cuBB Quickstart Overview#
The diagrams below show the Aerial cuBB software and hardware components.
cuPHY is the GPU-Accelerated 5G PHY layer software library and examples. It provides GPU-offloaded 5G signal processing.
DPDK is the software library that provides network data transfer acceleration. The public version of DPDK now contains features like eCPRI flow steering and accurate TX scheduling, which Aerial uses.
cuPHY-CP is the cuPHY Control-Plane software that provides the control plane interface between the layer 1 cuPHY and the upper layer stack.
Shown below is the block diagram of the cuPHY-CP. It supports multi-cell. Included with cuPHY-CP are the built-in test MAC and RU emulator modules.

The Aerial cuBB makes use of the DPDK for the network interface. It provides efficient high-speed network data connectivity to GPU processing of network data.
The diagram below shows the overall Aerial cuBB software and hardware stack layers: