Using pyAerial for LDPC encoding-decoding chain
This example shows how to use the pyAerial Python bindings to run 5G NR LDPC encoding, rate matching and decoding. Information bits, i.e. a transport block, get segmented into code blocks, LDPC encoded and rate matched onto the available time-frequency resources (resource elements), all following TS 38.212 precisely. The bits are then transmitted over an AWGN channel using QPSK modulation. At the receiver side, log likelihood ratios are extracted from the received symbols, (de)rate matching is performed and LDPC decoder is run to get the transmitted information bits. Finally, the code blocks are concatenated back into a received transport block.
pyAerial utilizes the cuPHY library underneath for all components. In this example however, CRCs are just random blocks of bits in this example as we can compare the transmitted and received bits directly to compute block error rates.
The NVIDIA Sionna library is utilized for simulating the radio channel.
# Check platform.
import platform
if platform.machine() != 'x86_64':
raise SystemExit("Unsupported platform!")
%matplotlib widget
from cuda import cudart
from collections import defaultdict
import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = "3" # Silence TensorFlow.
import numpy as np
import sionna
import tensorflow as tf
from aerial.phy5g.ldpc import LdpcEncoder
from aerial.phy5g.ldpc import LdpcDecoder
from aerial.phy5g.ldpc import LdpcRateMatch
from aerial.phy5g.ldpc import LdpcDeRateMatch
from aerial.phy5g.ldpc import CrcChecker
from aerial.phy5g.ldpc import get_mcs
from aerial.phy5g.ldpc import random_tb
from aerial.phy5g.ldpc import code_block_segment
from aerial.phy5g.ldpc import get_crc_len
from simulation_monitor import SimulationMonitor
# Configure the notebook to use only a single GPU and allocate only as much memory as needed.
# For more details, see
gpus = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpus[0], True)
from tensorflow.python.ops.numpy_ops import np_config
Set simulation parameters, some numerology parameters, enable/disable scrambling etc.
# Simulation parameters.
esno_db_range = np.arange(8.1, 8.8, 0.1)
num_slots = 10000
min_num_tb_errors = 250
# Numerology and frame structure. See TS 38.211.
num_prb = 100 # Number of allocated PRBs. This is used to compute the transport block
# as well as the rate matching length.
start_sym = 0 # PxSCH start symbol
num_symbols = 14 # Number of symbols in a slot.
num_slots_per_frame = 20 # Number of slots in a single frame.
num_layers = 1
dmrs_sym = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
# Rate matching procedure includes scrambling if this flag is set.
enable_scrambling = True
# The scrambling initialization value is computed as per TS 38.211
# using the RNTI and data scrambling ID.
rnti = 20000 # UE RNTI
data_scid = 41 # Data scrambling ID
cinit = (rnti << 15) + data_scid
rv = 0 # Redundancy version
mcs = 9 # MCS index as per TS 38.214 table. Note: Es/No range may need to be changed too to get meaningful results.
mod_order, code_rate = get_mcs(mcs)
code_rate /= 1024.
The LDPC coding chain objects are created here. This includes the following: * LdpcEncoder
which takes the information bits, i.e. the transport block, segmented into code blocks as its input, and outputs encoded code blocks. * LdpcRateMatch
which takes encoded code blocks as its input and outputs a rate matched (and optionally scrambled) stream of bits. * LdpcDerateMatch
which takes the received stream of log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) as its input and outputs derate matched code
blocks of LLRs which can be fed to the LDPC decoding. This block performs also descrambling if scrambling is enabled in the pipeline. * LdpcDecoder
which takes the output of LDPC derate matching and decodes the LLRs into code blocks that can then be further concatenated into a received transport block. * CrcChecker
which takes the output of the LDPC decoding block, removed code block CRCs, concatenates code blocks into a full transport block, and finally checks and removed the
transport block CRC.
All components are based on TS 38.212 and thus can be used for transmitting/receiving 5G NR compliant bit streams.
Also the Sionna channel components and modulation mapper are created here.
