Aerial cuPHY Components#
L2 Adapter#
The L2 Adapter is the interface between the L1 and the L2, which translates SCF FAPI commands to slot commands. The slot commands are received by cuPHY driver to initiate cuPHY tasks. It makes use of nvipc library to transport messages and data between L1 and L2. It is also responsible for sending slot indications to drive the timing of the L1-L2 interface. L2 Adapter keeps track of the slot timing and it can drop messages received from L2 if they are received late.
cuPHY Driver#
The cuPHY driver is responsible for orchestrating the work on the GPU and the FH by using cuPHY and FH libraries. It processes L2 slot commands generated by L2 adapter to launch tasks and communicates cuPHY outputs (e.g. CRC indication, UCI indication, measurement reports, etc.) back to L2. It uses L2 adapter FAPI message handler library to communicate with L2.
cuPHY driver configures and initiates DL and UL cuPHY tasks, which in turn launch CUDA kernels on the GPU. These processes are managed at the slot level. The cuPHY driver also controls CUDA kernels responsible for transmission and reception of user plane (U-plane) packets to and from the NIC interface. The CUDA kernels launched by the driver take care of re-ordering and decompression of UL packets and compression of DL packets. The DL packets are transmitted by GPU initiated communications after the compression.
cuPHY driver interacts with the FH interface using ORAN compliant FH library to coordinate transmission of FH control plane (C-plane) packets. The transmission of C-plane packets is done via DPDK library calls (CPU initiated communication). The U-plane packets are communicated through transmit and receive queues created by the cuphycontroller.

User and Control Plane Data Flow through cuPHY driver and cuPHY tasks#
FH Driver Library#
The FH library ensures timely transmission and reception of FH packets between the O-DU and O-RU. It uses accurate send scheduling functions of the NIC to comply with the timing requirements of the O-RAN FH specification.
The FH driver maintains the context and connection per eAxCid. It is responsible of encoding and decoding of FH commands for U-plane and C-plane messages.
The FAPI commands received from the L2 trigger processing of DL or UL slots. C-plane messages are for both DL and UL generated on the CPU and communicated to the O-RU through the NIC interface with DPDK. The payload of DL U-plane packets are prepared on the GPU and sent to the NIC interface from the memory pool on the GPU with the DOCA GPU NetIO library. The flow of DL C-plane and U-plane packets is illustrated in the below figure.

Flow of packets on the FH#
As shown in the above figure, UL U-plane packets received from the O-RU are directly copied to GPU memory from the NIC interface with the DOCA GPU NetIO library. The UL data is decompressed and processed by GPU kernels. After the UL kernels are completed, the decoded UL data transport blocks are sent to the L2.
cuPHY Controller#
The cuPHY controller is the main application that initializes the system with the desired configuration. During the start-up process, cuPHY controller creates a new context (memory resources, tasks) for each new connection with a O-RU, identified by MAC address, VLAN ID and set of eAxCids. It starts cuphydriver DL/UL worker threads and assigns them to CPU cores as configured in the yaml file. It also prepares GPU resources and initiates FH driver and NIC class objects.
cuPHY controller prepares L1 according to the desired gNB configuration. It can also bring a carrier in and out of service with the cell lifecycle management functionality.
cuPHY is a CUDA implementation of 5G PHY layer signal processing functions. The cuPHY library supports all 5G NR PHY channels in compliance with 3GPP Release 15 specification. As shown in the below figure, cuPHY library corresponds to upper PHY stack according to O-RAN 7.2x split option [8].

cuPHY library within 5G NR software stack#
cuPHY is optimized to take advantage of the massive parallel processing capability of the GPU architecture by running the workloads in parallel when possible. cuPHY driver orchestrates signal processing tasks running on the GPU. These tasks are organized according to the PHY layer channel type, e.g. PDSCH, PUSCH, SSB, etc. A task related to a given channel is termed as pipeline. For example, PDSCH channel is processed in PDSCH pipeline and the PUSCH channel is processed in PUSCH pipeline. Each pipeline includes a series of functions related to the specific pipeline and consists of multiple CUDA kernels. Each pipeline is capable of running signal processing workloads for multiple cells. The pipelines are dynamically managed for each slot by cuPHY driver with channel aggregate objects. The group of cuPHY channel pipelines that is executed in a given time slot depends on what is scheduled by the L2 in that time slot.
The cuPHY library exposes a set of APIs per PHY channel to create, destroy, setup, configure and run each pipeline as shown in the following figure. L2 adapter translates SCF FAPI messages and other system configurations and cuPHY driver invokes associated cuPHY APIs for each slot. The API’s shown as grey such as (Re)-Config, StateUpdate are not currently supported.

cuPHY API interface#
The following are descriptions of the APIs in the above figure:
- Create: performs pipeline construction time operations, such as PHY
and CUDA object instantiation, memory allocations, etc.
- Destroy: executes teardown procedures of a pipeline and frees
allocated resources.
- Setup: sets up PHY descriptors with slot information and batching
needed to execute the pipeline.
Run: launches a pipeline.
The following sections provide more details on the implementation of each cuPHY channel pipeline.
PDSCH Pipeline#
The PDSCH pipeline receives configuration parameters for each cell and the UE and the corresponding DL transport blocks (TBs). After completing the encoding of the PDSCH channel, the pipeline outputs IQ samples mapped to the resource elements (REs) allocated to the PDSCH. The PDSCH pipeline consists of multiple CUDA kernels, which are launched with CUDA graph functionality to reduce the kernel launch overhead. The diagram of the CUDA graph used by PDSCH pipeline is shown in the following figure. The green boxes represent CUDA kernels and the orange boxes represent input and output buffers.

