Class InputContext

Derived Type

class InputContext

Class to hold the input context.

This class provides the interface to receive the input data from the operator.

Subclassed by holoscan::gxf::GXFInputContext

Public Functions

inline InputContext(Operator *op, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<IOSpec>> &inputs)

Construct a new InputContext object.

  • op – The pointer to the operator that this context is associated with.

  • inputs – The references to the map of the input specs.

inline explicit InputContext(Operator *op)

Construct a new InputContext object.

inputs for the InputContext will be set to op->spec()->inputs()


op – The pointer to the operator that this context is associated with.

inline Operator *op() const

Return the operator that this context is associated with.


The pointer to the operator.

inline std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<IOSpec>> &inputs() const

Return the reference to the map of the input specs.


The reference to the map of the input specs.

template<typename DataT, typename = std::enable_if_t<!holoscan::is_vector_v<DataT> && !holoscan::is_one_of_v<DataT, holoscan::gxf::Entity, std::any>>>
inline std::shared_ptr<DataT> receive(const char *name = nullptr)

Receive a shared pointer to the message data from the input port with the given name.

If the operator has a single input port, the name of the input port can be omitted.

If the input port with the given name and type (DataT) is available, it will return a shared pointer to the data (std::shared_ptr<DataT>) from the input port. Otherwise, it will return a null shared pointer.



class PingRxOp : public holoscan::ops::GXFOperator { public: HOLOSCAN_OPERATOR_FORWARD_ARGS_SUPER(PingRxOp, holoscan::ops::GXFOperator) PingRxOp() = default; void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override { spec.input<ValueData>("in"); } void compute(InputContext& op_input, OutputContext&, ExecutionContext&) override { // The type of `value` is `std::shared_ptr ` auto value = op_input.receive<ValueData>("in"); HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Message received (value: {})", value->data()); } };

Template Parameters

DataT – The type of the data to receive.


name – The name of the input port to receive the data from.


The shared pointer to the data.

template<typename DataT, typename = std::enable_if_t<holoscan::is_one_of_v<DataT, holoscan::gxf::Entity>>>
inline DataT receive(const char *name)

Receive message data (GXF Entity) from the input port with the given name.

This method is for interoperability with the GXF Codelet.

If the operator has a single input port, the name of the input port can be omitted.

If the input port with the given name and the type (nvidia::gxf::Entity) is available, it will return the message data (holoscan::gxf::Entity) from the input port. Otherwise, it will throw an exception.



class PingRxOp : public holoscan::ops::GXFOperator { public: HOLOSCAN_OPERATOR_FORWARD_ARGS_SUPER(PingRxOp, holoscan::ops::GXFOperator) PingRxOp() = default; void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override { spec.input<holoscan::gxf::Entity>("in"); } void compute(InputContext& op_input, OutputContext&, ExecutionContext&) override { // The type of `in_entity` is 'holoscan::gxf::Entity'. auto in_entity = op_input.receive<holoscan::gxf::Entity>("in"); // Process with `in_entity`. // ... } };

Template Parameters

DataT – The type of the data to receive. It should be holoscan::gxf::Entity.


name – The name of the input port to receive the data from.


std::runtime_error – if the input port with the given name and the type (DataT) is not available.


The entity object (holoscan::gxf::Entity).

template<typename DataT, typename = std::enable_if_t<holoscan::is_one_of_v<DataT, std::any>>>
inline std::any receive(const char *name)

Receive message data (std::any) from the input port with the given name.

This method is for interoperability with arbitrary data types.

If the operator has a single input port, the name of the input port can be omitted.

If the input port with the given name is available, it will return the message data (either holoscan::gxf::Entity or std::shared_ptr<T>) from the input port. Otherwise, it will return a std::any object with the std::nullptr.



class PingRxOp : public holoscan::ops::GXFOperator { public: HOLOSCAN_OPERATOR_FORWARD_ARGS_SUPER(PingRxOp, holoscan::ops::GXFOperator) PingRxOp() = default; void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override { spec.input<std::any>("in"); } void compute(InputContext& op_input, OutputContext&, ExecutionContext&) override { // The type of `in_any` is 'std::any'. auto in_any = op_input.receive<std::any>("in"); if (in_any.type() == typeid(holoscan::gxf::Entity)) { auto in_entity = std::any_cast<holoscan::gxf::Entity>(in_any); // Process with `in_entity`. // ... } else if (in_any.type() == typeid(std::shared_ptr<ValueData>)) { auto in_message = std::any_cast<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>(in_any); // Process with `in_message`. // ... } else { HOLOSCAN_LOG_ERROR("Message is not available"); return; } } };

Template Parameters

DataT – The type of the data to receive. It should be holoscan::gxf::Entity.


name – The name of the input port to receive the data from.


The std::any object (holoscan::gxf::Entity, std::shared_ptr<T>, or std::nullptr).

template<typename DataT, typename = std::enable_if_t<holoscan::is_vector_v<DataT> && !holoscan::is_one_of_v<typename holoscan::type_info<DataT>::element_type, holoscan::gxf::Entity, std::any>>>
inline std::vector<std::shared_ptr<typename holoscan::type_info<DataT>::element_type>> receive(const char *name)

Receive a vector of the shared pointers to the message data from the receivers with the given name.

