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Docker is a popular, all-in-one platform for creating, managing and deploying containers. It is a self-sufficient tool that provides all the necessary components for container management through its core application and integrated tools. Docker operates on a client-server architecture, with the docker daemon running as a persistent background process that monitors API requests from clients, and manages docker objects like containers, images and volumes, among others. More information on docker can be found on their official website

Docker daemon, and by extension, the docker containers are run as root, by default. While it is possible to run the docker daemon as a non-root user, AI Workbench uses rootful docker due to its more common usage and to avoid the installation of third party packages and additional configuration required to run rootless docker. This also allows AI Workbench to more easily use existing docker installations on systems.

  • Well established, reliable, robust and easy to use platform with extensive documentation

  • All-in-one solution for container management with integrated tools

  • Container builds are considerably fast with good multi-arch support

  • Docker Desktop on Windows and MacOS provides great user experience

  • Running the Docker daemon as root makes the containers more vulnerable to container escapes with root access

  • Docker Desktop may require a paid subscription for professional use depending on your company size and revenue

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