Graph Diagram of the PDSCH Pipeline#
The PDSCH pipeline contains the following components:
CRC calculation of the TBs and code-blocks (CBs)
LDPC encoding
Fused Rate Matching and Modulation Mapper
DMRS generation
The CRC calculation component performs the code block segmentation and the CRC calculation. The CRC is calculated first for each TB and then for each CB. The fused rate matching and modulation component performs rate-matching, scrambling, layer-mapping, pre-coding and modulation. This component is also aware of which resource elements it should skip if CSI-RS is configured.
The PDSCH pipeline involves the following kernels:
Kernels exercised only if CSI-RS parameters are present are as follows:
The cuPHY PDSCH transmit pipeline populates parts of a 3D tensor buffer of I/Q samples in GPU memory, where each sample is a complex number using fp16, i.e. each sample is a __half2 using x for the real part and y for the imaginary part. The output 3D tensor buffer is allocated by the cuPHY driver when the application is first launched and it is reset for every slot (i.e., between successive PDSCH launches) by the cuPHY driver. Here, re-setting the buffer means, it is initialized to all zero values.
The output tensor contains 14 symbols on time domain (x-axis), 273 PRBs (Physical Resource Blocks) on frequency domain (y-axis), and up to 16 layers on spatial domain (z-axis). For the y-axis, each PRB contains 12 REs, and each RE is a __half2 data. Contiguous PRBs for the same OFDM symbol and spatial layer are allocated next to each other on memory. The resources are mapped in memory in the following order: frequency domain, time domain and then the spatial domain (or layer domain). This is the maximum size of the output buffer needed for a cell per slot.
The PDSCH only fills in parts of that buffer, i.e., its allocated PRBs, based on various configuration parameters it receives that vary over time. Parts of the slot can be filled by other downlink control channels. From a PDSCH standpoint, only the two fused_* kernels listed above, fused_dl_rm_and_modulation and fused_dmrs write to the output buffer. The fused rate-matching and modulation kernel writes data part of the I/Q samples, while the DMRS kernel only writes the DMRS symbols, i.e., only 1 or 2 contiguous symbols in the x-dimension. Note that, unlike other components, DMRS is not dependent on any of the previous pipeline stages.
The PDSCH pipeline expects pre-populated structs cuphyPdschStatPrms_t (cuPHY PDSCH static parameters) and cuphyPdschDynPrms_t (cuPHY PDSCH dynamic parameters) that include the input data and the necessary configuration parameters.
The TB data input can exist either in CPU or GPU memory depending on the cuphyPdschDataIn_t.pBufferType. If this is GPU_BUFFER, then the host to device (H2D) memory copies for that data can happen before PDSCH setup is executed for each cell. This is called prepone H2D copy and it can be configured by setting the prepone_h2d_copy flag in the l2_adapter_config_*.yaml file. If prepone H2D copy is not enabled, the copy operations happen as part of PDSCH setup. It is highly recommended that the prepone H2D copy should be enabled to achieve high capacity in a multiple cell scenario.
The way LDPC kernels are initiated can change when multiple TBs are configured on PDSCH. If the LDPC configuration parameters are identical across TBs, PDSCH launches a single LDPC kernel for all TBs (as it is the case for the other PDSCH components). If the LDPC configuration parameters vary across the TBs, then multiple LDPC kernels are launched, one for each unique configuration parameters set. Each LDPC kernel is launched on a separate CUDA stream.
The PDSCH CUDA graph contains only kernel nodes and has the layout shown in the PDSCH graph diagram shown above. As it is not possible to dynamically change the graph geometry at runtime, PDSCH_MAX_HET_LDPC_CONFIGS_SUPPORTED potential LDPC kernel nodes are created. Depending on the LDPC configuration parameters and the number of TBs, only a subset of these kernels perform LDPC encoding. The remaining nodes are disabled at runtime if needed per PDSCH. The DMRS kernel node is not dependent on any of the other PDSCH kernels. Therefore, it can be placed anywhere in the graph. The three kernels preceding the DMRS in the graph are only exercised if CSI-RS parameters are present (or CSI-RS is configured). These kernels compute information needed by the fused rate matching and modulation kernel about the REs that need to be skipped.
PDCCH Pipeline#
The cuPHY PDCCH channel processing involves the following kernels:
When running in graphs mode, the CUDA graph launched on every slot contains only kernel nodes and its current layout is as depicted in the below figure.

cuPHY PDCCH graph layout#
PDCCH kernel takes static and dynamic parameters as in PDSCH.
Notes on PDCCH configuration and dataset conventions:
The PdcchParams dataset contains the coreset parameters for a given cell. Dataset DciParams_coreset_0_dci_0 contains the DCI parameters for the first DCI of coreset 0. There is a separate dataset for every DCI in a cell with the naming convention: DciParams_coreset_<i>_dci_<j>, where i has values from 0 up to (number of coresets – 1), while j starts from 0 for every coreset i and goes up to (PdcchParams[i].numDlDci – 1) for that coreset.
Dataset DciPayload_coreset_0_dci_0 contains the DCI payload, in bytes, for the first DCI of coreset 0. It follows the naming convention mentioned above DciParams_coreset_0_dci_0.
Dataset(s) DciPmW_coreset_i_dci_j hold the precoding matrix for a given DCI, coreset pair, if it has precoding enabled.
X_tf_fp16 is the 3D output tensor for that cell and is used for reference checks in the various PDCCH examples.
X_tf_cSamples_bfp* datasets that contain compressed data are not used in cuPHY, since compression happens in cuphydriver after all cuPHY processing for all downlink channels scheduled in a slot has completed.
SSB Pipeline#
The cuPHY SS Block channel processing involves the following kernels:
When running in graphs mode, the CUDA graph launched on every slot contains only these two kernel nodes connected in sequence.
Notes on SSB configuration and dataset conventions:
The SSTxParams dataset contains all the nSsb, SSB parameters for a given cell.
SSB bursts cannot be multiplexed in frequency domain, they can only be multiplexed in time domain.
nSsb datasets contains the number of SSBs in a cell, this is also the size of the SSTxParams dataset.
x_mib contains the Master Information Block (MIB) for each SSB in the cell as an uint32_t element; only the least significant 24-bits of each element are valid.
Dataset(s) Ssb_PM_W* contain the precoding matrices if precoding is enabled for a given SSB.
- X_tf_fp16 is the 3D output tensor for that cell and is used for reference checks in the various SSB examples. Every I/Q sample there is stored as __half2c.X_tf is similar to X_tf_fp16 but every I/Q sample there is stored as float2 instead of __half2; not currently used in cuPHY.
X_tf_cSamples_bfp* datasets hold the output compressed and are not used in cuPHY as compression is applied as part of the cuphydriver.
CSI-RS Pipeline#
The cuPHY CSI-RS channel processing involves the following kernels:
When running in graphs mode, the CUDA graph launched on every slot contains only these two kernel nodes connected in sequence.
Notes on CSI-RS configuration and dataset conventions:
CsirsParamsList contains configuration parameters which are used for non-zero power signal generation (e.g., NZP, TRS).
Please note that CsirsParamsList dataset can have multiple elements. All elements in the dataset can be processed with single setup/run call.
X_tf_fp16 is the 3D reference output tensor for that cell and is used for reference checks in the various CSI-RS examples. Every I/Q sample there is stored as __half2c.
X_tf is similar to X_tf_fp16 but every I/Q sample there is stored as float2 instead of __half2; not currently used in cuPHY.
X_tf_cSamples_bfp* datasets hold the output compressed and are not used in cuPHY as compression is applied as part of cuphydriver.
X_tf_remap is reference output for RE Map, this is not used currently as current implementation only generates NZP signal.
Dataset(s) Csirs_PM_W* contain precoding matrices and are used if precoding is enabled.
PUSCH Pipeline#
The PUSCH pipeline includes the following components (which are illustrated in the PUSCH Pipeline Front End and PUSCH and CSI Part 1 Decoding figures):
Least squares (LS) channel estimation
Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) channel estimation
Noise and interference covariance estimation
Shrinkage and whitening
Channel Equalization
Carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation and CFO averaging
Timing offset (TO) estimation and averaging.
Received signal strength indicator (RSSI) estimation and averaging
Noise variance estimation
Received signal received power (RSRP) estimation and averaging
SNR estimation
De-rate matching
LDPC backend
If CSI part 2 is configured, the following components are also used (these components are illustrated in the PUSCH and CSI Part 1 Decoding and PUSCH and CSI Part 2 Decoding figures):
Simplex decoder or RM decoder or Polar decoder (for CSI decoding of CSI part 1 depending on the UCI payload size)
CSI part 2 de-scrambling and de-rate matching
Simplex decoder or RM decoder or Polar decoder (for CSI decoding of CSI part 2 depending on the UCI payload size)
The PUSCH pipeline receives IQ samples, which are provided by order and decompression kernels. The received IQ data is stored in the address cuphyPuschDataIn_t PhyPuschAggr::DataIn.pTDataRx as the cuphyTensorPrm_t type. The IQ samples are represented by half precision (16-bits) real and imaginary values. The size of the input buffer is multiplication of number of maximum PRBs (273), number of subcarriers per PRB (12), number of OFDM symbols per slot (14) and number of maximum antenna ports per cell (16). This buffer is created for each cell.