If the parameter (of type std::vector<IOSpec*>) with the given name is available, it will return a vector of the shared pointers to the data (std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DataT>>) from the input port. Otherwise, it will return an empty vector.



class ProcessTensorOp : public holoscan::ops::GXFOperator { public: HOLOSCAN_OPERATOR_FORWARD_ARGS_SUPER(ProcessTensorOp, holoscan::ops::GXFOperator) ProcessTensorOp() = default; void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override { spec.param(receivers_, "receivers", "Input Receivers", "List of input receivers.", {}); } void compute(InputContext& op_input, OutputContext& op_output, ExecutionContext&) override { auto in_messages = op_input.receive<std::vector<ValueData>("receivers"); HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Received {} messages", in_messages.size()); // The type of `in_message` is 'std::vector >'. auto& in_message = in_messages[0]; // Process with `in_message`. // ... } private: Parameter<std::vector<IOSpec*>> receivers_; };

Template Parameters

DataT – The type of the data to receive.


name – The name of the receivers whose parameter type is ‘std::vector<IOSpec*>’.


The vector of the shared pointers to the data.

template<typename DataT, typename = std::enable_if_t<holoscan::is_vector_v<DataT> && holoscan::is_one_of_v<typename holoscan::type_info<DataT>::element_type, holoscan::gxf::Entity>>>
inline std::vector<holoscan::gxf::Entity> receive(const char *name)

Receive a vector of entities from the receivers with the given name.

This method is for interoperability with the GXF Codelet and is only available when the DataT is std::vector<holoscan::gxf::Entity>.

If the parameter (of type std::vector<IOSpec*>) with the given name is available, it will return a vector of entities (std::vector<holoscan::gxf::Entity>). Otherwise, it will return an empty vector.



class ProcessTensorOp : public holoscan::ops::GXFOperator { public: HOLOSCAN_OPERATOR_FORWARD_ARGS_SUPER(ProcessTensorOp, holoscan::ops::GXFOperator) ProcessTensorOp() = default; void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override { spec.param(receivers_, "receivers", "Input Receivers", "List of input receivers.", {}); } void compute(InputContext& op_input, OutputContext& op_output, ExecutionContext&) override { auto in_messages = op_input.receive<std::vector<holoscan::gxf::Entity>>("receivers"); HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Received {} messages", in_messages.size()); // in_message's type is 'holoscan::gxf::Entity'. auto& in_message = in_messages[0]; // Process with 'in_message' here. } private: Parameter<std::vector<IOSpec*>> receivers_; };

Template Parameters

DataT – The type of the data to receive.


name – The name of the receivers whose parameter type is ‘std::vector<IOSpec*>’.


The vector of entities (std::vector<holoscan::gxf::Entity>).

template<typename DataT, typename = std::enable_if_t<holoscan::is_vector_v<DataT> && holoscan::is_one_of_v<typename holoscan::type_info<DataT>::element_type, std::any>>>
inline std::vector<std::any> receive(const char *name)

Receive a vector of entities from the receivers with the given name.

If the parameter (of type std::vector<IOSpec*>) with the given name is available, it will return a vector of entities (std::vector<std::any>). Otherwise, it will return an empty vector.



class ProcessTensorOp : public holoscan::ops::GXFOperator { public: HOLOSCAN_OPERATOR_FORWARD_ARGS_SUPER(ProcessTensorOp, holoscan::ops::GXFOperator) ProcessTensorOp() = default; void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override { spec.param(receivers_, "receivers", "Input Receivers", "List of input receivers.", {}); } void compute(InputContext& op_input, OutputContext& op_output, ExecutionContext&) override { auto in_any_vector = op_input.receive<std::vector<std::any>>("receivers"); HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Received {} messages", in_any_vector.size()); if (in_any_vector.empty()) { HOLOSCAN_LOG_ERROR("No input messages received."); return; } // in_any's type is 'std::any'. auto& in_any = in_any_vector[0]; if (in_any.type() == typeid(holoscan::gxf::Entity)) { auto in_entity = std::any_cast<holoscan::gxf::Entity>(in_any); // Process with `in_entity`. // ... } else if (in_any.type() == typeid(std::shared_ptr<ValueData>)) { auto in_message = std::any_cast<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>(in_any); // Process with `in_message`. // ... } else { HOLOSCAN_LOG_ERROR("Unable to parse message"); return; } } private: Parameter<std::vector<IOSpec*>> receivers_; };

Template Parameters

DataT – The type of the data to receive.


name – The name of the receivers whose parameter type is ‘std::vector<IOSpec*>’.


The vector of entities (std::vector<std::any>).

Protected Functions

inline virtual std::any receive_impl(const char *name = nullptr, bool no_error_message = false)

The implementation of the receive method.

Depending on the type of the data, this method receives a message from the input port with the given name.

  • name – The name of the input port.

  • no_error_message – Whether to print an error message when the input port is not found.


The data received from the input port.

Protected Attributes

Operator *op_ = nullptr

The operator that this context is associated with.

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<IOSpec>> &inputs_

The inputs.

© Copyright 2022, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jun 28, 2023.