Program Listing for File format_converter.cpp


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/* * Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "format_converter.hpp" #include <cuda_runtime.h> #include <npp.h> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "gxf/core/entity.hpp" #include "gxf/core/expected.hpp" #include "gxf/multimedia/video.hpp" #include "gxf/std/tensor.hpp" #define CUDA_TRY(stmt) \ ({ \ cudaError_t _holoscan_cuda_err = stmt; \ if (cudaSuccess != _holoscan_cuda_err) { \ GXF_LOG_ERROR("CUDA Runtime call %s in line %d of file %s failed with '%s' (%d).\n", #stmt, \ __LINE__, __FILE__, cudaGetErrorString(_holoscan_cuda_err), \ _holoscan_cuda_err); \ } \ _holoscan_cuda_err; \ }) namespace nvidia::holoscan::formatconverter { static FormatDType toFormatDType(const std::string& str) { if (str == "rgb888") { return FormatDType::kRGB888; } else if (str == "uint8") { return FormatDType::kUnsigned8; } else if (str == "float32") { return FormatDType::kFloat32; } else if (str == "rgba8888") { return FormatDType::kRGBA8888; } else { return FormatDType::kUnknown; } } static constexpr FormatConversionType getFormatConversionType(FormatDType from, FormatDType to) { if (from != FormatDType::kUnknown && to != FormatDType::kUnknown && from == to) { return FormatConversionType::kNone; } else if (from == FormatDType::kUnsigned8 && to == FormatDType::kFloat32) { return FormatConversionType::kUnsigned8ToFloat32; } else if (from == FormatDType::kFloat32 && to == FormatDType::kUnsigned8) { return FormatConversionType::kFloat32ToUnsigned8; } else if (from == FormatDType::kUnsigned8 && to == FormatDType::kRGBA8888) { return FormatConversionType::kRGB888ToRGBA8888; } else if (from == FormatDType::kRGBA8888 && to == FormatDType::kUnsigned8) { return FormatConversionType::kRGBA8888ToRGB888; } else if (from == FormatDType::kRGBA8888 && to == FormatDType::kFloat32) { return FormatConversionType::kRGBA8888ToFloat32; } else { return FormatConversionType::kUnknown; } } static constexpr FormatDType normalizeFormatDType(FormatDType dtype) { switch (dtype) { case FormatDType::kRGB888: return FormatDType::kUnsigned8; default: return dtype; } } static constexpr gxf::PrimitiveType primitiveTypeFromFormatDType(FormatDType dtype) { switch (dtype) { case FormatDType::kRGB888: case FormatDType::kRGBA8888: case FormatDType::kUnsigned8: return gxf::PrimitiveType::kUnsigned8; case FormatDType::kFloat32: return gxf::PrimitiveType::kFloat32; default: return gxf::PrimitiveType::kCustom; } } static constexpr FormatDType FormatDTypeFromPrimitiveType(gxf::PrimitiveType type) { switch (type) { case gxf::PrimitiveType::kUnsigned8: return FormatDType::kUnsigned8; case gxf::PrimitiveType::kFloat32: return FormatDType::kFloat32; default: return FormatDType::kUnknown; } } static gxf_result_t verifyFormatDTypeChannels(FormatDType dtype, int channel_count) { switch (dtype) { case FormatDType::kRGB888: if (channel_count != 3) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Invalid channel count for RGB888 %d != 3\n", channel_count); return GXF_FAILURE; } break; case FormatDType::kRGBA8888: if (channel_count != 4) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Invalid channel count for RGBA8888 %d != 4\n", channel_count); return GXF_FAILURE; } break; default: break; } return GXF_SUCCESS; } gxf_result_t FormatConverter::start() { out_dtype_ = toFormatDType(out_dtype_str_.get()); if (out_dtype_ == FormatDType::kUnknown) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported output format dtype: %s\n", out_dtype_str_.get().c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } out_primitive_type_ = primitiveTypeFromFormatDType(out_dtype_); if (out_primitive_type_ == gxf::PrimitiveType::kCustom) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported output format dtype: %s\n", out_dtype_str_.get().c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } if (!in_dtype_str_.get().empty()) { in_dtype_ = toFormatDType(in_dtype_str_.get()); if (in_dtype_ == FormatDType::kUnknown) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported