Clara Holoscan v0.2.0

Program Listing for File segmentation_postprocessor.cpp

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/* * Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "segmentation_postprocessor.hpp" #include <string> #include <utility> #include "gxf/multimedia/video.hpp" #include "gxf/std/tensor.hpp" #define CUDA_TRY(stmt) \ ({ \ cudaError_t _holoscan_cuda_err = stmt; \ if (cudaSuccess != _holoscan_cuda_err) { \ GXF_LOG_ERROR("CUDA Runtime call %s in line %d of file %s failed with '%s' (%d).", #stmt, \ __LINE__, __FILE__, cudaGetErrorString(_holoscan_cuda_err), \ _holoscan_cuda_err); \ } \ _holoscan_cuda_err; \ }) namespace nvidia { namespace holoscan { namespace segmentation_postprocessor { gxf_result_t Postprocessor::start() { const std::string& network_output_type_name = network_output_type_.get(); if (network_output_type_name == "sigmoid") { network_output_type_value_ = NetworkOutputType::kSigmoid; } else if (network_output_type_name == "softmax") { network_output_type_value_ = NetworkOutputType::kSoftmax; } else { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported network type %s", network_output_type_name.c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } const std::string& data_format_name = data_format_.get(); if (data_format_name == "nchw") { data_format_value_ = DataFormat::kNCHW; } else if (data_format_name == "hwc") { data_format_value_ = DataFormat::kHWC; } else if (data_format_name == "nhwc") { data_format_value_ = DataFormat::kNHWC; } else { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported format type %s", data_format_name.c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } return GXF_SUCCESS; } gxf_result_t Postprocessor::tick() { // Process input message const auto in_message = in_->receive(); if (!in_message || in_message.value().is_null()) { return GXF_CONTRACT_MESSAGE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } // Get tensor attached to the message auto maybe_tensor = in_message.value().get<gxf::Tensor>(in_tensor_name_.get().c_str()); if (!maybe_tensor) { maybe_tensor = in_message.value().get<gxf::Tensor>(); if (!maybe_tensor) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Tensor '%s' not found in message.", in_tensor_name_.get().c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } } gxf::Handle<gxf::Tensor> in_tensor = maybe_tensor.value(); Shape shape = {}; switch (data_format_value_) { case DataFormat::kHWC: { shape.height = in_tensor->shape().dimension(0); shape.width = in_tensor->shape().dimension(1); shape.channels = in_tensor->shape().dimension(2); } break; case DataFormat::kNCHW: { shape.channels = in_tensor->shape().dimension(1); shape.height = in_tensor->shape().dimension(2); shape.width = in_tensor->shape().dimension(3); } break; case DataFormat::kNHWC: { shape.height = in_tensor->shape().dimension(1); shape.width = in_tensor->shape().dimension(2); shape.channels = in_tensor->shape().dimension(3); } break; } if (shape.channels > kMaxChannelCount) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Input channel count larger than allowed: %d > %d", shape.channels, kMaxChannelCount); return GXF_FAILURE; } auto out_message = gxf::Entity::New(context()); if (!out_message) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate message"); return GXF_FAILURE; } auto out_tensor = out_message.value().add<gxf::Tensor>(); if (!out_tensor) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate output tensor"); return GXF_FAILURE; } // Allocate and convert output buffer on the device. gxf::Shape output_shape{shape.width, shape.height, 1}; out_tensor.value()->reshape<uint8_t>(output_shape, gxf::MemoryStorageType::kDevice, allocator_); if (!out_tensor.value()->pointer()) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate output tensor buffer."); return GXF_FAILURE; } gxf::Expected<const float*> in_tensor_data = in_tensor->data<float>(); if (!in_tensor_data) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to get in tensor data!"); return GXF_FAILURE; } gxf::Expected<uint8_t*> out_tensor_data = out_tensor.value()->data<uint8_t>(); if (!out_tensor_data) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to get out tensor data!"); return GXF_FAILURE; } cuda_postprocess(network_output_type_value_, data_format_value_, shape, in_tensor_data.value(), out_tensor_data.value()); const auto result = out_->publish(std::move(out_message.value())); if (!result) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to publish output!"); return GXF_FAILURE; } return GXF_SUCCESS; } gxf_result_t Postprocessor::stop() { return GXF_SUCCESS; } gxf_result_t Postprocessor::registerInterface(gxf::Registrar* registrar) { gxf::Expected<void> result; result &= registrar->parameter(in_, "in", "Input", "Input channel."); result &= registrar->parameter(in_tensor_name_, "in_tensor_name", "InputTensorName", "Name of the input tensor.", std::string("")); result &= registrar->parameter(network_output_type_, "network_output_type", "NetworkOutputType", "Network output type.", std::string("softmax")); result &= registrar->parameter(out_, "out", "Output", "Output channel."); result &= registrar->parameter(data_format_, "data_format", "DataFormat", "Data format of network output", std::string("hwc")); result &= registrar->parameter(allocator_, "allocator", "Allocator", "Output Allocator"); return gxf::ToResultCode(result); } } // namespace segmentation_postprocessor } // namespace holoscan } // namespace nvidia

© Copyright 2022, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jun 28, 2023.