Graph Diagram of the PUSCH Pipeline Front End#
Channel Estimation#
Input Buffer |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Description |
IQ samples of the input data received from the FH for an UL slot. The I/Q data are represented in half precision float. |
Output Buffer |
Note: The index |
Data type |
Dimensions |
[(CUPHY_N_TONES_PER_PRB*(number_of PRBs)/2), NUM_LAYERS, NUM_ANTENNAS, NH]: [(12*(number of PRBs)/2), (number of layers), (number of RX antennas), (number of DMRS symbols)] |
Description |
IQ samples of the initial channel estimates on DMRS symbols. The I/Q data are represented in half precision float. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx::m_tRefDmrsAccumVec[i] Note: the index |
Data Type |
Dimensions |
Description |
Holds summation of |
Channel estimation (CE) consists of two stages: least-squares (LS) CE and minimum-mean-square (MMSE) CE.
The first LS CE stage invokes a kernel windowedChEstPreNoDftSOfdmKernel()
DMRS symbols are used to obtain initial channel estimate on DMRS REs and to calculate
mean delay of the channel impulse response (CIR). The mean delay and the initial
estimates are then used to obtain channel estimates in data REs on the second
stage with MMSE filtering operation.
The second stage invokes a dispatch kernel
to support different
configurations. The dispatch kernel first calculates mean channel delay
by using the stored value m_tRefDmrsAccumVec
from the first stage. It then
chooses an appropriate kernel depending on number of PRBs in the given
PUSCH allocation and number of consecutive DMRS symbols
. The MMSE filtering operation is done by a kernel
The component-level unit test of cuphy_ex_ch_est
based on the testbench
of cuPHY PUSCH pipeline can be used to verify the functional correctness
of the existing or new PUSCH DMRS channel estimation implemented in CUDA
against the 5GModel-generated references. There are several major steps
to exploiting cuphy_ex_ch_est
to include static parameters for PUSCH pipeline,dynApiDataset
to include dynamic parameters for PUSCH pipeline, andevalDataset
to include 5GModel-generated references for the evaluation purpose from cuPHY PUSCH TVs.Create the object
of C++ classPuschRx
, which encapsulates the main functionalities, structs, and internal parameters corresponding to cuPHY PUSCH pipeline from staticApiDataset and initialize its internal static parameters.Call
of puschRx to initialize the array of structcuphyPuschRxUeGrpPrms_t ``in CPU by using ``dynApiDataset
; allocate GPU device-memory buffers for each UE group to hold input I/Q samples (i.e.,tInfoDataRx
) and channel estimation results (e.g.,tInfoHEst
to calculate the sizes ofpuschRxChEstStatDescr_t
; create the corresponding CPU/GPU buffers to hold static and dynamic parameters (descriptors) (i.e.,puschRxChEstStatDescr_t
) used directly as inputs to channel estimation kernels.Call
to create a channel estimation object of C++ classpuschRxChEst
and the corresponding handlerpuschRxChEstHndl
, initializepuschRxChEstStatDescr_t
, and return a status code indicating whether the operation was successful or not; copy the contents ofpuschRxChEstStatDescr_t
from CPU buffers to GPU buffers.Call
to populate thepuschRxChEstDynDescr_t
and other parameters, select/configurate the kernels to be used, and create kernel launch configurationscuphyPuschRxChEstLaunchCfgs_t
to include kernel node parameters and kernel input arguments; copy the contents ofcuphyPuschRxUeGrpPrms_t
from CPU buffers to GPU buffers.Launch channel estimation kernels based on
to read input I/Q samples, perform channel estimation, and generate channel estimation results.Destroy the channel estimation object and release the corresponding resources by calling
;Evaluate the channel estimation results by comparing GPU outputs with 5GModel-generated references and report the accuracy of the results.
Input Buffer |
Input Buffer |
Description |
Refer to the First Stage (LS CE) table |
Input CE Filters |
Description |
Interpolation filter coefficients depending on the number of PRBs |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Description |
These CE filters are used to do frequence=domain
interpolation and remove FOCC effect. The filter
coefficients are different depending on PRB count
and PRB location (i.e. edge PRBs have different
filter coefficients from central PRBs). These
coefficients can be calculated by 5GModel or
obtained directly from any cuPHY PUSCH test vectors
or |
Input CE Sequences |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Description |
These CE sequences are used to shift (and unshift)
the estimated channel impulse responses for the
filtering purpose. These sequences can be calculated
by 5GModel or obtained directly from any cuPHY PUSCH
test vectors or |
Output Buffer |
Note: the index |
Data type |
Dimensions |
[(number of RX antennas), (number of layers), (12*(number of PRBs)), (number of DMRS symbols)] |
Description |
Estimates of the received channel on the DMRS symbols. |
Noise and Interference Covariance Estimation#
Input Buffer |
Receives outputs of channel estimation kernel as input. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tRefNoiseVarPreEq |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F: float real values |
Dimensions |
Description |
Estimates of the noise variance pre-equalization per UE group (or PRB range). |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tRefLwInvVec[i] Note: the index i refers to a PRB range (or UE group) |
Data Type |
CUPHY_C_32_F: float complex IQ samples |
Dimensions |
[NUM_ANTENNAS, NUM_ANTENNAS, numPRB]: [(number of RX antennas), (number of RX antennas),(number of PRBs)] |
Description |
Inverse Cholesky factor of noise-interference tensor information. |
Carrier Frequency and Timing Offset Estimation#
The carrier frequency offset (CFO) is caused by local oscillators at the UE / RU drifting from the nominal carrier frequency. In the case of UE, the offset will be independent for each UE (but the same for all RF streams). At the RU, the offset is expected to be equal for all RF streams.
CFO can have the following effects on the received signal:
Inter-carrier interference (ICI), whereby sub-carriers are not orthogonal
A linear phase rotation observed along different symbols (i.e. in the time domain)
CFO estimation is typically based on repetitions over the time domain that allow estimation of the phase rotation. Phase rotation requires a complex multiplication at the equalizer stage, while mitigation of ICI requires a time domain operation or a matrix multiplication. ICI mitigation is not implemented in Aerial.
CFO estimator in Aerial uses channel estimates of the DMRS symbols to calculate a correction factor for the CFO. The algorithm currently supports multiple CFO corrections from multiple UEs multiplexed in FDM mode. It has the following limitations:
It is not possible to estimate and compensate for different CFOs originating from multiple UEs multiplexed in CDM mode (e.g. MU-MIMO).
CFO compensation is only applied to PUSCH. It requires at least 2 DMRS symbols. If more than two DMRS symbols are available, only 2 are used.
Maximum CFO correction is limited to \(\frac{1}{2L}\Delta f\), where L is the maximum separation between the DMRS symbols and \(\Delta f\) is the subcarrier spacing.
Only phase correction is applied. ICI resulting from CFO is not compensated.
In the following, we formulate the adopted solution for CFO compensation. We assume a single UE for simplicity. The received OFDM signal can be represented as
Where \(n\) is the time sample index and \(k\) is the subcarrier index. \(X_{k}\) is the transmitted QAM symbol and \(H_{k}\) is the channel coefficient on the subcarrier \(k\). \(\epsilon\) is the CFO.
After the FFT, we obtain the following:
The term \(I_{k\,}\) denotes ICI and is given by
ICI degrades the EVM of the received signal, can be expressed as follows (for a normalized signal/channel):
Moreover, CFO causes a linear phase variation in the received symbols as follows:
Where \(Y_{1k}\) and \(Y_{2k}\) are the received signal on subcarrier \(k\) on symbols 1 and 2, respectively. Note that the symbol indices do not correspond to their actual placement in the slot (i.e. they may not be consecutive in the slot).
A maximum likelihood estimator for CFO can be obtained as [12]:
Where \(k_{i}\) is the set of REs allocated in a PUSCH transmission.
The maximum correctable offset is 0.5/L, where L is the time domain separation between the symbols. Aerial algorithm uses DMRS symbols for CFO estimation, which requires at least two DMRS symbols to be configured in a slot.
The preamble detection algorithm of PRACH is capable of handling the maximum CFO without any additional CFO correction. Detection of PUCCH is less sensitive to CFO due to lower modulation order (QPSK) and in some cases shorter duration. PUCCH receiver algorithm does not include CFO correction. If required, CFO correction can be implemented for PUCCH reception in the future.
Timing offset (TO) is caused by a timing misalignment between the UE and the gNB. It results in excess delay of the channel impulse response (CIR). A large enough TO may also result in signal distortion if it causes the CIR to exceed the cyclic prefix.
Assuming that the duration of the CIR + TO is smaller than the cyclic prefix, a TO will manifest itself as a linear phase along the frequency domain, denoted as
Denote the DMRS channel estimates as for the \(p\)-th antenna, \(l\)-th layer, \(k_{1}\)-th PRB and \(k_{2}\)-th RE within PRB \(k\), \(k_{2} \in \,\left\{ 0,1,\ldots,10 \right\}\) by \(\widehat{H}\,_{p,l,k_{1},k_{2},n_{d}}\) with \(n_{d}\) as the symbol index out of \(D\) DMRS symbols in a slot. We can obtain the normalized timing offset as
The absolute timing offset in seconds can be obtained as
where \(\mu\, = \,\left\{ 0,1,2,3,4 \right\}\) is the numerology parameter corresponding to \(\left\{ 15,\, 30,\, 60,\, 120,\, 240 \right\}\) kHz sub carrier frequency spacing.
Input Buffers |
PuschRx::m_tRefHEstVec[i] This buffer is received from Channel Estimation kernel. Note: the index i refers to a PRB range (or UE group). |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tRefCfoEstVec[i] Note: the index i refers to a PRB range (or UE group) |
Data Type |
CUPHY_R_32_F: float real values |
Dimensions |
[MAX_ND_SUPPORTED, (number of UEs)]: [14, (number of UEs)] |
Description |
CFO estimate vector. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tRefCfoHz |
Data Type |
CUPHY_R_32_F: float real values. |
Dimensions |
[1, (number of UEs)] |
Descriptions |
CFO estimate values in Hz. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tRefTaEst |
Data Type |
CUPHY_R_32_F: float real values. |
Dimensions |
[1, (number of UEs)] |
Descriptions |
Timing offset estimates. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tRefCfoPhaseRot |
Data Type |
CUPHY_C_32_F: float complex values. |
Dimensions |
[CUPHY_PUSCH_RX_MAX_N_TIME_CH_EST, CUPHY_PUSCH_RX_MAX_N_LAYERS_PER_UE_GROUP, MAX_N_USER_GROUPS_SUPPORTED] [(max number of channel estimates in time, =4), (max layers per UE group, =8), (max UE groups, =128)] |
Descriptions |
Carrier offset phase rotation values |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tRefTaPhaseRot |
Data Type |
CUPHY_C_32_F: float complex values. |
Dimensions |
[1, CUPHY_PUSCH_RX_MAX_N_LAYERS_PER_UE_GROUP] : [1, (max layers per UE group, =8)] |
Descriptions |
Carrier offset phase rotation values |
Soft De-mapper#
After equalization, the LLR of each bit is calculated according to the following table for the QAM symbol: \(Z_{r}\, + \, Z_{j}\) where \(Z_{r}\) and \(Z_{j}\) are the real and imaginary components of the symbol. The LLR of each bit will be scaled by postEqMSE of each symbol as the output of the soft-demapper.
\(A\) |
LLR of Real Bits |
LLR of Imaginary Bits |
4QAM |
\[\lambda_{c_{0}}\, = \, Z_{r}\]
\[\lambda_{c_{0}}\, = \, Z_{i}\]
16QAM |
\[\lambda_{c_{0}}\, = \, Z_{r}\]
\[\lambda_{c_{1}}\, =
\, - \left| Z_{r} \right| + 2A\]
\[\lambda_{c_{0}}\, = \, Z_{i}\]
\[\lambda_{c_{1}}\, =
\, - \left| Z_{i} \right| + 2A\]
64QAM |
\[\lambda_{c_{0}}\, = \, Z_{r}\]
\[\lambda_{c_{1}}\, = \, -
\left| Z_{r} \right| + 4A\]
\[\lambda_{c_{2}}\, = \, -
\left| \left| Z_{r}
\right| - 4A \right| + 2A\]
\[\lambda_{c_{0}}\, = \, Z_{i}\]
\[\lambda_{c_{1}}\, = \,
- \left| Z_{i} \right| + 4A\]
\[\lambda_{c_{2}}\, = \, -
\left| \left| Z_
{i} \right| - 4A \right| + 2A\]
256QAM |
\[\lambda_{c_{0}}\, = \, Z_{r}\]
\[\lambda_{c_{1}}\, = \, -
\left| Z_{r} \right| + 8A\]
\[\lambda_{c_{2}}\, = \,
- \left| \left| Z_{r}
\right| - 8A \right| + 4A\]
\[\lambda_{c_{3}}\, = \, - \left|
\left| \left| Z_{r} \right| -
8A \right| - 4A \right| + 2A\]
\[\lambda_{c_{0}}\, = \, Z_{i}\]
\[\lambda_{c_{1}}\, = \, -
\left| Z_{i} \right| + 8A\]
\[\lambda_{c_{2}}\, = \, -
\left| \left| Z_{i} \right| -
8A \right| + 4A\]
\[\lambda_{c_{3}}\, = \, -
\left| \left| \left| Z_{i}
\right| - 8A \right| -
4A \right| + 2A\]
Channel Equalization Coefficients Computation Kernel |
Input Buffers |
These buffers are received from Noise and Interference Covariance Estimation, Channel Estimation and CFO Estimation kernels. Note: The index |
Output Buffer |
Note: The index |
Data Type |
CUPHY_R_32_F: float real values |
Dimensions |
[CUPHY_N_TONES_PER_PRB, NUM_LAYERS, NUM_PRBS, nTimeChEq ]: [12*(number of PRBs), (number of layers), (number of PRBs), (number of time domain estimates)] |
Description |
Channel equalizer residual error vector. |
Output Buffer |
Note: The index |
Data Type |
Dimensions |
[NUM_ANTENNAS, CUPHY_N_TONES_PER_PRB, NUM_LAYERS, NUM_PRBS, NH ]: [(number of RX antennas), 12*(number of PRBs), (number of layers), (number of PRBs), (number of DMRS positions)] |
Descriptions |
Channel equalizer coefficients. |
Channel Equalization MMSE Soft De-mapping Kernel |
Input Buffers |
These buffers are received from Noise and Interference Covariance Estimation, Channel Estimation and CFO Estimation kernels. Note: the index i refers to a PRB range (or UE group). |
Output Buffer |
Note: the index i refers to a PRB range (or UE group) |
Data Type |
Dimensions |
[NUM_LAYERS, NF, NUM_DATA_SYMS ]: [(number of layers), 12*(number of PRBs), (number of data OFDM symbols)] |
Description |
Equalized QAM data symbols. |
Output Buffer |
Note: the index |
Data Type |
CUPHY_R_16_F : tensor vector of half float real samples. |
Dimensions |
[CUPHY_QAM_256, NUM_LAYERS, NF, NUM_DATA_SYMBOLS ]: [(number of bits for 256QAM = 8), (number of layers), (number of layers), 12*(number of PRBs), (number of data OFDM symbols)] |
D escriptions |
Output LLRs or softbits. Used if UCI on PUSCH is enabled. |
Output Buffer |
Note: the refers to a PRB range (or UE group)index i |
Data Type |
Dimensions |
[CUPHY_QAM_256, NUM_LAYERS, NF, NUM_DATA_SYMBOLS ]: [(number of bits for 256QAM = 8), (number of layers), (number of layers), 12*(number of PRBs), (number of data OFDM symbols)] |
D escriptions |
Output LLRs or softbits. Used if there is no UCI on PUSCH. |
De-rate matching and Descrambling#
Input Buffer |
Output Buffer |
Data type |
uint8_t |
Dimensions |
Function of TB size and number of TBs. |
Description |
Rate-matching/descrambling output. It is on a host
pinned GPU memory. It is mapped to
RSSI Estimation#
The RSSI is calculated from the received signal by first calculating the received signal power on each RE and each receive antenna. The total power is then calculated by summation of received power across the frequency resources and receive antennas. The RSSI is then obtained by averaging over DMRS symbols as defined in the SCF FAPI specification.
The RSSI is calculated as
where \(Y_{p,\, k,\, n_{d}}\) is the received signal of the \(p`\)-th receive antenna, the \(k\)-th subcarrier and the \(n_{d}`\)-th OFDM symbol of the \(d\)-th DMRS symbol.
Input Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_drvdUeGrpPrmsCpu[i].tInfoDataRx |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tRefRssiFull |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float real samples. |
Dimensions |
[MAX_ND_SUPPORTED, MAX_N_ANTENNAS_SUPPORTED , nUEgroups]: [(max number of time domain estimates, =14), (max number of antennas, =64), (number of UE groups)] |
Description |
Measured RSSI (per symbol, per antenna, per UE group). |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tRefRssi |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float real samples. |
Dimensions |
[1, nUEgroups]:[1, (number of UE groups)] |
Description |
Measured RSSI per UE group. |
RSRP and SINR Estimation#
The RSRP is calculated as
Where \(H_{p,l,k,n_{d}}\) is the estimated channel frequency response of the
\(p\)-th receive antenna, \(l\)-th layer, \(k\)-th subcarrier and \(n_{d}\)-th OFDM symbol of the \(D\) DMRS symbols. In the equation, \(P\) is the total number of receive antennas, \(K\) is the total number of subcarriers and \(D\) is the total number of DMRS symbols in a slot.
In order to obtain an SINR estimation, we first obtain the noise signal as
Where \(Y_{p,k_{DMRS},n_{d}}\,\) is the received signal of the \(p\)-th receive antenna, the \(k_{DMRS}\)-th DMRS subcarier and the \(n_{d}\)-th DMRS symbol. \(H_{p,l,k_{DMRS},n_{d}}\,\) is the estimated channel response of the \(p\)-the receive antenna, \(l\)-th layer, \(k_{DMRS}\)-th DMRS subcarrier and the \(n_{d}\,\)-th OFDM symbol of the \(d\)-th DMRS symbol. \(X_{DMRS,l}\) is the DMRS symbol of the \(l\)-th layer.
The noise variance can then be estimated as
Where \(P\) is the total number of receive antennas and \(K_{DMRS}\) is the total number of subcarriers in a DMRS symbol. In order to compensate for the reduction in the noise power estimation caused by the channel estimation filter, a correction factor (not shown here) is added to the noise variance. The SINR can then be obtained by \(SINR\, = \,\frac{1}{\sigma_{noise}^{2}}\)
Input Buffer |
PuschRx::m_tRefHEstVec[i], PuschRx:: m_tRefReeDiagInvVec[i], PuschRx:: m_tRefNoiseVarPreEq |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tRefRsrp |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float real samples. |
Dimensions |
[1, nUEgroups]:[1, (number of UE groups)] |
Description |
RSRP values across UEs. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tRefNoiseVarPostEq |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float real samples. |
Dimensions |
[1, nUEgroups]:[1, (number of UE groups)] |
Description |
Post-equalization noise variances across UEs |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tRefSinrPreEq |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float real samples. |
Dimensions |
[1, nUEgroups]:[1, (number of UE groups)] |
Description |
Pre-equalization SINR values across UEs. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tRefSinrPostEq |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float real samples. |
Dimensions |
[1, nUEgroups]:[1, (number of UE groups)] |
Description |
Post-equalization SINR values across UEs. |
UCI on PUSCH Decoder#
If UCI is configured on PUSCH channel, output of the soft-demapper first goes through de-segmentation to separate HARQ, CSI part 1 and CSI part 2 and SCH softbits (or LLRs). This initial step is done by the kernel uciOnPuschSegLLRs0Kernel().
If CSI-part2 is present, CSI-part2 control kernel is launched as shown in the figure below as a dashed box. This kernel determines the number of CSI-part2 bits and rate-matched bits and selects the correct decoder kernels and initiates their setup functions.
De-segmentation of CSI-part2 payload is done by uciOnPuschSegLLRs2Kernel() kernel, which separates CSI-part2 UCI and SCH softbits.
UCI on PUSCH De- segmentation of First Phase |
Input Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tPrmLLRVec[i] |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx::m_pTbPrmsGpu->pUePrmsGpu[i].d_harqLLrs; |
Data type |
__half* |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array, the size depending on the payload. |
Description |
HARQ soft bits. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx::m_pTbPrmsGpu->pUePrmsGpu[ueIdx].d_csi1LLRs; |
Data type |
__half* |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array, the size depending on the payload. |
Description |
CSI part 1 soft bits. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx::m_pTbPrmsGpu->pUePrmsGpu[i]. d_schAndCsi2LLRs |
Data type |
__half* |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array, the size depending on the payload. |
Description |
Shared channel (SCH) and CSI part 2 soft bits. |