input format dtype: %s\n", in_dtype_str_.get().c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } format_conversion_type_ = getFormatConversionType(normalizeFormatDType(in_dtype_), normalizeFormatDType(out_dtype_)); in_primitive_type_ = primitiveTypeFromFormatDType(in_dtype_); } switch (resize_mode_) { case 0: resize_mode_.set(NPPI_INTER_CUBIC); break; case 1: // NPPI_INTER_NN case 2: // NPPI_INTER_LINEAR case 4: // NPPI_INTER_CUBIC case 5: // NPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_BSPLINE case 6: // NPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_CATMULLROM case 7: // NPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_B05C03 case 8: // NPPI_INTER_SUPER case 16: // NPPI_INTER_LANCZOS case 17: // NPPI_INTER_LANCZOS3_ADVANCED case static_cast<int32_t>(0x8000000): // NPPI_SMOOTH_EDGE break; default: GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported resize mode: %d\n", resize_mode_.get()); return GXF_FAILURE; } return GXF_SUCCESS; } gxf_result_t FormatConverter::stop() { resize_buffer_.freeBuffer(); channel_buffer_.freeBuffer(); device_scratch_buffer_.freeBuffer(); return GXF_SUCCESS; } gxf_result_t FormatConverter::tick() { // Process input message const auto in_message = in_->receive(); if (!in_message || in_message.value().is_null()) { return GXF_CONTRACT_MESSAGE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } gxf::Shape out_shape{0, 0, 0}; void* in_tensor_data = nullptr; gxf::PrimitiveType in_primitive_type = gxf::PrimitiveType::kCustom; gxf::MemoryStorageType in_memory_storage_type = gxf::MemoryStorageType::kHost; int32_t rows = 0; int32_t columns = 0; int16_t in_channels = 0; int16_t out_channels = 0; // Get tensor attached to the message auto maybe_video = in_message.value().get<gxf::VideoBuffer>(); gxf::Handle<gxf::Tensor> in_tensor; if (maybe_video) { // Convert VideoBuffer to Tensor auto frame = maybe_video.value(); // NOTE: VideoBuffer::moveToTensor() converts VideoBuffer instance to the Tensor instance // with an unexpected shape: [width, height] or [width, height, num_planes]. // And, if we use moveToTensor() to convert VideoBuffer to Tensor, we may lose the the original // video buffer when the VideoBuffer instance is used in other places. For that reason, we // directly access internal data of VideoBuffer instance to access Tensor data. const auto& buffer_info = frame->video_frame_info(); switch (buffer_info.color_format) { case gxf::VideoFormat::GXF_VIDEO_FORMAT_RGBA: in_primitive_type = gxf::PrimitiveType::kUnsigned8; break; default: GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported input format: %d\n", buffer_info.color_format); return GXF_FAILURE; } // Get needed information from the tensor in_memory_storage_type = frame->storage_type(); out_shape = gxf::Shape{static_cast<int32_t>(buffer_info.height), static_cast<int32_t>(buffer_info.width), 4}; in_tensor_data = frame->pointer(); rows = buffer_info.height; columns = buffer_info.width; in_channels = 4; // RGBA out_channels = in_channels; // If the buffer is in host memory, copy it to a device (GPU) buffer // as needed for the NPP resize/convert operations. if (in_memory_storage_type == gxf::MemoryStorageType::kHost) { size_t buffer_size = rows * columns * in_channels; if (buffer_size > device_scratch_buffer_.size()) { device_scratch_buffer_.resize(pool_, buffer_size, gxf::MemoryStorageType::kDevice); if (!device_scratch_buffer_.pointer()) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate device scratch buffer (%d bytes)", buffer_size); return GXF_FAILURE; } } CUDA_TRY(cudaMemcpy(device_scratch_buffer_.pointer(), frame->pointer(), buffer_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); in_tensor_data = device_scratch_buffer_.pointer(); in_memory_storage_type = gxf::MemoryStorageType::kDevice; } } else { const auto maybe_tensor = in_message.value().get<gxf::Tensor>(in_tensor_name_.get().c_str()); if (!maybe_tensor) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Tensor '%s' not found in message.