Class NetworkContext
Defined in File network_context.hpp
Base Type
public holoscan::Component
(Class Component)
Derived Type
public holoscan::gxf::GXFNetworkContext
(Class GXFNetworkContext)
class NetworkContext : public holoscan::Component
Base class for all network contexts.
This class is the base class for all network contexts (e.g.
). It is used to define the common interface for all network contexts.Subclassed by holoscan::gxf::GXFNetworkContext
Public Functions
- NetworkContext() = default
- NetworkContext(NetworkContext&&) = default
template<typename ArgT, typename ...ArgsT, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_base_of_v<::holoscan::NetworkContext, std::decay_t<ArgT>> && (std::is_same_v<::holoscan::Arg, std::decay_t<ArgT>> || std::is_same_v<::holoscan::ArgList, std::decay_t<ArgT>>)>>
inline explicit NetworkContext(ArgT &&arg, ArgsT&&... args)
Construct a new NetworkContext object.
- ~NetworkContext() override = default
inline NetworkContext &id(int64_t id)
Set the NetworkContext ID.
- Parameters
- Returns
id – The ID of the network context.
The reference to this network context.
inline NetworkContext &name(const std::string &name) &
Set the name of the network context.
- Parameters
- Returns
name – The name of the network context.
The reference to the network context.
inline NetworkContext &&name(const std::string &name) &&
Set the name of the network context.
- Parameters
- Returns
name – The name of the network context.
The reference to the network context.
inline NetworkContext &fragment(Fragment *fragment)
Set the fragment of the network context.
- Parameters
- Returns
fragment – The pointer to the fragment of the network context.
The reference to the network context.
Set the component specification to the network context.
- Parameters
- Returns
spec – The component specification.
The reference to the network context.
inline ComponentSpec *spec()
Get the component specification of the network context.
- Returns
The pointer to the component specification.
Get the shared pointer to the component spec.
- Returns
The shared pointer to the component spec.
Add a resource to the network context.
- Parameters
arg – The resource to add.
Add a resource to the network context.
- Parameters
arg – The resource to add.
inline std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Resource>> &resources()
Get the resources of the network context.
- Returns
The resources of the network context.
inline virtual void setup(ComponentSpec &spec)
Define the network context specification.
- Parameters
spec – The reference to the component specification.
- virtual void initialize() override
Initialize the network context.
This function is called after the network context is created by holoscan::Fragment::make_network_context().
virtual YAML::Node to_yaml_node() const override
Get a YAML representation of the network context.
- Returns
YAML node including the base component properties, component spec and resources.
Protected Functions
- virtual void reset_graph_entities() override
Reset the GXF GraphEntity of any components associated with the scheduler.
Protected Attributes
- std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Resource>> resources_
The resources used by the network context.