [
name: "START"
control [
fp32_false_true: [ 0, 1 ]
name: "END"
control [
fp32_false_true: [ 0, 1 ]
name: "CORRID"
control [
data_type: TYPE_UINT64
input [
name: "INPUT"
data_type: TYPE_FP32
dims: [ 100, 100 ]
output [
name: "OUTPUT"
data_type: TYPE_FP32
dims: [ 10 ]
The sequence_batching section indicates that the model should use the sequence batcher and the Oldest scheduling strategy. The Oldest strategy is configured so that the sequence batcher maintains up to 4 active candidate sequences from which it prefers to form dynamic batches of size 2. In this example the model requires a start, end, and correlation ID control input from the sequence batcher. The following figure shows a representation of the sequence batcher and the inference resources specified by this configuration.
Using the Oldest scheduling strategy, the sequence batcher:
Recognizes when an inference request starts a new sequence and attempts to find a model instance that has room for a candidate sequence. If no model instance has room for a new candidate sequence, Triton places the inference request in a backlog.
Recognizes when an inference request is part of a sequence that is already a candidate sequence in some model instance and routes the request to that model instance.
Recognizes when an inference request is part of a sequence that is in the backlog and places the request in the backlog.
Recognizes when the last inference request in a sequence has been completed. The model instance immediately removes a sequence from the backlog and makes it a candidate sequence in the model instance, or records that the model instance can handle a future sequence if there is no backlog.
The following figure shows how multiple sequences are scheduled onto the model instance specified by the above example configuration. On the left the figure shows four sequences of requests arriving at Triton. Each sequence is composed of multiple inference requests as shown in the figure. The center of the figure shows how the inference request sequences are batched onto the model instance over time, assuming that the inference requests for each sequence arrive at the same rate with sequence A arriving just before B, which arrives just before C, etc. The Oldest strategy forms a dynamic batch from the oldest requests but never includes more than one request from a given sequence in a batch (for example, the last two inferences in sequence D are not batched together).