Program Listing for File aja_source.cpp


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/* * Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "aja_source.hpp" #include <cuda.h> #include <cuda_runtime.h> #include <string> #include <utility> #include "gxf/multimedia/video.hpp" template <> struct YAML::convert<NTV2Channel> { static bool decode(const Node& node, NTV2Channel& rhs) { if (!node.IsScalar()) return false; const std::string prefix("NTV2_CHANNEL"); auto value = node.Scalar(); if (value.find(prefix) != 0) return false; value = value.substr(prefix.length()); try { size_t len; const auto index = std::stoi(value, &len); if (index < 1 || index > NTV2_MAX_NUM_CHANNELS || len != value.length()) { return false; } rhs = static_cast<NTV2Channel>(index - 1); return true; } catch (...) { return false; } } }; namespace nvidia { namespace holoscan { AJASource::AJASource() : pixel_format_(kDefaultPixelFormat), current_buffer_(0) {} gxf_result_t AJASource::registerInterface(gxf::Registrar* registrar) { gxf::Expected<void> result; result &= registrar->parameter(signal_, "signal", "Output", "Output signal."); result &= registrar->parameter(device_specifier_, "device", "Device", "Device specifier.", std::string(kDefaultDevice)); result &= registrar->parameter(channel_, "channel", "Channel", "NTV2Channel to use.", kDefaultChannel); result &= registrar->parameter(width_, "width", "Width", "Width of the stream.", kDefaultWidth); result &= registrar->parameter(height_, "height", "Height", "Height of the stream.", kDefaultHeight); result &= registrar->parameter(framerate_, "framerate", "Framerate", "Framerate of the stream.", kDefaultFramerate); result &= registrar->parameter(use_rdma_, "rdma", "RDMA", "Enable RDMA.", kDefaultRDMA); return gxf::ToResultCode(result); } AJAStatus AJASource::DetermineVideoFormat() { if (width_ == 1920 && height_ == 1080 && framerate_ == 60) { video_format_ = NTV2_FORMAT_1080p_6000_A; } else { return AJA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; } return AJA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } AJAStatus AJASource::OpenDevice() { // Get the requested device. if (!CNTV2DeviceScanner::GetFirstDeviceFromArgument(device_specifier_, device_)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Device %s not found.", device_specifier_.get().c_str()); return AJA_STATUS_OPEN; } // Check if the device is ready. if (!device_.IsDeviceReady(false)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Device %s not ready.", device_specifier_.get().c_str()); return AJA_STATUS_INITIALIZE; } // Get the device ID. device_id_ = device_.GetDeviceID(); // Detect Kona HDMI device. is_kona_hdmi_ = NTV2DeviceGetNumHDMIVideoInputs(device_id_) > 1; // Check if a TSI 4x format is needed. if (is_kona_hdmi_) { use_tsi_ = GetNTV2VideoFormatTSI(&video_format_); } // Check device capabilities. if (!NTV2DeviceCanDoVideoFormat(device_id_, video_format_)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("AJA device does not support requested video format."); return AJA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; } if (!NTV2DeviceCanDoFrameBufferFormat(device_id_, pixel_format_)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("AJA device does not support requested pixel format."); return AJA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; } if (!NTV2DeviceCanDoCapture(device_id_)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("AJA device cannot capture video."); return AJA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; } if (!NTV2_IS_VALID_CHANNEL(channel_)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Invalid AJA channel: %d", channel_); return AJA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; } return AJA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } AJAStatus AJASource::SetupVideo() { NTV2InputSourceKinds input_kind = is_kona_hdmi_ ? NTV2_INPUTSOURCES_HDMI : NTV2_INPUTSOURCES_SDI; NTV2InputSource input_src = ::NTV2ChannelToInputSource(channel_, input_kind); NTV2Channel tsi_channel = static_cast<NTV2Channel>(channel_ + 1); if (!IsRGBFormat(pixel_format_)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("YUV