Graph Diagram of the PUSCH and CSI Part 1 Decoding#
UCI on PUSCH De- segmentation of Second Phase |
Input Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_tPrmLLRVec[i] |
Output Buffer |
P uschRx::m_pTbPrmsGpu->pUePrmsGpu[i].d_schAndCsi2LLRs; |
Data type |
__half* |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array, the size depending on the payload. |
Description |
Pointer to SCH softbits |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx::m_pTbPrmsGpu->pUePrmsGpu[i].d_schAndCsi2LLRs + PuschRx::m_pTbPrmsGpu->pUePrmsGpu[i].G; |
Data type |
__half* |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array, the size depending on the payload. |
Description |
Pointer to CSI part2 softbits |

Graph Diagram of the PUSCH and CSI Part 2 Decoding#
Simplex Decoder#
The simplex decoder implements maximum likelihood (ML) decoder. It receives input LLRs and outputs estimated codewords. It also reports HARQ DTX status.
Input Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_pSpxCwPrmsCpu[spxCwIdx].d_LLRs |
Data type |
__half* |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array, the size depending on the payload. |
Description |
Pointer to input LLRs |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_pSpxCwPrmsCpu[spxCwIdx].d_cbEst |
Data type |
uint32_t* |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array, the size depending on the payload. |
Description |
Decoded UCI payload. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_pSpxCwPrmsCpu[spxCwIdx].d_DTXStatus |
Data type |
Uint8_t* |
Dimensions |
Parameter. |
Description |
Pointer to HARQ detection status. |
Reed Muller (RM) Decoder#
The RM decoder implements maximum likelihood (ML) decoder. It receives input LLRs and outputs estimated codewords. It also reports HARQ DTX status.
Input Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_pSpxCwPrmsCpu[rmCwIdx].d_LLRs |
Data type |
__half* |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array, the size depending on the payload. |
Description |
Pointer to input LLRs |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_pSpxCwPrmsCpu[rmCwIdx].d_cbEst |
Data type |
uint32_t* |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array, the size depending on the payload. |
Description |
Decoded UCI payload. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_pSpxCwPrmsCpu[rmCwIdx].d_DTXStatus |
Data type |
Uint8_t* |
Dimensions |
Parameter. |
Description |
Pointer to HARQ detection status. |
Polar Decoder#
Polar decoder uses CRC aided list decoder with tree pruning. There are many variants of the decoding algorithm that is used in decoding of Polar codes. Please see [2, 3] for some of the related work. The exact implementation in cuPHY is optimized for the GPU architecture.
The tree-pruning algorithms combine leaf nodes together, which is a better data structure for execute decoding in parallel. Hence it is more suitable for GPU architecture. There are different methods of forming leaf nodes in the tree pruning algorithm. In our implementation we use rate-0 and rate-1 leaf codewords. In rate-0 leaf nodes, multiple bits are always frozen and are zero, whereas there are no frozen bits in rate-1 leaf nodes. In rate-1 codewords, LLRs can be decoded in parallel.
Tree pruning is done by compCwTreeTypesKernel()before the input LLRs are received by the Polar Decoder kernel.
If the list size is equal to 1, polarDecoderKernel(), if the list size is greater than 1, listPolarDecoderKernel()is run.
Input Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_cwTreeLLRsAddrVec |
Data type |
__half* |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array, the size depending on the payload. |
Description |
Pointer to codeword tree of LLR addresses. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_cbEstAddrVec |
Data type |
uint32_t* |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array, the size depending on the payload. |
Description |
Pointer to estimated CB addresses. |
LDPC Decoder#
LDPC decoder is implemented with normalized layered min-sum algorithm [1] and it uses short float (FP16) data type as log-likehood ratio (LLR) metrics.
Input Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_LDPCDecodeDescSet.llr_input[m_LDPCDecodeDescSet .num_tbs] The first address is also mapped to PuschRx::m_pHarqBuffers[ueIdx] |
Data type |
cuphyTransportBlockLLRDesc_t |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array, the size depending on the number of valid TB descriptors. The max size is 32. |
Description |
Input LLR buffers. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_LDPCDecodeDescSet.tb_output[m_LDPCDecodeDescSet .num_tbs] The first address is also mapped to PuschRx::d_LDPCOut + offset Offset is a function of UE index and number of codewords per UE. |
Data type |
cuphyTransportBlockDataDesc_t |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array, the size depending on the number of valid TB descriptors. |
Description |
Pointer to estimated TB addresses. |
CRC Decoder#
Code Block CRC Decoder Kernel |
Input Buffer |
PuschRx::d_pLDPCOut, PuschRx:: m_pTbPrmsGpu |
Descriptions |
LDPC decoder output and TB parameters needed to decode the CRC. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_outputPrms.pCbCrcsDevice; |
Data type |
uint32_t |
Dimensions |
[1, total number of CBs (across UEs)] |
Description |
CRC output. |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_outputPrms.pTbPayloadsDevice |
Data type |
Uint8_t |
Dimensions |
[1, total number of TB payload bytes] |
Description |
TB payload. |
Transport Block CRC Decoder Kernel |
Input Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_outputPrms.pTbPayloadsDevice, PuschRx:: m_pTbPrmsGpu |
Output Buffer |
PuschRx:: m_outputPrms.pTbCrcsDevice |
Data Type |
uint32_t |
Dimensions |
[1, total number of TBs (across UEs)] |
Description |
TB CRC output. |
PUCCH Pipeline#
The PUCCH pipeline can be divided into logical stages. The first, front-end processing, is unique for each PUCCH format and involves descrambling and demodulation to recover transmitted symbols. For formats 0 and 1, this is the only stage performed as there is no decoding necessary to recover data. For formats 2 and 3, this is followed by decoding. Here, the kernels used are the same as those in PUSCH for the same decoding type. Finally, the decoded data is segmented into HARQ, SR and CSI payloads.
The kernels responsible for front-end processing are as follows:
With each corresponding to formats 0 through 3 respectively. For formats 0 and 1, hard decisions are made as part of demodulation to recover 1 or 2 payload bits, depending on specific configuration. For formats 2 and 3, LLRs are recovered from demodulation and used for decoding. Each front-end processing kernel also calculates RSSI, and RSRP and uses DMRS to perform SINR, interference, and timing advance estimation.
For formats 2 and 3, payloads less than 12 bits in length are handled by the
Reed Muller decoder kernel . Payloads of 12 bits and larger are handled by a
de-rate matching and de-interleaving kernel (polSegDeRmDeItlKernel
) and
then processed by the polar decoder kernel.
Finally, formats 2 and 3 decoded payloads are segmented by a
segmentation kernel (pucchF234UciSegKernel
) to recover the corresponding
HARQ, SR, and CSI payloads.

