3. Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
- doca_dpi_config_t
- DPI init configuration
- doca_dpi_parsing_info
- L2-L4 flow information
- doca_dpi_result
- Dequeue result
- doca_dpi_sig_data
- Extra signature data
- doca_dpi_sig_info
- Signature info
- doca_dpi_stat_info
- DPI statistics
- doca_flow_actions
- Doca flow actions information
- doca_flow_cfg
- Doca flow global configuration
- doca_flow_encap_action
- Doca flow encap data information
- doca_flow_error
- Doca flow error message struct
- doca_flow_fwd
- Forwarding configuration
- doca_flow_ip_addr
- Doca flow ip address
- doca_flow_match
- Doca flow matcher information
- doca_flow_monitor
- Doca monitor action configuration
- doca_flow_pipe_cfg
- Pipeline configuration
- doca_flow_port_cfg
- Doca flow port configuration
- doca_flow_query
- Flow query result
- doca_flow_tun
- Doca flow tunnel information
- doca_netflow_default_record
- Flow record, represent a flow at specific moment, usually after a flow end or after some timeout. Each one is a data record that will appear in the collector. This template is based on V5 fields with additional V9 fields
- doca_netflow_flowset_field
- One field in netflow template, please look at doca_netflow_types for type macros
- doca_netflow_template
- Template for the records. struct record_exmaple { uint32_t src_addr_V4; uint32_t dst_addr_V4; } struct doca_netflow_flowset_field fields[] = { {.type = DOCA_NETFLOW_IPV4_SRC_ADDR, .length = DOCA_NETFLOW_IPV4_SRC_ADDR_DEFAULT_LENGTH}, {.type = DOCA_NETFLOW_IPV4_DST_ADDR, .length = DOCA_NETFLOW_IPV4_DST_ADDR_DEFAULT_LENGTH} }; struct doca_netflow_template template = { .field_count = 2; .fields = fields; };
[ Deep packet inspection ]
Public Variables
- uint32_t max_packets_per_queue
- uint32_t max_sig_match_len
- uint16_t nb_queues
- uint32_t doca_dpi_config_t::max_packets_per_queue [inherited]
Number of packets concurrently processed by the DPI engine.
- uint32_t doca_dpi_config_t::max_sig_match_len [inherited]
The minimum required overlap between two packets for regex match
- uint16_t doca_dpi_config_t::nb_queues [inherited]
Number of DPI queues
[ Deep packet inspection ]
Public Variables
- __be16 ethertype
- in_addr ipv4
- in6_addr ipv6
- in_port_t l4_dport
- uint8_t l4_protocol
- in_port_t l4_sport
- __be16 doca_dpi_parsing_info::ethertype [inherited]
Ethertype of the packet in network byte order
- in_addr doca_dpi_parsing_info::ipv4 [inherited]
Ipv4 destination address in network byte order
- in6_addr doca_dpi_parsing_info::ipv6 [inherited]
Ipv6 destination address in network byte order
- in_port_t doca_dpi_parsing_info::l4_dport [inherited]
Layer 4 destination port in network byte order
- uint8_t doca_dpi_parsing_info::l4_protocol [inherited]
Layer 4 protocol
- in_port_t doca_dpi_parsing_info::l4_sport [inherited]
Layer 4 source port in network byte order
[ Deep packet inspection ]
Public Variables
- struct doca_dpi_sig_info info
- bool matched
- rte_mbuf * pkt
- int status_flags
- void * user_data
- struct doca_dpi_sig_infodoca_dpi_result::info [inherited]
Signature information
- bool doca_dpi_result::matched [inherited]
Indicates flow was matched
- rte_mbuf * doca_dpi_result::pkt [inherited]
Pkt provided on enqueue
- int doca_dpi_result::status_flags [inherited]
doca_dpi_flow_status flags
- void * doca_dpi_result::user_data [inherited]
User data provided on enqueue
[ Deep packet inspection ]
Public Variables