# Create also the CUDA stream that running the objects requires.
cuda_stream = cudart.cudaStreamCreate()[1]
# Create the Aerial Python LDPC objects.
ldpc_encoder = LdpcEncoder(cuda_stream=cuda_stream)
ldpc_decoder = LdpcDecoder(cuda_stream=cuda_stream)
ldpc_rate_match = LdpcRateMatch(enable_scrambling=enable_scrambling, cuda_stream=cuda_stream)
ldpc_derate_match = LdpcDeRateMatch(enable_scrambling=enable_scrambling, cuda_stream=cuda_stream)
crc_checker = CrcChecker(cuda_stream=cuda_stream)
# Create the Sionna modulation mapper/demapper and the AWGN channel.
mapper = sionna.mapping.Mapper("qam", mod_order)
demapper = sionna.mapping.Demapper("app", "qam", mod_order)
channel =
case = "LDPC decoding perf."
monitor = SimulationMonitor([case], esno_db_range)
# Loop the Es/No range.
for esno_db in esno_db_range:
num_tb_errors = defaultdict(int)
# Run multiple slots and compute BLER.
for slot_idx in range(num_slots):
slot_number = slot_idx % num_slots_per_frame
# Generate a random transport block (in bits).
transport_block = random_tb(
code_rate=code_rate * 1024,
tb_size = transport_block.shape[0]
# Attach a CRC. This is emulated to get the TB size with CRC right, however the CRC is in this case just random
# bits as we are comparing the transmitted and received bits directly to get the BLER (instead of doing an actual
# CRC check).
crc_length = get_crc_len(tb_size)
crc = np.random.randint(0, 1, size=crc_length, dtype=np.uint8)
transport_block = np.concatenate((transport_block, crc))
# Code block segmentation happens here. Note: This is just Python at the moment.
code_blocks = code_block_segment(tb_size, transport_block, code_rate)
# Run the LDPC encoding. The LDPC encoder takes a K x C array as its input, where K is the number of bits per code
# block and C is the number of code blocks. Its output is N x C where N is the number of coded bits per code block.
# If there is more than one code block, a code block CRC (random in this case as we do not need an actual CRC) is
# attached to
coded_bits = ldpc_encoder.encode(
# Run rate matching. This needs rate matching length as its input, meaning the number of bits that can be
# transmitted within the allocated resource elements. The input data is fed as 32-bit floats.
num_data_sym = (np.array(dmrs_sym[start_sym:start_sym + num_symbols]) == 0).sum()
rate_match_len = num_data_sym * num_prb * 12 * num_layers * mod_order
rate_matched_bits = ldpc_rate_match.rate_match(
# Map the bits to symbols and transmit through an AWGN channel. All this in Sionna.
rate_matched_bits = rate_matched_bits[:, 0]
no = sionna.utils.ebnodb2no(esno_db, num_bits_per_symbol=1, coderate=1)
tx_symbols = mapper(rate_matched_bits[None])
rx_symbols = channel([tx_symbols, no])
llr = -1. * demapper([rx_symbols, no])[0, :].numpy()[:, None]
# Run receiver side (de)rate matching. The input is the received array of bits directly, and the output
# is a NumPy array of size N x C of log likelihood ratios, represented as 32-bit floats. Descrambling
# is also performed here in case scrambling is enabled.
derate_matched_bits = ldpc_derate_match.derate_match(
# Run LDPC decoding. The decoder takes the derate matching output as its input and returns
decoded_bits = ldpc_decoder.decode(
# Combine code blocks into a transport block. CRC ignored as it was just random bits in this example.
decoded_tb, _ = crc_checker.check_crc(
decoded_tb = np.unpackbits(decoded_tb) # To bits.
tb_error = not np.array_equal(decoded_tb, transport_block[:-crc_length])
num_tb_errors[case] += tb_error
monitor.update(num_tbs=slot_idx + 1, num_tb_errors=num_tb_errors)
if (np.array(list(num_tb_errors.values())) >= min_num_tb_errors).all():
break # Next Es/No value.
monitor.finish_step(num_tbs=slot_idx + 1, num_tb_errors=num_tb_errors)
LDPC decoding perf.
Es/No (dB) TBs TB Errors BLER ms/TB
==================== ==================== ========
8.10 250 250 1.0000 19.9
8.20 255 250 0.9804 15.7
8.30 322 250 0.7764 15.7
8.40 811 250 0.3083 15.7
8.50 3846 250 0.0650 15.6
8.60 10000 73 0.0073 15.4
8.70 10000 1 0.0001 15.4
8.80 10000 0 0.0000 15.3