Graph Diagram of the PUCCH Pipeline#
Input Buffer |
PucchRx::m_tPrmDataRxBufCpu[i].tInfoDataRx |
Data type |
CUPHY_C_16_F : tensor vector of IQ samples |
Dimensions |
Output Buffer |
PucchRx::m_outputPrms.pF0UciOutGpu |
Data type |
cuphyPucchF0F1UciOut_t* |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array of length equal to the number of format 0 UCIs |
Description |
HARQ values and estimator measurements, including SINR, Interference, RSSI, RSRP (in dB) and timing advance (in uSec) per UCI |
Output Buffer |
PucchRx::m_outputPrms.pF0UciOutGpu |
Data type |
cuphyPucchF0F1UciOut_t* |
Dimensions |
Single dimensional array of length equal to the number of format 1 UCIs |
Description |
HARQ values and estimator measurements, including SINR, Interference, RSSI, RSRP (in dB) and timing advance (in uSec) per UCI |
Output Buffer |
PucchRx:: m_tSinr |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values. |
Dimensions |
[(number of format 2 & 3 UCIs)] |
Description |
Measured SINR per UCI (in dB) |
Output Buffer |
PucchRx:: m_tRssi |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values. |
Dimensions |
[(number of format 2 & 3 UCIs)] |
Description |
Measured RSSI per UCI (in dB) |
Output Buffer |
PucchRx:: m_tRsrp |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values. |
Dimensions |
[(number of format 2 & 3 UCIs)] |
Description |
Measured RSRP per UCI (in dB) |
Output Buffer |
PucchRx:: m_tInterf |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values. |
Dimensions |
[(number of format 2 & 3 UCIs)] |
Description |
Measured Interference per UCI (in dB) |
Output Buffer |
PucchRx:: m_tNoiseVar |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values. |
Dimensions |
[(number of format 2 & 3 UCIs)] |
Description |
Measured Noise Variance per UCI (in dB) |
Output Buffer |
PucchRx:: m_tTaEst |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values. |
Dimensions |
[(number of format 2 & 3 UCIs)] |
Description |
Measured Timing Advance per UCI (in uSec) |
Output Buffer |
PucchRx::m_tUciPayload |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_8U : tensor vector of unsigned bytes |
Dimensions |
[(total number payload bytes for format 2 & 3 UCIs rounded up to 4-byte words for each payload)] |
Description |
Format 2 & 3 UCI payloads rounded to 4-byte words. If 1 UCI has HARQ & CSI-P1 of 1 bit each, they will each get a 4-byte word for a total of 8 bytes. |
Output Buffer |
PucchRx:: m_tHarqDetectionStatus |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_8U : tensor vector of unsigned bytes |
Dimensions |
[(number of format 2 & 3 UCIs)] |
Description |
HARQ detection status |
Output Buffer |
PucchRx:: m_tCsiP1DetectionStatus |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_8U : tensor vector of unsigned bytes |
Dimensions |
[(number of format 2 & 3 UCIs)] |
Description |
CSI Part 1 detection status |
Output Buffer |
PucchRx:: m_tCsiP2DetectionStatus |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_8U : tensor vector of unsigned bytes |
Dimensions |
[(number of format 2 & 3 UCIs)] |
Description |
CSI Part 2 detection status |
PRACH Pipeline#
The PRACH pipeline uses IQ samples segmented for each occasion and performs detection and estimation for configured PRACH signals. This process operates across a number of kernels as follows:
The prach_compute_correlation kernel takes input IQ data and performs averaging among repetitions followed by a time-domain correlation (done in frequency domain) against a reference version of the expected PRACH signal. This kernel simultaneously operates on each PRACH occasion.
An inverse FFT kernel transforms the frequency domain correlation results to time domain. A separate kernel operates on each occasion.
The prach_compute_pdp kernel performs non-coherent combining of correlation results for each preamble zone. It then calculates power and the peak index and value for each preamble zone.
The prach_search_pdp kernel computes preamble and noise power estimates and reports the preamble index with peak power. It also does threshold-based detection declaration.
There is also a separate set of kernels as part of the PRACH pipeline for performing RSSI calculations.
The memsetRssi kernel clears a device buffer used in computing RSSI.
The prach_compute_rssi kernel computes RSSI for each PRACH occasion both for each antenna and average power over all antennas
The memcpyRssi kernel stores the RSSI results in host-accessible memory