- char doca_dpi_sig_data::name[1024] [inherited]
Signature name
- uint32_t doca_dpi_sig_data::sig_id [inherited]
Signature ID as provided in the signature
[ Deep packet inspection ]
Public Variables
- int doca_dpi_sig_info::action [inherited]
The action as provided in the signature
- uint32_t doca_dpi_sig_info::sig_id [inherited]
Signature ID as provided in the signature
[ Deep packet inspection ]
Public Variables
- uint32_t nb_http_parser_based
- uint32_t nb_matches
- uint32_t nb_other_l4
- uint32_t nb_other_l7
- uint32_t nb_scanned_pkts
- uint32_t nb_ssl_parser_based
- uint32_t nb_tcp_based
- uint32_t nb_udp_based
- uint32_t doca_dpi_stat_info::nb_http_parser_based [inherited]
Total number of http signature matches
- uint32_t doca_dpi_stat_info::nb_matches [inherited]
Total number of signature matches
- uint32_t doca_dpi_stat_info::nb_other_l4 [inherited]
Total number of other l5 signature matches
- uint32_t doca_dpi_stat_info::nb_other_l7 [inherited]
Total number of other l7 signature matches
- uint32_t doca_dpi_stat_info::nb_scanned_pkts [inherited]
Total number of scanned packets
- uint32_t doca_dpi_stat_info::nb_ssl_parser_based [inherited]
Total number of ssl signature matches
- uint32_t doca_dpi_stat_info::nb_tcp_based [inherited]
Total number of tco signature matches
- uint32_t doca_dpi_stat_info::nb_udp_based [inherited]
Total number of udp signature matches
[ Flow ]
Public Variables
- bool dec_ttl
- bool decap
- struct doca_flow_encap_action encap
- bool has_encap
- struct doca_flow_ip_addr mod_dst_ip
- uint8_t mod_dst_mac[DOCA_ETHER_ADDR_LEN]
- doca_be16_t mod_dst_port
- struct doca_flow_ip_addr mod_src_ip
- uint8_t mod_src_mac[DOCA_ETHER_ADDR_LEN]
- doca_be16_t mod_src_port
- bool doca_flow_actions::dec_ttl [inherited]
decrease TTL value
- bool doca_flow_actions::decap [inherited]
when true, will do decap
- struct doca_flow_encap_actiondoca_flow_actions::encap [inherited]
encap data information
- bool doca_flow_actions::has_encap [inherited]
when true, will do encap
- struct doca_flow_ip_addrdoca_flow_actions::mod_dst_ip [inherited]
modify destination ip address
- uint8_t doca_flow_actions::mod_dst_mac[DOCA_ETHER_ADDR_LEN] [inherited]
modify destination mac address
- doca_be16_t doca_flow_actions::mod_dst_port [inherited]
modify layer 4 destination port
- struct doca_flow_ip_addrdoca_flow_actions::mod_src_ip [inherited]
modify source ip address
- uint8_t doca_flow_actions::mod_src_mac[DOCA_ETHER_ADDR_LEN] [inherited]
modify source mac address
- doca_be16_t doca_flow_actions::mod_src_port [inherited]
modify layer 4 source port
[ Flow ]
Public Variables
- bool aging
- bool is_hairpin
- uint16_t queues
- uint32_t total_sessions
- bool doca_flow_cfg::aging [inherited]
when true, aging is handled by doca
- bool doca_flow_cfg::is_hairpin [inherited]
when true, the fwd will be hairpin queue
- uint16_t doca_flow_cfg::queues [inherited]
queue id for each offload thread
- uint32_t doca_flow_cfg::total_sessions [inherited]
total flows count
[ Flow ]
Public Variables
- struct doca_flow_ip_addr dst_ip
- uint8_t dst_mac[DOCA_ETHER_ADDR_LEN]
- struct doca_flow_ip_addr src_ip
- uint8_t src_mac[DOCA_ETHER_ADDR_LEN]
- struct doca_flow_tun tun
- struct doca_flow_ip_addrdoca_flow_encap_action::dst_ip [inherited]
destination ip address
- uint8_t doca_flow_encap_action::dst_mac[DOCA_ETHER_ADDR_LEN] [inherited]
destination mac address
