NVIDIA Holoscan SDK v1.0.3

Application Runner Configuration

The Holoscan runner requires a YAML configuration file to define some properties necessary to deploy an application.


That file is the same configuration file commonly used to configure other aspects of an application, documented here.

The configuration file can be defined in two ways:

  • At package time, with the --config flag of the holoscan package command (Required/Default)

  • At runtime, with the --config flag of the holoscan run command (Optional/Override)

The holoscan run command parses two specific YAML nodes from the configuration file:

  • A required application parameter group to generate a HAP-compliant` container image for the application, including:

    • the title (name) and version of the application.

    • optionally, inputFormats and outputFormats if the application expects any inputs or outputs respectively.

  • An optional resources parameter group that defines the system resources required to run the application, such as the number of CPUs, GPUs and amount of memory required. If the application contains multiple fragments for distributed workloads, resource definitions can be assigned to each fragment.

Below is an example configuration file with the application and optional resources parameter groups, for an application with two-fragments (first-fragment and second-fragment):


application: title: My Application Title version: 1.0.1 inputFormats: ["files"] # optional outputFormats: ["screen"] # optional resources: # optional # non-distributed app cpu: 1 # optional cpuLimit: 5 # optional gpu: 1 # optional gpuLimit: 5 # optional memory: 1Mi # optional memoryLimit: 2Gi # optional gpuMemory: 1Gi # optional gpuMemoryLimit: 1.5Gi # optional sharedMemory: 1Gi # optional # distributed app fragments: # optional first-fragment: # optional cpu: 1 # optional cpuLimit: 5 # optional gpu: 1 # optional gpuLimit: 5 # optional memory: 100Mi # optional memoryLimit: 1Gi # optional gpuMemory: 1Gi # optional gpuMemoryLimit: 10Gi # optional sharedMemory: 1Gi # optional second-fragment: # optional cpu: 1 # optional cpuLimit: 2 # optional gpu: 1 # optional gpuLimit: 2 # optional memory: 1Gi # optional memoryLimit: 2Gi # optional gpuMemory: 1Gi # optional gpuMemoryLimit: 5Gi # optional sharedMemory: 10Mi # optional

For details, please refer to the HAP specification.

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