formats not yet supported"); return AJA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; } // Detect if the source is YUV or RGB (i.e. if CSC is required or not). bool is_input_rgb(false); if (input_kind == NTV2_INPUTSOURCES_HDMI) { NTV2LHIHDMIColorSpace input_color; device_.GetHDMIInputColor(input_color, channel_); is_input_rgb = (input_color == NTV2_LHIHDMIColorSpaceRGB); } // Setup the input routing. device_.ClearRouting(); device_.EnableChannel(channel_); if (use_tsi_) { device_.SetTsiFrameEnable(true, channel_); device_.EnableChannel(tsi_channel); } device_.SetMode(channel_, NTV2_MODE_CAPTURE); if (NTV2DeviceHasBiDirectionalSDI(device_id_) && NTV2_INPUT_SOURCE_IS_SDI(input_src)) { device_.SetSDITransmitEnable(channel_, false); } device_.SetVideoFormat(video_format_, false, false, channel_); device_.SetFrameBufferFormat(channel_, pixel_format_); if (use_tsi_) { device_.SetFrameBufferFormat(tsi_channel, pixel_format_); } device_.EnableInputInterrupt(channel_); device_.SubscribeInputVerticalEvent(channel_); NTV2OutputXptID input_output_xpt = GetInputSourceOutputXpt(input_src, /*DS2*/ false, is_input_rgb, /*Quadrant*/ 0); NTV2InputXptID fb_input_xpt(GetFrameBufferInputXptFromChannel(channel_)); if (use_tsi_) { if (!is_input_rgb) { if (NTV2DeviceGetNumCSCs(device_id_) < 4) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("CSCs not available for TSI input."); return AJA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; } device_.Connect(NTV2_XptFrameBuffer1Input, NTV2_Xpt425Mux1ARGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_XptFrameBuffer1BInput, NTV2_Xpt425Mux1BRGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_XptFrameBuffer2Input, NTV2_Xpt425Mux2ARGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_XptFrameBuffer2BInput, NTV2_Xpt425Mux2BRGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_Xpt425Mux1AInput, NTV2_XptCSC1VidRGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_Xpt425Mux1BInput, NTV2_XptCSC2VidRGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_Xpt425Mux2AInput, NTV2_XptCSC3VidRGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_Xpt425Mux2BInput, NTV2_XptCSC4VidRGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_XptCSC1VidInput, NTV2_XptHDMIIn1); device_.Connect(NTV2_XptCSC2VidInput, NTV2_XptHDMIIn1Q2); device_.Connect(NTV2_XptCSC3VidInput, NTV2_XptHDMIIn1Q3); device_.Connect(NTV2_XptCSC4VidInput, NTV2_XptHDMIIn1Q4); } else { device_.Connect(NTV2_XptFrameBuffer1Input, NTV2_Xpt425Mux1ARGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_XptFrameBuffer1BInput, NTV2_Xpt425Mux1BRGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_XptFrameBuffer2Input, NTV2_Xpt425Mux2ARGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_XptFrameBuffer2BInput, NTV2_Xpt425Mux2BRGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_Xpt425Mux1AInput, NTV2_XptHDMIIn1RGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_Xpt425Mux1BInput, NTV2_XptHDMIIn1Q2RGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_Xpt425Mux2AInput, NTV2_XptHDMIIn1Q3RGB); device_.Connect(NTV2_Xpt425Mux2BInput, NTV2_XptHDMIIn1Q4RGB); } } else if (!is_input_rgb) { if (NTV2DeviceGetNumCSCs(device_id_) <= static_cast<int>(channel_)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("No CSC available for NTV2_CHANNEL%d", channel_ + 1); return AJA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; } NTV2InputXptID csc_input = GetCSCInputXptFromChannel(channel_); NTV2OutputXptID csc_output = GetCSCOutputXptFromChannel(channel_, /*inIsKey*/ false, /*inIsRGB*/ true); device_.Connect(fb_input_xpt, csc_output); device_.Connect(csc_input, input_output_xpt); } else { device_.Connect(fb_input_xpt, input_output_xpt); } // Wait for a number of frames to acquire video signal. current_hw_frame_ = 0; device_.SetInputFrame(channel_, current_hw_frame_); device_.WaitForInputVerticalInterrupt(channel_, kWarmupFrames); return AJA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } AJAStatus AJASource::SetupBuffers() { auto size = GetVideoWriteSize(video_format_, pixel_format_); buffers_.resize(kNumBuffers); for (auto& buf : buffers_) { if (use_rdma_) { cudaMalloc(&buf, size); unsigned int syncFlag = 1; if (cuPointerSetAttribute(&syncFlag, CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SYNC_MEMOPS, reinterpret_cast<CUdeviceptr>(buf))) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to set SYNC_MEMOPS CUDA attribute for RDMA"); return AJA_STATUS_INITIALIZE; } } else { buf = malloc(size); } if (!buf) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate buffer memory"); return AJA_STATUS_INITIALIZE; } if (!device_.DMABufferLock(static_cast<const ULWord*>(buf), size, true, use_rdma_)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to map buffer for DMA"); return AJA_STATUS_INITIALIZE; } } return AJA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } gxf_result_t AJASource::start() { GXF_LOG_INFO("AJA Source: Using NTV2_CHANNEL%d", (channel_.get() + 1)); GXF_LOG_INFO("AJA Source: RDMA is %s", use_rdma_ ? "enabled" : "disabled"); AJAStatus status = DetermineVideoFormat(); if (AJA_FAILURE(status)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Video format could not be determined based on parameters."); return GXF_FAILURE; } status = OpenDevice(); if (AJA_FAILURE(status)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to open device %s", device_specifier_.get().c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } status = SetupVideo(); if (AJA_FAILURE(status)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to setup device %s", device_specifier_.get().c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } status = SetupBuffers(); if (AJA_FAILURE(status)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to setup AJA buffers."); return GXF_FAILURE; } return GXF_SUCCESS; } gxf_result_t AJASource::stop() { device_.UnsubscribeInputVerticalEvent(channel_); for (auto& buf : buffers_) { if (use_rdma_) { cudaFree(buf); } else { free(buf); } } buffers_.clear(); return GXF_SUCCESS; } gxf_result_t AJASource::tick() { // Update the next input frame and wait until it starts. uint32_t next_hw_frame = (current_hw_frame_ + 1) % 2; device_.SetInputFrame(channel_, next_hw_frame); device_.WaitForInputVerticalInterrupt(channel_); // Read the last completed frame. auto size = GetVideoWriteSize(video_format_, pixel_format_); auto ptr = static_cast<ULWord*>(buffers_[current_buffer_]); device_.DMAReadFrame(current_hw_frame_, ptr, size); // Set the frame to read for the next tick. current_hw_frame_ = next_hw_frame; // Pass the frame downstream. auto message = gxf::Entity::New(context()); if (!message) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate message; terminating."); return GXF_FAILURE; } auto buffer = message.value().add<gxf::VideoBuffer>(); if (!buffer) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate video buffer; terminating."); return GXF_FAILURE; } gxf::VideoTypeTraits<gxf::VideoFormat::GXF_VIDEO_FORMAT_RGBA> video_type; gxf::VideoFormatSize<gxf::VideoFormat::GXF_VIDEO_FORMAT_RGBA> color_format; auto color_planes = color_format.getDefaultColorPlanes(width_, height_); gxf::VideoBufferInfo info{width_, height_, video_type.value, color_planes, gxf::SurfaceLayout::GXF_SURFACE_LAYOUT_PITCH_LINEAR}; auto storage_type = use_rdma_ ? gxf::MemoryStorageType::kDevice : gxf::MemoryStorageType::kHost; buffer.value()->wrapMemory(info, size, storage_type, buffers_[current_buffer_], nullptr); const auto result = signal_->publish(std::move(message.value())); current_buffer_ = (current_buffer_ + 1) % kNumBuffers; return gxf::ToResultCode(message); } bool AJASource::GetNTV2VideoFormatTSI(NTV2VideoFormat* format) { switch (*format) { case NTV2_FORMAT_3840x2160p_2400: *format = NTV2_FORMAT_4x1920x1080p_2400; return true; case NTV2_FORMAT_3840x2160p_6000: *format = NTV2_FORMAT_4x1920x1080p_6000; return true; case NTV2_FORMAT_4096x2160p_2400: *format = NTV2_FORMAT_4x2048x1080p_2400; return true; case NTV2_FORMAT_4096x2160p_6000: *format = NTV2_FORMAT_4x2048x1080p_6000; return true; default: return false; } } } // namespace holoscan } // namespace nvidia

© Copyright 2022, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jun 28, 2023.