- struct doca_flow_ip_addrdoca_flow_encap_action::src_ip [inherited]
source ip address
- uint8_t doca_flow_encap_action::src_mac[DOCA_ETHER_ADDR_LEN] [inherited]
source mac address
- struct doca_flow_tundoca_flow_encap_action::tun [inherited]
tunnel info
[ Flow ]
Public Variables
- const char * message
- enumdoca_flow_error_type type
- const char * doca_flow_error::message [inherited]
Human-readable error message
- enumdoca_flow_error_typedoca_flow_error::type [inherited]
Cause field and error types
[ Flow ]
Public Variables
- doca_flow_pipe * next_pipe
- int num_of_queues
- uint16_t port_id
- uint32_t rss_flags
- uint32_t rss_mark
- uint16_t * rss_queues
- enumdoca_flow_fwd_type type
- doca_flow_pipe * doca_flow_fwd::next_pipe [inherited]
next pipe pointer
- int doca_flow_fwd::num_of_queues [inherited]
number of queues
- uint16_t doca_flow_fwd::port_id [inherited]
destination port id
- uint32_t doca_flow_fwd::rss_flags [inherited]
rss offload types
- uint32_t doca_flow_fwd::rss_mark [inherited]
markid of each queues
- uint16_t * doca_flow_fwd::rss_queues [inherited]
rss queues array
- enumdoca_flow_fwd_typedoca_flow_fwd::type [inherited]
indicate the forwarding type
Public Variables
- doca_be32_t doca_flow_ip_addr::ipv4_addr [inherited]
ipv4 address if type is ipv4
- doca_be32_t doca_flow_ip_addr::ipv6_addr[4] [inherited]
ipv6 address if type is ipv6
- uint8_t doca_flow_ip_addr::type [inherited]
ip address type
[ Flow ]
Public Variables
- uint32_t flags
- struct doca_flow_ip_addr in_dst_ip
- doca_be16_t in_dst_port
- uint8_t in_l4_type
- struct doca_flow_ip_addr in_src_ip
- doca_be16_t in_src_port
- struct doca_flow_ip_addr out_dst_ip
- uint8_t out_dst_mac[DOCA_ETHER_ADDR_LEN]
- doca_be16_t out_dst_port
- uint8_t out_l4_type
- struct doca_flow_ip_addr out_src_ip
- uint8_t out_src_mac[DOCA_ETHER_ADDR_LEN]
- doca_be16_t out_src_port
- struct doca_flow_tun tun
- doca_be16_t vlan_id
- uint32_t doca_flow_match::flags [inherited]
match items which are no value
- struct doca_flow_ip_addrdoca_flow_match::in_dst_ip [inherited]
inner destination ip address if tunnel is used
- doca_be16_t doca_flow_match::in_dst_port [inherited]
inner layer 4 destination port if tunnel is used
- uint8_t doca_flow_match::in_l4_type [inherited]
inner layer 4 protocol type if tunnel is used
- struct doca_flow_ip_addrdoca_flow_match::in_src_ip [inherited]
inner source ip address if tunnel is used
- doca_be16_t doca_flow_match::in_src_port [inherited]
inner layer 4 source port if tunnel is used
- struct doca_flow_ip_addrdoca_flow_match::out_dst_ip [inherited]
outer destination ip address
- uint8_t doca_flow_match::out_dst_mac[DOCA_ETHER_ADDR_LEN] [inherited]
outer destination mac address
- doca_be16_t doca_flow_match::out_dst_port [inherited]
outer layer 4 destination port
- uint8_t doca_flow_match::out_l4_type [inherited]
outer layer 4 protocol type
- struct doca_flow_ip_addrdoca_flow_match::out_src_ip [inherited]
outer source ip address
- uint8_t doca_flow_match::out_src_mac[DOCA_ETHER_ADDR_LEN] [inherited]
outer source mac address
- doca_be16_t doca_flow_match::out_src_port [inherited]
outer layer 4 source port
- struct doca_flow_tundoca_flow_match::tun [inherited]
tunnel info
- doca_be16_t doca_flow_match::vlan_id [inherited]
outer vlan id
[ Flow ]
Public Variables
- uint32_t doca_flow_monitor::aging [inherited]
aging time in seconds.
- uint64_t doca_flow_monitor::cir [inherited]
Committed Information Rate (bytes/second).
