NVIDIA Holoscan SDK v.2.1.0

Program Listing for File README.md

Return to documentation for file (include/holoscan/operators/README.md)


# Operators These are the operators included as part of the Holoscan SDK: - **aja_source**: support AJA capture card as source - **bayer_demosaic**: perform color filter array (CFA) interpolation for 1-channel inputs of 8 or 16-bit unsigned integer and outputs an RGB or RGBA image - **format_converter**: provides common video or tensor operations in inference pipelines to change datatypes, resize images, reorder channels, and normalize and scale values. - **gxf_codelet**: Provides a generic import interface for a GXF Codelet. - **holoviz**: handles compositing, blending, and visualization of RGB or RGBA images, masks, geometric primitives, text and depth maps - **inference**: performs AI inference using APIs from `HoloInfer` module. - **inference_processor**: performs processing of data using APIs from `HoloInfer` module. In the current release, a limited set of operations are supported on CPU. - **ping_rx**: "receive" and log an int value - **ping_tx**: "transmit" an int value - **segmentation_postprocessor**: generic AI postprocessing operator - **tensor_rt** *(deprecated)*: perform AI inference with TensorRT - **v4l2_video_capture**: V4L2 Video Capture - **video_stream_recorder**: write a video stream output as `.gxf_entities` + `.gxf_index` files on disk - **video_stream_replayer**: read `.gxf_entities` + `.gxf_index` files on disk as a video stream input

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