Graph Diagram of the PRACH Pipeline#
Input Buffer |
PrachRx:: h_dynParam[i].dataRx |
Data type |
CUPHY_C_16_F : tensor for each occasion buffer |
Dimensions |
[(Preamble length+5)*Number of repetitions , N_ant] |
Output Buffer |
PrachRx:: numDetectedPrmb |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32U : tensor vector of uint32 |
Dimensions |
Description |
Number of detected preambles for each occasion |
Output Buffer |
PrachRx:: prmbIndexEstimates |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32U : tensor vector of uint32 |
Dimensions |
Description |
Detected preamble index for each preamble and occasion |
Output Buffer |
PrachRx:: prmbDelayEstimates |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values |
Dimensions |
Description |
Delay estimate for each preamble and occasion |
Output Buffer |
PrachRx:: prmbPowerEstimates |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values |
Dimensions |
Description |
Power estimate for each preamble and occasion |
Output Buffer |
PrachRx:: antRssi |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values |
Dimensions |
Description |
RSSI for each antenna and occasion |
Output Buffer |
PrachRx:: rssi |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values |
Dimensions |
Description |
RSSI for each occasion |
Output Buffer |
PrachRx:: interference |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values |
Dimensions |
Description |
Interference for each occasion |
Output Buffer |
PrachRx:: prmbPowerEstimates |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values |
Dimensions |
Description |
Power estimate for each preamble and occasion |
Output Buffer |
PrachRx:: antRssi |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values |
Dimensions |
Description |
RSSI for each antenna and occasion |
Output Buffer |
PrachRx:: rssi |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values |
Dimensions |
Description |
RSSI for each occasion |
Output Buffer |
PrachRx:: interference |
Data type |
CUPHY_R_32_F : tensor vector of float values |
Dimensions |
Description |
Interference for each occasion |
SRS Pipeline Overview#
The SRS Pipeline implements the signal reference symbol (SRS) channel estimation for cellular uplink transmissions. The module takes received IQ samples from the gNB O-RU antennas as input and outputs the estimated channel coefficients for each subcarrier and antenna port. The module supports different bandwidths, and transmission modes as specified by the 3GPP standards.
SRS Pipeline Lifecycle#

The SRS Pipeline module consists of a C++ class, srsChEst that encapsulates the main functionality and a C API that provides an interface for external applications. The C API consists of four functions: cuphyCreateSrsRx(), cuphySetupSrsRx(), cuphyRunSrsRx(), and cuphyDestroySrsRx(). Each of these functions corresponds to a phase in the pipeline lifecycle responsible for creating, configuring, running, and destroying the SRS Pipeline instance respectively.
SRS Pipeline Execution#
The SRS pipeline supports graph execution, however the graph simply consists of a single node for the channel estimation kernel.

This function creates an instance of the SRS Pipeline and initializes its internal parameters and memory. The function takes a pointer to a structure of type cuphySrsStatPrms_t as input, which contains configuration parameters for the SRS Pipeline that are expected to be constant for the pipeline’s existence and that determine upper bounds for memory sizing, such as the number of antennas, and subcarriers spacing. The function returns a handle to the pipeline object, cuphySrsRxHndl_t, which represents the SRS Pipeline instance and holds its state information. The function also performs some sanity checks on the input parameters.
This function configures the SRS Pipeline instance with the specific parameters for each transmission. The function takes a pointer to the SRS Pipeline instance and a pointer to a structure of type cuphySrsDynPrms_t as input. The structure contains the dynamic parameters for the SRS Pipeline, such as the PRBs in use, SRS configuration index, and SRS hopping bandwidth. The function populates descriptors for use by the SRS channel estimation kernel from the input data structure and sets up pointers for input and output data to prepare for processing. The function returns a status code indicating whether the operation was successful or not.

This function runs the SRS Pipeline processing on a given set of IQ samples. The function takes a pointer to the SRS Pipeline instance. Input data locations were configured during the setup process described in cuphySrsDataIn_t as part of the cuphySrsDynPrms_t structure. This function will launch a kernel configured to read from those locations to perform channel estimation, including: - Extract the SRS symbols from the frequency domain samples based on the SRS configuration index and hopping bandwidth - Applies phase rotation and scaling to the SRS symbols to compensate for the channel effect - Estimates the channel coefficients for each subcarrier and antenna port using the SRS symbols and the known SRS sequences - Averages the channel estimates over multiple SRS symbols to reduce the noise
The kernel will output the channel estimates according to the cuphySrsDataOut_t structure provided as part of cuphySrsDynPrms_t in the setup process. The run function also returns a status code indicating whether the processing was successful or not.