\n", in_tensor_name_.get().c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } in_tensor = maybe_tensor.value(); // Get needed information from the tensor out_shape = in_tensor->shape(); in_tensor_data = in_tensor->pointer(); in_primitive_type = in_tensor->element_type(); in_memory_storage_type = in_tensor->storage_type(); rows = in_tensor->shape().dimension(0); columns = in_tensor->shape().dimension(1); in_channels = in_tensor->shape().dimension(2); out_channels = in_channels; } if (in_memory_storage_type != gxf::MemoryStorageType::kDevice) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Tensor('%s') or VideoBuffer is not allocated on device.\n", in_tensor_name_.get().c_str()); return GXF_MEMORY_INVALID_STORAGE_MODE; } if (in_dtype_ == FormatDType::kUnknown) { in_primitive_type_ = in_primitive_type; in_dtype_ = FormatDTypeFromPrimitiveType(in_primitive_type_); format_conversion_type_ = getFormatConversionType(normalizeFormatDType(in_dtype_), normalizeFormatDType(out_dtype_)); } // Check if input tensor is consistent over all the frames if (in_primitive_type != in_primitive_type_) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Input tensor element type is inconsistent over all the frames.\n"); return GXF_FAILURE; } // Check if the input/output tensor is compatible with the format conversion if (format_conversion_type_ == FormatConversionType::kUnknown) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported format conversion: %s (%" PRIu32 ") -> %s\n", in_dtype_str_.get().c_str(), static_cast<uint32_t>(in_dtype_), out_dtype_str_.get().c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } // Check that if the format requires a specific number of channels they are consistent. // Some formats (e.g. float32) are agnostic to channel count, while others (e.g. RGB888) have a // specific channel count. if (GXF_SUCCESS != verifyFormatDTypeChannels(in_dtype_, in_channels)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to verify the channels for the expected input dtype [%d]: %d.", in_dtype_, in_channels); return GXF_FAILURE; } // Resize the input image before converting data type if (resize_width_ > 0 && resize_height_ > 0) { auto resize_result = resizeImage(in_tensor_data, rows, columns, in_channels, in_primitive_type, resize_width_, resize_height_); if (!resize_result) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to resize image.\n"); return resize_result.error(); } // Update the tensor pointer and shape out_shape = gxf::Shape{resize_height_, resize_width_, in_channels}; in_tensor_data = resize_result.value(); rows = resize_height_; columns = resize_width_; } // Create output message const uint32_t dst_typesize = gxf::PrimitiveTypeSize(out_primitive_type_); // Adjust output shape if the conversion involves the change in the channel dimension switch (format_conversion_type_) { case FormatConversionType::kRGB888ToRGBA8888: { out_channels = 4; out_shape = gxf::Shape{out_shape.dimension(0), out_shape.dimension(1), out_channels}; break; } case FormatConversionType::kRGBA8888ToRGB888: case FormatConversionType::kRGBA8888ToFloat32: { out_channels = 3; out_shape = gxf::Shape{out_shape.dimension(0), out_shape.dimension(1), out_channels}; break; } default: break; } // Check that if the format requires a specific number of channels they are consistent. // Some formats (e.g. float32) are agnostic to channel count, while others (e.g. RGB888) have a // specific channel count. if (GXF_SUCCESS != verifyFormatDTypeChannels(out_dtype_, out_channels)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to verify the channels for the expected output dtype [%d]: %d.", out_dtype_, out_channels); return GXF_FAILURE; } gxf::Expected<gxf::Entity> out_message = CreateTensorMap( context(), pool_, {{out_tensor_name_.get(), gxf::MemoryStorageType::kDevice, out_shape, out_primitive_type_, 0, gxf::ComputeTrivialStrides(out_shape, dst_typesize)}}); if (!out_message) return out_message.error(); const auto out_tensor = out_message.value().get<gxf::Tensor>(); if (!out_tensor) { return out_tensor.error(); } // Set tensor to constant using NPP if (in_channels == 3 || in_channels == 4) { gxf_result_t convert_result = convertTensorFormat(in_tensor_data, out_tensor.value()->pointer(), rows, columns, in_channels, out_channels); if (convert_result != GXF_SUCCESS) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to convert tensor format (conversion type:%d)", static_cast<int>(format_conversion_type_)); return GXF_FAILURE; } } else { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Only support 3 or 4 channel input tensor"); return GXF_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } const auto result = out_->publish(out_message.value()); // Publish output message return gxf::ToResultCode(result); } gxf::Expected<void*> FormatConverter::resizeImage(const void* in_tensor_data, const int32_t rows, const int32_t columns, const int16_t channels, const gxf::PrimitiveType primitive_type, const int32_t resize_width, const int32_t resize_height) { if (resize_buffer_.size() == 0) { uint64_t buffer_size = resize_width * resize_height * channels; resize_buffer_.resize(pool_, buffer_size, gxf::MemoryStorageType::kDevice); } const auto converted_tensor_ptr = resize_buffer_.pointer(); if (converted_tensor_ptr == nullptr) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for the resizing image"); return gxf::ExpectedOrCode(GXF_FAILURE, nullptr); } // Resize image NppStatus status = NPP_ERROR; const NppiSize src_size = {static_cast<int>(columns), static_cast<int>(rows)}; const NppiRect src_roi = {0, 0, static_cast<int>(columns), static_cast<int>(rows)}; const NppiSize dst_size = {static_cast<int>(resize_width), static_cast<int>(resize_height)}; const NppiRect dst_roi = {0, 0, static_cast<int>(resize_width), static_cast<int>(resize_height)}; switch (channels) { case 3: switch (primitive_type) { case gxf::PrimitiveType::kUnsigned8: status = nppiResize_8u_C3R(static_cast<const Npp8u*>(in_tensor_data), columns * channels, src_size, src_roi, converted_tensor_ptr, resize_width * channels, dst_size, dst_roi, resize_mode_); break; default: GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported input primitive type for resizing image"); return gxf::ExpectedOrCode(GXF_FAILURE, nullptr); } break; case 4: switch (primitive_type) { case gxf::PrimitiveType::kUnsigned8: status = nppiResize_8u_C4R(static_cast<const Npp8u*>(in_tensor_data), columns * channels, src_size, src_roi, converted_tensor_ptr, resize_width * channels, dst_size, dst_roi, resize_mode_); break; default: GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported input primitive type for resizing image"); return gxf::ExpectedOrCode(GXF_FAILURE, nullptr); } break; default: GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported input primitive type for resizing image (%d, %d)", channels, static_cast<int32_t>(primitive_type)); return gxf::ExpectedOrCode(GXF_FAILURE, nullptr); break; } if (status != NPP_SUCCESS) { return gxf::ExpectedOrCode(GXF_FAILURE, nullptr); } return gxf::ExpectedOrCode(GXF_SUCCESS, converted_tensor_ptr); } gxf_result_t FormatConverter::convertTensorFormat(const void* in_tensor_data, void* out_tensor_data, const int32_t rows, const int32_t columns, const int16_t in_channels, const int16_t out_channels) { const uint32_t src_typesize = gxf::PrimitiveTypeSize(in_primitive_type_); const uint32_t dst_typesize = gxf::PrimitiveTypeSize(out_primitive_type_); const int32_t src_step = columns * in_channels * src_typesize; const int32_t dst_step = columns * out_channels * dst_typesize; const auto& out_channel_order = out_channel_order_.get(); NppStatus status = NPP_ERROR; const NppiSize roi = {static_cast<int>(columns), static_cast<int>(rows)}; switch (format_conversion_type_) { case FormatConversionType::kNone: { const auto in_tensor_ptr = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(in_tensor_data); auto out_tensor_ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(out_tensor_data); cudaError_t cuda_status = CUDA_TRY( cudaMemcpy(out_tensor_ptr, in_tensor_ptr, src_step * rows, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)); if (cuda_status) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to