NVIDIA Clara Deploy SDK User Guide

Pipelines AddMetadata RPC

Requests the addition of metadata to a pipeline.

rpc AddMetadata (PipelinesAddMetadataRequest) returns (PipelinesAddMetadataResponse)


  • PipelinesAddMetadataRequest
  • PipelinesAddMetadataResponse

message PipelinesAddMetadataRequest { ResponseHeader header = 1; Identifier pipeline_id = 2; map<string, string> metadata = 3; }


type: message

Standard RPC request header.

See RequestHeader for details.


type: message

Unique identifier of the pipeline whose metadata is to be appended.

Required. If the identifier value is omitted from the request or does not match any known pipeline identifier, Clara Deploy SDK will be unable to fulfill the request.

See Identifier for details.


type: map

Set of key/value pairs to be appended to the pipeline metadata.

Key and value are string types.

If a metadata key in the request already exists in the pipeline record, or if duplicate keys are passed in the request, the pipeline will not be updated and and an error will be returned.

Keys are compared using case insensitive comparator functions.

The maximum allowed size of a metadata key is 128 bytes, while the maximum allowed size of a metadata value is 256 bytes.

The maximum allowed size for the overall metadata of an individual pipeline is 4 Megabytes.


message PipelineAddMetadataResponse { ResponseHeader header = 1; Identifier pipeline_id = 2; map<string, string> metadata = 3; }

Clara Deploy SDK Pipelines service will respond to any add metadata request with a PipelinesAddMetadataResponse message. Requestors can use the response message to determine the result of their request.



type: message

Standard RPC response header.

See ResponseHeader for details.


type: message

Unique identifier of the pipeline whose metadata is to be appended.

See Identifier for details.


type: map

Metadata (set of all key/value pairs) of the pipeline after adding the metadata in the pipeline record.

© Copyright 2018-2020, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. Last updated on Jun 28, 2023.