User Guide (24.08.01)
RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark - User Guide (24.08.01)


The tool currently only supports event logs stored on S3 (no DBFS paths). The remote output storage is also expected to be S3. In order to get complete eventlogs for a given run-id : ` databricks clusters list | grep <run-id> databricks fs cp -r <databricks log location/<cluster id got from the above command>  <destination_location> ` are a couple of commands that can be used to download all the logs associated with a given run. Please refer to the latest Databricks documentation on up-to-date information. Due to some platform limitations, it is likely that the logs may be incomplete. Thq qualification tool attempts to process them as best as possible. If the results come back empty, the rapids_4_spark_qualification_output_status.csv file can call out the failed run due to incomplete logs.

  • Install Databricks CLI

    • Install the Databricks CLI version 0.200+. Follow the instructions on Install the CLI.

    • Set the configuration settings and credentials of the Databricks CLI:

    • Set up authentication by following these instructions

    • Verify that the access credentials are stored in the file ~/.databrickscfg on Unix, Linux, or macOS, or in another file defined by environment variable DATABRICKS_CONFIG_FILE.

    • If the configuration isn’t set to default values, then make sure to explicitly set some environment variables to be picked up by the tools cmd such as: DATABRICKS_CONFIG_FILE, DATABRICKS_HOST and DATABRICKS_TOKEN. Refer to the description of the variables in environment variables docs.

  • Setup the environment to access S3

    • Install the AWS CLI version 2. Follow the instructions on aws-cli-getting-started

    • Set the configuration settings and credentials of the AWS CLI by creating credentials and config files as described in aws-cli-configure-files.

    • If the AWS CLI configuration isn’t set to the default values, then make sure to explicitly set some environment variables tp be picked up by the tools cmd such as: AWS_PROFILE, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, AWS_CONFIG_FILE, AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE. Refer to the full list of variables in aws-cli-configure-envvars

    • It’s important to configure with the correct region for the bucket being used on S3. If region isn’t set, the AWS SDK will choose a default value that may not be valid. In addition, the tools CLI by inspects AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY emvironment variables if the credentials couldn’t be pulled from the credential files.


    In order to be able to run tools that require SSH on the EMR nodes (that is, bootstrap), then:

    • make sure that you have SSH access to the cluster nodes; and

    • create a key pair using Amazon EC2 through the AWS CLI command aws ec2 create-key-pair as instructed in aws-cli-create-key-pairs.

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