- uint8_t doca_flow_monitor::flags [inherited]
indicate which actions be included
- uint32_t doca_flow_monitor::id [inherited]
meter id
[ Flow ]
Public Variables
- doca_flow_actions * actions
- doca_flow_match * match
- doca_flow_match * match_mask
- doca_flow_monitor * monitor
- const char * name
- doca_flow_port * port
- doca_flow_actions * doca_flow_pipe_cfg::actions [inherited]
actions for the pipeline
- doca_flow_match * doca_flow_pipe_cfg::match [inherited]
matcher for the pipeline
- doca_flow_match * doca_flow_pipe_cfg::match_mask [inherited]
match mask for the pipeline
- doca_flow_monitor * doca_flow_pipe_cfg::monitor [inherited]
monitor for the pipeline
- const char * doca_flow_pipe_cfg::name [inherited]
name for the pipeline
- doca_flow_port * doca_flow_pipe_cfg::port [inherited]
port for the pipeline
[ Flow ]
Public Variables
- const char * devargs
- uint16_t port_id
- uint16_t priv_data_size
- enumdoca_flow_port_type type
- const char * doca_flow_port_cfg::devargs [inherited]
specific per port type cfg
- uint16_t doca_flow_port_cfg::port_id [inherited]
dpdk port id
- uint16_t doca_flow_port_cfg::priv_data_size [inherited]
user private data
- enumdoca_flow_port_typedoca_flow_port_cfg::type [inherited]
mapping type of port
[ Flow ]
Public Variables
- uint64_t total_bytes
- uint64_t total_pkts
- uint64_t doca_flow_query::total_bytes [inherited]
total bytes hit this flow
- uint64_t doca_flow_query::total_pkts [inherited]
total packets hit this flow
Public Variables
- doca_be32_t gre_key
- enum doca_flow_tun_type type
- uint32_t vxlan_tun_id
- doca_be32_t doca_flow_tun::gre_key [inherited]
gre key
- enum doca_flow_tun_type doca_flow_tun::type [inherited]
tunnel type
- uint32_t doca_flow_tun::vxlan_tun_id [inherited]
vxlan vni
[ NetFlow ]
all fields are in network byte order.
Public Variables
- __be32 d_octets
- __be32 d_pkts
- __be32 dst_addr_v4
- in6_addr dst_addr_v6
- __be16 dst_as
- uint8_t dst_mask
- __be16 dst_port
- __be32 first
- __be64 flow_id
- __be16 input
- __be32 last
- __be32 next_hop_v4
- in6_addr next_hop_v6
- __be16 output
- uint8_t protocol
- __be32 src_addr_v4
- in6_addr src_addr_v6
- __be16 src_as
- uint8_t src_mask
- __be16 src_port
- uint8_t tcp_flags
- uint8_t tos
- char doca_netflow_default_record::application_name[DOCA_NETFLOW_APPLICATION_NAME_DEFAULT_LENGTH] [inherited]
Name associated with a classification
- __be32 doca_netflow_default_record::d_octets [inherited]
Octets sent in Duration.
- __be32 doca_netflow_default_record::d_pkts [inherited]
Packets sent in Duration
- __be32 doca_netflow_default_record::dst_addr_v4 [inherited]
Destination IPV4 Address
- in6_addr doca_netflow_default_record::dst_addr_v6 [inherited]
Destination IPV6 Address
- __be16 doca_netflow_default_record::dst_as [inherited]
originating AS of destination address
- uint8_t doca_netflow_default_record::dst_mask [inherited]
destination address prefix mask bits
- __be16 doca_netflow_default_record::dst_port [inherited]
TCP/UDP destination port number or equivalent
- __be32 doca_netflow_default_record::first [inherited]
SysUptime at start of flow
- __be64 doca_netflow_default_record::flow_id [inherited]
This identifies a transaction within a connection
- __be16 doca_netflow_default_record::input [inherited]
Input interface index
- __be32 doca_netflow_default_record::last [inherited]
and of last packet of flow
- __be32 doca_netflow_default_record::next_hop_v4 [inherited]
Next hop router's IPV4 Address
- in6_addr doca_netflow_default_record::next_hop_v6 [inherited]
Next hop router's IPV6 Address
- __be16 doca_netflow_default_record::output [inherited]
Output interface index
- uint8_t doca_netflow_default_record::protocol [inherited]
IP protocol type (for example, TCP = 6;UDP = 17)
- __be32 doca_netflow_default_record::src_addr_v4 [inherited]
Source IPV4 Address
- in6_addr doca_netflow_default_record::src_addr_v6 [inherited]
Source IPV6 Address
- __be16 doca_netflow_default_record::src_as [inherited]
originating AS of source address
- uint8_t doca_netflow_default_record::src_mask [inherited]
source address prefix mask bits
- __be16 doca_netflow_default_record::src_port [inherited]
TCP/UDP source port number or equivalent
- uint8_t doca_netflow_default_record::tcp_flags [inherited]
Cumulative OR of tcp flags
- uint8_t doca_netflow_default_record::tos [inherited]
IP Type-of-Service
[ NetFlow ]
Public Variables
- int doca_netflow_flowset_field::length [inherited]
field len in bytes (see link) - will be converted to uint16
- int doca_netflow_flowset_field::type [inherited]
field number id (see link) - will be converted to uint16
[ NetFlow ]
all fields are in network byte order.
Public Variables
- int doca_netflow_template::field_count [inherited]
number of fields in 'fields' array - will be converted to uint16
- doca_netflow_flowset_field * doca_netflow_template::fields [inherited]
array of field info