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Environment Variables

Environment variables specific to an AI Workbench Project may be defined by users. These variables are stored as key-value pairs with an optional description in a variables.env file in the project repository. The variables.env is passed as an argument while running the project container.

Environment variables may be created, deleted and updated in a project. Currently, the value of an environment variable may be updated only through the Desktop app. In order to update the variable name, the old variable should be deleted and a new variable with the updated name should be created.

If an environment variable is created/ deleted/ updated while the project container is running, you must restart the project container for the changes to take effect.

Creating an Environment Variable

  • Open AI Workbench window and select the location

  • Select an existing project

  • Select the Environment tab on the left

  • Navigate to the Variables section and click on the Add button

  • Enter the Name and Value for the environment variable and click on the Add button to create the environment variable. The variable name should not contain any hyphens

Deleting an Environment Variable

  • Open AI Workbench window and select the location

  • Select an existing project

  • Select the Environment tab on the left

  • Navigate to the Variables section and click on the 3 dots and select Remove Environment Variable

  • Click on Remove to delete the environment variable

Updating an Environment Variable

  • Open AI Workbench window and select the location

  • Select an existing project

  • Select the Environment tab on the left

  • Navigate to the Variables section and click on the 3 dots and select Edit Environment Variable

  • Enter the new value for the environment variable and click on Save to update the environment variable

Creating an Environment Variable

  • Open the terminal and activate the desired context (location)

  • Run nvwb open to open an existing project

  • Run nvwb create environment-variable

  • Enter the environment variable name (no hyphens)

  • Enter the value for the environment variable

  • Enter an optional description for the environment variable

Deleting an Environment Variable

  • Open the terminal and activate the desired context (location)

  • Run nvwb open to open an existing project

  • Run nvwb delete environment-variable

  • Select the environment variable to delete. User will not be prompted for confirmation

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Next Secrets (Sensitive Environment Variables)
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