Class PingTxOp
Defined in File ping_tx.hpp
Base Type
public holoscan::Operator
(Class Operator)
class PingTxOp : public holoscan::Operator
Simple transmitter operator.
On each tick, it transmits an integer to the “out” port.
==Named Outputs==
out : int
An index value that increments by one on each call to
. The starting value is 1.
Public Functions
virtual void setup(OperatorSpec &spec) override
Define the operator specification.
- Parameters
spec – The reference to the operator specification.
virtual void compute(InputContext&, OutputContext &op_output, ExecutionContext&) override
Implement the compute method.
This method is called by the runtime multiple times. The runtime calls this method until the operator is stopped.
- Parameters
op_input – The input context of the operator.
op_output – The output context of the operator.
context – The execution context of the operator.
- inline int index() const