Class VideoStreamSerializer

Holoscan 1.0.3

Base Type

class VideoStreamSerializer : public holoscan::gxf::GXFResource

Video stream entity serializer.

Used by VideoStreamReplayerOp to deserialize video streams and by VideoStreamRecorderOp to serialize video streams.

Public Functions

template<typename ArgT, typename ...ArgsT, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_base_of_v<Resource, std::decay_t<ArgT>> && (std::is_same_v<Arg, std::decay_t<ArgT>> || std::is_same_v<ArgList, std::decay_t<ArgT>>)>>
inline VideoStreamSerializer(ArgT &&arg, ArgsT&&... args)

VideoStreamSerializer() = default

inline virtual const char *gxf_typename() const override

virtual void setup(ComponentSpec &spec) override

Define the resource specification.


spec – The reference to the component specification.

virtual void initialize() override

Initialize the component.

This method is called only once when the component is created for the first time, and use of light-weight initialization.

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