This function destroys the SRS Pipeline instance and frees its resources. The function takes a pointer to the SRS Pipeline instance as input and releases its memory. The function returns a status code indicating whether the operation was successful or not.
Input and Output Data#
Input Buffer |
SrsRx:: m_hPrmDataRx[i].pTDataRx |
Data type |
array of per-cell tensors of IQ samples of element type CUPHY_C_16_F |
Dimensions |
Output Buffer |
SrsRx::m_outputPrms.h_chEstBuffInfo |
Data type |
cuphySrsChEstBuffInfo_t* |
Dimensions |
Array of per-user structures containing a tensor of [nPrbGrpEsts, nGnbAnts, nUeAnts] each element being CUPHY_C_16_F a scalar indicating start PRB group & PRB group size |
Description |
Buffer describing the channel estimate results from SRS |
Output Buffer |
SrsRx::m_outputPrms.h_srsReports |
Data type |
cuphySrsReport_t* |
Dimensions |
Array of per-user structures |
Description |
Structure contains per-user estimates including timing, signal, and noise estimates |
Output Buffer |
SrsRx::m_outputPrms.h_rbSnrBuffer |
Data type |
Floating point array SINRs |
Dimensions |
[m_nPrbs* m_nSrsUes] |
Description |
Array containing per-RB SNR estimates |
Output Buffer |
SrsRx::m_outputPrms.h_rbSnrBuffOffsets |
Data type |
Array of 32-bit unsigned integers |
Dimensions |
[m_nSrsUes] |
Description |
Single dimensional array containing per-user offset into h_rbSnrBuffer |
Output Buffer |
SrsRx::m_outputPrms.h_srsChEstToL2 |
Data type |
cuphySrsChEstToL2_t* |
Dimensions |
Array of pointers to per-user buffers. Each buffer is of dimension [nPrbGrpEsts, nGnbAnts, nUeAnts] with each element being represented as float2 a scalar indicating start PRB group & PRB group size |
Description |
This and h_chEstBuffInfo above describe the same channel estimates but this one is in CPU memory using complex FP32 and the other is in GPU memory using FP16. |
Memory Management#
The SRS Pipeline uses different kinds of memory for its operation, and the caller is responsible for allocating and freeing some of them. The following table summarizes the types of memory used by the pipeline, their ownership, lifetime, and location.
Memory Type |
Ownership |
Lifetime |
Location |
Description |
Pipeline Working |
Pipeline |
Allocated during cuphyCreateSrsRx() and freed during cuphyDestroySrsRx() |
Memory used by pipeline for its internal processing, such as intermediate buffers, coefficients, etc. |
cuphySrsStatPrms_t |
Caller |
Only valid during cuphyCreateSrsRx() |
Memory used to store the static parameters of the pipeline, such as number of antennas, channels, etc. |
cuphySrsDynPrms_t |
Caller |
Only valid during cuphySetupSrsRx() |
Memory used to store the dynamic parameters of the pipeline, such as SRS bandwidth configuration, input data pointers, output buffer pointers, etc. |
cuphySrsDataIn_t |
Caller |
Valid during cuphyRunSrsRx() |
Memory used to store the input data for pipeline, such as IQ sa.mples from the antennas |
cuphySrsDataOut_t |
Caller |
Valid after cuphyRunSrsRx() |
Memory used to store the output data from the pipeline, such as channel estimates. |
The caller should ensure that the memory allocated for the input and output data is sufficient for the pipeline’s operation, and that the pointers are correctly set in the dynamic configuration parameters. The pipeline may not check the validity or size of the memory. It is assumed to be consistent with the static and dynamic parameters. The caller should also ensure that the memory is not modified by other processes while the pipeline is using it.
SRS channel estimation algorithms#
The current pipeline implementation performs MMSE channel estimation based on the received SRS signals. The channel estimation algorithm consists of the following steps:
Load received SRS subcarriers, remove ZC cover-code and average repetitions
Remove cyclic shifts and apply wide filter to estimate channel
Estimate delay phase ramp
Remove delay phase ramp from received signal by multiplying with a shift sequence
Remove cyclic shifts and apply narrow filter to estimate channel
Average estimates. Estimate energy and noise
Calculate correlation w.r.t. cyclic shift in use and not in-use: sum over, PRB, antenna, cyclic shift
The pipeline saves the channel estimate, the signal energy, the noise variance, and the correlation values to the output buffers to be made available for use elsewhere.
Performance Optimization#
The cuPHY library is designed to accelerate PHY layer functionality of commercial grade 5G gNB DU. Software optimizations ensure reduced latency and scalable performance with the increased number of cells. We can categorize them as:
Use of CUDA Graphs: The cuPHY library makes use of CUDA graph feature to reduce kernel launch latency. The CUDA kernels implementing signal processing components within each cuPHY physical layer channel pipeline are represented as nodes in a CUDA graph and the inter-component dependencies as edges between nodes. Since graph creation is expensive, a base graph with the worst case topology is created during initialization of channel pipelines where there are several specializations of component kernels. When the channel is scheduled for a given slot only the necessary subset of graph nodes are updated and enabled.
Use of MPS (Multi-Process Service): The cuPHY driver creates multiple MPS contexts, each with an upper limit to the maximum number of SMs (Streaming Multiprocessors) that can be used by kernels launched there. MPS contexts for control channels (e.g. PUCCH, PDCCH) usually have significantly lower SM limits compared to MPS contexts for shared channels due to the expected computation load. Each MPS context also has one or more CUDA streams associated with it, with potentially different CUDA stream priorities.
Kernel fusion: the cuPHY implementation may fuse functionality from different processing steps into a single CUDA kernel for improved performance. For example, the rate matching, scrambling and modulation processing steps of the downlink shared channel are all performed in a single kernel. The motivation for these customizations is to reduce memory access latency and therefore improve performance. For example, assume that there are two kernels that are run in sequence. The first kernel makes a computation, writes the output to the global memory and the second kernel needs to read this output from the global memory to continue the computation. In this case, fusing these two kernels can reduce the number of accesses to the global memory, which has higher latency.
Optimization of L1-L2 data flow: Data flow between the L2 and L1, and between the L1 and the FH are important for optimization of the latency. Data TB payloads for PDSCH channel need to be copied from L2 to L1 whenever a PDSCH channel is scheduled by the L2. The size of TBs increases with higher data throughput and the number of TBs also can also increase with the number of cells and the number of UEs scheduled on a given time slot. cuPHY library pipelines the TB H2D (host to device) copy to run in parallel with PDSCH channel setup processing. Such pipelining hides the TB H2D copy latency reducing overall PDSCH completion time.
Running cuPHY Examples#
The cuPHY library includes example programs that can be used to test cuPHY channel pipelines and components. How to run cuPHY channel pipelines are explained in Aerial Release Guide Document in the section “Running the cuPHY Examples”. Please refer to the release guide on how to run the cuPHY channel pipelines. In running these examples, note that recent cuPHY implementation uses graphs mode to improve performance.
cuPHY library also includes examples for its components. Some examples are provided below.
Uplink channel estimation
cuPHY/build/examples/ch_est/cuphy_ex_ch_est -i ~/<tv_name>.h5
Sample test run:
cuPHY/build/examples/ch_est/cuphy_ex_ch_est -i
UE group 0: ChEst SNR: 138.507 dB
ChEst test vector TVnr_7550_PUSCH_gNB_CUPHY_s0p0.h5 PASSED
22:53:17.726075 datasets.cpp:974 WRN[90935 ] [CUPHY.PUSCH_RX] LDPC throughput mode disabled
22:53:17.943272 cuphy.hpp:84 WRN[90935 ] [CUPHY.MEMFOOT]cuphyMemoryFootprint - GPU allocation:
684.864 MiB for cuPHY PUSCH channel object (0x7ffc16f09f90).
22:53:17.943273 pusch_rx.cpp:1188 WRN[90935 ] [CUPHY.PUSCH_RX] PuschRx:
Running with eqCoeffAlgo 3
Simplex decoder
cuPHY/build/examples/simplex_decoder/cuphy_ex_simplex_decoder -i ~/<tv_name>.h5
Sample test run:
cuPHY/build/examples/simplex_decoder/cuphy_ex_simplex_decoder -i
Using default log path
Log file set to /tmp/simplex_decoder.log
22:57:29.115870 WRN 92956 0 [NVLOG.CPP] Using
/opt/nvidia/cuBB/cuPHY/nvlog/config/nvlog_config.yaml for nvlog configuration
22:57:33.455795 WRN 92956 0 [CUPHY.PUSCH_RX] Simplex code: found 0 mismatches out of 1 codeblocks
Exiting bg_fmtlog_collector - log queue ever was full: 0
PUSCH de-rate match
cuPHY/build/examples/pusch_rateMatch/cuphy_ex_rateMatch -i ~/<tv_name>.h5
Sample test run:
cuPHY/build/examples/pusch_rateMatch/cuphy_ex_pusch_rateMatch -i
Using default log path
Log file set to /tmp/pusch_rateMatch.log
22:58:20.673934 WRN 93384 0 [NVLOG.CPP] Using cuPHY/nvlog/config/nvlog_config.yaml
for nvlog configuration
22:58:20.896254 WRN 93384 0 [CUPHY.PUSCH_RX] LDPC throughput mode disabled
nUes 1, nUeGrps 1
nMaxCbsPerTb 3 num_CBs 3
uciOnPuschFlag OFF
nMaxTbs 1 nMaxCbsPerTb 3 maxBytesRateMatch 156672
22:58:21.037299 WRN 93384 0 [CUPHY.MEMFOOT] cuphyMemoryFootprint - GPU
allocation: 684.864 MiB for cuPHY PUSCH channel object (0x7ffe23b0f690).
22:58:21.037302 WRN 93384 0 [CUPHY.PUSCH_RX] PuschRx: Running with eqCoeffAlgo 3
22:58:21.037810 WRN 93384 0 [CUPHY.PUSCH_RX] detected 0 mismatches out
of 65280 rateMatchedLLRs
Exiting bg_fmtlog_collector - log queue ever was full: 0