copy GPU data to GPU memory."); return GXF_FAILURE; } status = NPP_SUCCESS; break; } case FormatConversionType::kUnsigned8ToFloat32: { const auto in_tensor_ptr = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(in_tensor_data); const auto out_tensor_ptr = static_cast<float*>(out_tensor_data); status = nppiScale_8u32f_C3R(in_tensor_ptr, src_step, out_tensor_ptr, dst_step, roi, scale_min_, scale_max_); break; } case FormatConversionType::kFloat32ToUnsigned8: { const auto in_tensor_ptr = static_cast<const float*>(in_tensor_data); const auto out_tensor_ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(out_tensor_data); status = nppiScale_32f8u_C3R(in_tensor_ptr, src_step, out_tensor_ptr, dst_step, roi, scale_min_, scale_max_); break; } case FormatConversionType::kRGB888ToRGBA8888: { const auto in_tensor_ptr = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(in_tensor_data); const auto out_tensor_ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(out_tensor_data); // Convert RGB888 to RGBA8888 (3 channels -> 4 channels, uint8_t) int dst_order[4]{0, 1, 2, 3}; if (!out_channel_order.empty()) { if (out_channel_order.size() != 4) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Invalid channel order for RGBA8888"); return GXF_FAILURE; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { dst_order[i] = out_channel_order[i]; } } status = nppiSwapChannels_8u_C3C4R(in_tensor_ptr, src_step, out_tensor_ptr, out_channels * dst_typesize * columns, roi, dst_order, alpha_value_.get()); break; } case FormatConversionType::kRGBA8888ToRGB888: { const auto in_tensor_ptr = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(in_tensor_data); const auto out_tensor_ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(out_tensor_data); // Convert RGBA8888 to RGB888 (4 channels -> 3 channels, uint8_t) int dst_order[3]{0, 1, 2}; if (!out_channel_order.empty()) { if (out_channel_order.size() != 3) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Invalid channel order for RGB888"); return GXF_FAILURE; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dst_order[i] = out_channel_order[i]; } } status = nppiSwapChannels_8u_C4C3R(in_tensor_ptr, src_step, out_tensor_ptr, out_channels * dst_typesize * columns, roi, dst_order); break; } case FormatConversionType::kRGBA8888ToFloat32: { const auto in_tensor_ptr = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(in_tensor_data); const auto out_tensor_ptr = static_cast<float*>(out_tensor_data); if (channel_buffer_.size() == 0) { uint64_t buffer_size = rows * columns * 3; // 4 channels -> 3 channels channel_buffer_.resize(pool_, buffer_size, gxf::MemoryStorageType::kDevice); } const auto converted_tensor_ptr = channel_buffer_.pointer(); if (converted_tensor_ptr == nullptr) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for the channel conversion"); return GXF_FAILURE; } int dst_order[3]{0, 1, 2}; if (!out_channel_order.empty()) { if (out_channel_order.size() != 3) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Invalid channel order for RGB888"); return GXF_FAILURE; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dst_order[i] = out_channel_order[i]; } } status = nppiSwapChannels_8u_C4C3R(in_tensor_ptr, src_step, converted_tensor_ptr, out_channels * src_typesize * columns, roi, dst_order); if (status == NPP_SUCCESS) { const int32_t new_src_step = columns * out_channels * src_typesize; status = nppiScale_8u32f_C3R(converted_tensor_ptr, new_src_step, out_tensor_ptr, dst_step, roi, scale_min_, scale_max_); } else { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to convert channel order (NPP error code: %d)", status); return GXF_FAILURE; } break; } default: GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported format conversion: %s (%" PRIu32 ") -> %s\n", in_dtype_str_.get().c_str(), static_cast<uint32_t>(in_dtype_), out_dtype_str_.get().c_str()); } // Reorder channels in the output tensor (inplace) if needed. switch (format_conversion_type_) { case FormatConversionType::kNone: case FormatConversionType::kUnsigned8ToFloat32: case