Port Description
The port descriptions for the Holoscan Sensor Bridge IP are described in the following sections.
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
i_sys_rst | Input | Global, Asynchronous, Active High Reset |
Table 1 User Register Clock and Reset Ports
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
i_apb_clk | Input | APB Clock. Must be greater than 20MHz. |
o_apb_rst | Output | APB Synchronous, Active High Reset |
Table 2 User Register APB Ports
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
i_apb_pready [N-1:0]1 | Input | APB Ready |
[31:0] i_apb_prdata[0:N-1]1 | Input | APB Read Data |
i_apb_pslverr[N-1:0]1 | Input | APB Completer Error |
o_apb_psel[N-1:0]1 | Output | APB Select |
o_apb_penable | Output | APB Enable |
o_apb_paddr[31:0] | Output | APB Address |
o_apb_pwdata[31:0] | Output | APB Write Data |
o_apb_pwrite | Output | APB Write |
N=REG_INST. Refer to the Macro Definitions section for details.
Table 3 User Register System Initialization Ports
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
o_init_done | Output | System Initialization done. Refer to System Initialization section. |
Table 4 Sensor Interface Clock and Reset Ports
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
i_sif_clk | Input | Sensor Interface Clock. |
o_sif_rst | Output | Sensor Interface Synchronous, Active-High Reset |
Table 5 Sensor RX Interface Ports
Signal Name |
Directi on |
Description |
i_sif_axis_tvalid[N-1:0]1 | Input | AXI-Stream Valid |
i_sif_axis_tlast[N-1:0]1 | Input | AXI-Stream Last. Currently not supported. See Sensor RX section for more info. |
[W-1:0] i_sif_axis_tdata[0:N-1]1 | Input | AXI-Stream Data. |
[X-1:0] i_sif_axis_tkeep[0:N-1]1 | Input | AXI-Stream Keep. Currently not supported. See Sensor RX section for more info. |
[Y-1:0] i_sif_axis_tuser[0:N-1]1 | Input | AXI-Stream User. |
o_sif_axis_tready[N-1:0]1 | Output | AXI-Stream Ready |
N=SENSOR_IF_INST, W=DATAPATH_WIDTH, X=DATAKEEP_WIDTH, Y=DATAUSER_WIDTH. See Macro Definitions section for details.Table 6 Sensor Event Ports
Table 6 Sensor TX Interface Ports Sensor TX interface is unsupported but TBD for future revisions. Sensor TX interface ports should still be instantiated.
Signal Name |
Directi on |
Description |
o_sif_axis_tvalid[N-1:0]1 | Output | TBD |
o_sif_axis_tlast[N-1:0]1 | Output | TBD |
[W-1:0] o_sif_axis_tdata[0:N-1]1 | Output | TBD |
[X-1:0] o_sif_axis_tkeep[0:N-1]1 | Output | TBD |
[Y-1:0] o_sif_axis_tuser[0:N-1]1 | Output | TBD |
i_sif_axis_tready[N-1:0]1 | Input | TBD |
Table 7 Sensor Event Ports
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
i_sif_event [N-1:0]1 | Input | Sensor Interface Event. Refer to Sensor RX section for more details. |
1.N=SENSOR_IF_INST. See Macro Definitions section for details.
Table 8 Host Interface Clock and Reset Ports
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
i_hif_clk | Input | 156.25MHz Host Interface Clock. See clocking section for details. |
o_hif_rst | Output | Host Interface Synchronous, Active-High Reset. |
Table 9 Host RX Interface Ports
Connect the Host RX AXI-Streaming ports directly to Ethernet MAC TX AXI-Streaming ports.
