Program Listing for File gxf_executor.hpp
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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <gxf/core/gxf.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <future>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "../../app_driver.hpp"
#include "../../executor.hpp"
#include "../../graph.hpp"
#include "../../gxf/gxf_extension_manager.hpp"
#include "gxf/app/graph_entity.hpp"
namespace holoscan {
// Forward declarations
class Arg;
class Condition;
class Resource;
} // namespace holoscan
namespace holoscan::gxf {
class GXFExecutor : public holoscan::Executor {
GXFExecutor() = delete;
explicit GXFExecutor(holoscan::Fragment* app, bool create_gxf_context = true);
~GXFExecutor() override;
void run(OperatorGraph& graph) override;
std::future<void> run_async(OperatorGraph& graph) override;
void interrupt() override;
void context(void* context) override;
// Inherit Executor::context().
using Executor::context;
std::shared_ptr<ExtensionManager> extension_manager() override;
static void create_input_port(Fragment* fragment, gxf_context_t gxf_context, gxf_uid_t eid,
IOSpec* io_spec, bool bind_port = false, Operator* op = nullptr);
static void create_output_port(Fragment* fragment, gxf_context_t gxf_context, gxf_uid_t eid,
IOSpec* io_spec, bool bind_port = false, Operator* op = nullptr);
void op_eid(gxf_uid_t eid) { op_eid_ = eid; }
void op_cid(gxf_uid_t cid) { op_cid_ = cid; }
bool own_gxf_context() { return own_gxf_context_; }
const std::string& entity_prefix() { return entity_prefix_; }
bool initialize_fragment() override;
bool initialize_operator(Operator* op) override;
bool initialize_scheduler(Scheduler* sch) override;
bool initialize_network_context(NetworkContext* network_context) override;
bool add_receivers(const std::shared_ptr<Operator>& op, const std::string& receivers_name,
std::vector<std::string>& new_input_labels,
std::vector<holoscan::IOSpec*>& iospec_vector) override;
friend class holoscan::AppDriver;
friend class holoscan::AppWorker;
bool initialize_gxf_graph(OperatorGraph& graph);
void activate_gxf_graph();
void run_gxf_graph();
bool connection_items(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<holoscan::ConnectionItem>>& connection_items);
void add_operator_to_entity_group(gxf_context_t context, gxf_uid_t entity_group_gid,
std::shared_ptr<Operator> op);
void register_extensions();
bool own_gxf_context_ = false;
gxf_uid_t op_eid_ = 0;
gxf_uid_t op_cid_ = 0;
std::shared_ptr<GXFExtensionManager> gxf_extension_manager_;
nvidia::gxf::Extension* gxf_holoscan_extension_ = nullptr;
bool is_extensions_loaded_ = false;
bool is_gxf_graph_initialized_ = false;
bool is_gxf_graph_activated_ = false;
std::string entity_prefix_;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<holoscan::ConnectionItem>> connection_items_;
std::list<std::shared_ptr<nvidia::gxf::GraphEntity>> implicit_broadcast_entities_;
std::shared_ptr<nvidia::gxf::GraphEntity> util_entity_;
std::shared_ptr<nvidia::gxf::GraphEntity> gpu_device_entity_;
std::shared_ptr<nvidia::gxf::GraphEntity> scheduler_entity_;
std::shared_ptr<nvidia::gxf::GraphEntity> network_context_entity_;
std::shared_ptr<nvidia::gxf::GraphEntity> connections_entity_;
// Map of connections indexed by source port uid and stores a pair of the target operator name
// and target port name
using TargetPort = std::pair<holoscan::OperatorGraph::NodeType, std::string>;
using TargetsInfo = std::tuple<std::string, IOSpec::ConnectorType, std::set<TargetPort>>;
using TargetConnectionsMapType = std::unordered_map<gxf_uid_t, TargetsInfo>;
using BroadcastEntityMapType = std::unordered_map<
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<nvidia::gxf::GraphEntity>>>;
void initialize_gxf_resources(
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Resource>>& resources, gxf_uid_t eid,
std::shared_ptr<nvidia::gxf::GraphEntity> graph_entity);
gxf_result_t add_connection(gxf_uid_t source_cid, gxf_uid_t target_cid);
void create_broadcast_components(holoscan::OperatorGraph::NodeType op,
BroadcastEntityMapType& broadcast_entities,
const TargetConnectionsMapType& connections);
void connect_broadcast_to_previous_op(const BroadcastEntityMapType& broadcast_entities,
holoscan::OperatorGraph::NodeType op,
holoscan::OperatorGraph::NodeType prev_op,
holoscan::OperatorGraph::EdgeDataType port_map_val);
bool is_holoscan() const;
bool add_condition_to_graph_entity(std::shared_ptr<Condition> condition,
std::shared_ptr<nvidia::gxf::GraphEntity> graph_entity);
bool add_resource_to_graph_entity(std::shared_ptr<Resource> resource,
std::shared_ptr<nvidia::gxf::GraphEntity> graph_entity);
/* @brief Add an IOspec connector resource and any conditions to the graph entity.
* Helper function for add_component_arg_to_graph_entity.
* @param io_spec Pointer to the IOSpec object to update.
* @param graph_entity The graph entity this IOSpec will be associated with.
* @return true if the IOSpec's components were all successfully added to the graph entity.
bool add_iospec_to_graph_entity(IOSpec* io_spec,
std::shared_ptr<nvidia::gxf::GraphEntity> graph_entity);
/* @brief Add any GXF resources and conditions present in the arguments to the provided graph
* entity.
* Handles Component, Resource and IOSpec arguments and vectors of each of these.
* @param io_spec Pointer to the IOSpec object to update.
* @param graph_entity The graph entity this IOSpec will be associated with.
* @return true if the IOSpec's components were all successfully added to the graph entity.
void add_component_args_to_graph_entity(std::vector<Arg>& args,
std::shared_ptr<nvidia::gxf::GraphEntity> graph_entity);
} // namespace holoscan::gxf