FormatConversionType::kFloat32ToUnsigned8: { if (!out_channel_order.empty()) { switch (out_channels) { case 3: { int dst_order[3]{0, 1, 2}; if (out_channel_order.size() != 3) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Invalid channel order for %s", out_dtype_str_.get().c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dst_order[i] = out_channel_order[i]; } switch (out_primitive_type_) { case gxf::PrimitiveType::kUnsigned8: { auto out_tensor_ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(out_tensor_data); status = nppiSwapChannels_8u_C3IR(out_tensor_ptr, dst_step, roi, dst_order); break; } case gxf::PrimitiveType::kFloat32: { auto out_tensor_ptr = static_cast<float*>(out_tensor_data); status = nppiSwapChannels_32f_C3IR(out_tensor_ptr, dst_step, roi, dst_order); break; } default: GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported output data type for reordering channels: %s", out_dtype_str_.get().c_str()); } break; } case 4: { int dst_order[4]{0, 1, 2, 3}; if (out_channel_order.size() != 4) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Invalid channel order for %s", out_dtype_str_.get().c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { dst_order[i] = out_channel_order[i]; } switch (out_primitive_type_) { case gxf::PrimitiveType::kUnsigned8: { auto out_tensor_ptr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(out_tensor_data); status = nppiSwapChannels_8u_C4IR(out_tensor_ptr, dst_step, roi, dst_order); break; } case gxf::PrimitiveType::kFloat32: { auto out_tensor_ptr = static_cast<float*>(out_tensor_data); status = nppiSwapChannels_32f_C4IR(out_tensor_ptr, dst_step, roi, dst_order); break; } default: GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported output data type for reordering channels: %s\n", out_dtype_str_.get().c_str()); } break; } } if (status != NPP_SUCCESS) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to convert channel order"); return GXF_FAILURE; } } } default: break; } if (status != NPP_SUCCESS) { return GXF_FAILURE; } return GXF_SUCCESS; } gxf_result_t FormatConverter::registerInterface(gxf::Registrar* registrar) { gxf::Expected<void> result; result &= registrar->parameter(in_, "in", "Input", "Input channel."); result &= registrar->parameter(in_tensor_name_, "in_tensor_name", "InputTensorName", "Name of the input tensor.", std::string("")); result &= registrar->parameter(in_dtype_str_, "in_dtype", "InputDataType", "Source data type.", std::string("")); result &= registrar->parameter(out_, "out", "Output", "Output channel."); result &= registrar->parameter(out_tensor_name_, "out_tensor_name", "OutputTensorName", "Name of the output tensor.", std::string("")); result &= registrar->parameter(out_dtype_str_, "out_dtype", "OutputDataType", "Destination data type."); result &= registrar->parameter(scale_min_, "scale_min", "Scale min", "Minimum value of the scale.", 0.f); result &= registrar->parameter(scale_max_, "scale_max", "Scale max", "Maximum value of the scale.", 1.f); result &= registrar->parameter(alpha_value_, "alpha_value", "Alpha value", "Alpha value that can be used to fill the alpha channel when " "converting RGB888 to RGBA8888.", static_cast<uint8_t>(255)); result &= registrar->parameter(resize_width_, "resize_width", "Resize width", "Width for resize. No actions if this value is zero.", 0); result &= registrar->parameter(resize_height_, "resize_height", "Resize height", "Height for resize. No actions if this value is zero.", 0); result &= registrar->parameter(resize_mode_, "resize_mode", "Resize mode", "Mode for resize. 4 (NPPI_INTER_CUBIC) if this value is zero.", 0); result &= registrar->parameter( out_channel_order_, "out_channel_order", "Output channel order", "Host memory integer array describing how channel values are permutated.", std::vector<int>{}); result &= registrar->parameter(pool_, "pool", "Pool", "Pool to allocate the output message."); return gxf::ToResultCode(result); } } // namespace nvidia::holoscan::formatconverter

© Copyright 2022, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jun 28, 2023.