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
i_hif_axis_tvalid[N-1:0]1 | Input | AXI-Stream Valid |
i_hif_axis_tlast[N-1:0]1 | Input | AXI-Stream Last |
[W-1:0]i_hif_axis_tdata[0:N-1]1 | Input | AXI-Stream Data |
[X-1:0]i_hif_axis_tkeep[0:N-1]1 | Input | AXI-Stream Keep |
[Y-1:0]i_hif_axis_tuser[0:N-1]1 | Input | AXI-Stream User |
o_hif_axis_tready[N-1:0]1 | Output | AXI-Stream Ready |
N=HOST_IF_INST, W=DATAPATH_WIDTH, X=DATAKEEP_WIDTH, Y=DATAUSER_WIDTH. See Macro Definitions section for details.
Table 10 Host TX Interface Ports
Connect the Host TX AXI-Streaming ports directly to Ethernet MAC RX AXI-Streaming ports.
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
o_hif_axis_tvalid[N-1:0]1 | Output | AXI-Stream Valid |
o_hif_axis_tlast[N-1:0]1 | Output | AXI-Stream Last |
[W-1:0]o_hif_axis_tdata[0:N-1]1 | Output | AXI-Stream Data |
[X-1:0]o_hif_axis_tkeep[0:N-1]1 | Output | AXI-Stream Keep |
[Y-1:0]o_hif_axis_tuser[0:N-1]1 | Output | AXI-Stream User |
i_hif_axis_tready[N-1:0]1 | Input | AXI-Stream Read |
N=HOST_IF_INST, W=DATAPATH_WIDTH, X=DATAKEEP_WIDTH, Y=DATAUSER_WIDTH. See Macro Definitions section for details.
Table 11 SPI Ports
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
o_spi_csn[N-1:0]1 | Output | Chip Select (Active Low) |
o_spi_sck[N-1:0]1 | Output | SPI Clock |
o_spi_oen[N-1:0]1 | Output | Output Enable |
[3:0]o_spi_sdio[0:N-1]1 | Output | SDIO Output |
[3:0]i_spi_sdio[0:N-1]1 | Input | SDIO Input |
N=SPI_INST. See Macro Definitions section for details.
Table 12 I2C Ports
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
i_i2c_scl[N-1:0]1 | Input | I2C Clock |
i_i2c_sda[N-1:0]1 | Input | I2C Data |
o_i2c_scl_en[N-1:0]1 | Output | I2C Clock Output Enable |
o_i2c_sda_en[N-1:0]1 | Output | I2C Data Output Enable |
N=I2C_INST. See Macro Definitions section for details.
Table 13 GPIO Ports
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
i_gpio[N-1:0]1 | Input | GPIO In. Synchronized to “i_apb_clk” |
o_gpio[N-1:0]1 | Output | GPIO Out. Synchronous to “i_apb_clk” |
N=GPIO_INST. See Macro Definitions section for details.
Table 14 JESD Ports
JESD Sensor Ports are unsupported and do not need to be instantiated. TBD in future revisions.
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
i_jesd_rxdp[7-1:0] | Input | TBD |
i_jesd_rxdn[7-1:0] | Input | TBD |
o_jesd_txdp[7-1:0] | Output | TBD |
o_jesd_txdn[7-1:0] | Output | TBD |
i_jesd_tx_sysref | Input | TBD |
i_jesd_rx_sysref | Input | TBD |
i_jesd_xcvr_refclk | Input | TBD |
i_jesd_pll_refclk | Input | TBD |
Table 15 Sensor Reset Port
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
o_sw_sen_rst [N-1:0]1 | Output | Register Controlled Reset. Connect to on-board sensor reset pin |
o_sw_sys_rst | Output | Register controlled self-clearing reset. Can be used to reset blocks, such as PCS block. |
N=SENSOR_IF_INST. See Macro Definitions section for details.
Table 16 PTP Port
Signal Name |
Direction |
Description |
o_ptp_sec [47:0] | Output | PTP Seconds Field per PTP1588-2019 v2 spec. Synchronous to i_hif_clk |
o_ptp_nanosec [31:0] | Output | PTP Nanoseconds Field per PTP1588-2019 v2 spec. Synchronous to i_hif_clk |
o_pps | Output | Pulse Per Second. Synchronous to i_hif_clk |