Clara Holoscan Deploy 0.7.4

17.66. Payloads Upload RPC

Requests the upload of a blob (file) from a known payload. When payload type is PAYLOAD_TYPE_PIPELINE, uploads are written to the ~/input/ folder of the payload.

See PayloadType for additional details.

rpc Upload (stream PayloadsUploadRequest) returns (PayloadsUploadResponse);

17.66.1. Messages

  • PayloadsUploadRequest
  • PayloadsUploadResponse

message PayloadsUploadRequest { RequestHeader header = 1; Identifier payload_id = 2; PayloadFileDetails details = 3; bytes data = 4; }

This request is streamed. Files larger than the maximum chunk size must be broken up into multiple chunks. Only the first chunk is required to contain a header message. All chunks should contain payload_id, details, and data values.

17.67.1. Properties

type: message

Standard RPC request header.

Note this request is streamed. Only the first chunk is required to contain a header message.

See RequestHeader for details. payload_id

type: message

Unique identifier of the payload to upload.

Required. If the identifier value is omitted from the request or does not match any known payload identifier, Clara Deploy SDK will be unable to fulfill the request.

See Identifier for details. details

type: message

Details about the file being uploaded. Unlike other RPC which use the PayloadFileDetails message, requests from the Upload RPC are relative to the root of the payload’s input folder, and are not relative to the root of the payload itself.

Payload file names are case-preserving. Uploading two files which have names that differ in case will create multiple files in the payload.

See PayloadFileDetails for details. data

type: bytes

Contents of the file as raw bytes.


message PipelineUploadResponse { ResponseHeader header = 1; PayloadFileDetails details = 2; }

Clara Deploy SDK Payloads service will respond to any upload request with a PayloadsUploadResponse message. Requestors can use the response message to determine the result of their request.

17.68.1. Properties

type: message

Standard RPC response header.

See ResponseHeader for details. details

type: message

Details about the file being uploaded. Unlike other RPC which use the PayloadFileDetails message, responses from the Upload RPC are relative to the root of the payload’s input folder, and are not relative to the root of the payload itself.

See PayloadFileDetails for details.

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