Clara Holoscan v0.2.0

Program Listing for File tensor_rt_inference.cpp

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/* * Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "tensor_rt_inference.hpp" #include <NvInferPlugin.h> #include <NvOnnxConfig.h> #include <NvOnnxParser.h> #include <cuda_runtime.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "gxf/cuda/cuda_stream_id.hpp" #include "gxf/std/parameter_parser_std.hpp" #include "gxf/std/tensor.hpp" #include "gxf/std/timestamp.hpp" namespace nvidia { namespace gxf { namespace { // Checks wether a string ends with a certain string inline bool EndsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& suffix) { return str.size() >= suffix.size() && - suffix.size(), suffix.size(), suffix) == 0; } bool IsValidFile(const std::string& path) { struct stat st; if (stat(path.c_str(), &st) != 0) { return false; } return static_cast<bool>(st.st_mode & S_IFREG); } bool IsValidDirectory(const std::string& path) { struct stat st; if (stat(path.c_str(), &st) != 0) { return false; } return static_cast<bool>(st.st_mode & S_IFDIR); } bool ReadEntireBinaryFile(const std::string& file_path, std::vector<char>& buffer) { // Make sure we are opening a valid file. if (!IsValidFile(file_path)) { return false; } // Open the file in binary mode and seek to the end std::ifstream file(file_path, std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate); if (!file) { return false; } // Get the size of the file and seek back to the beginning const size_t size = file.tellg(); file.seekg(0); // Reserve enough space in the output buffer and read the file contents into it buffer.resize(size); const bool ret = static_cast<bool>(, size)); file.close(); return ret; } // Formats gxf tensor shape specified by std::array for console spew const std::string FormatDims(const std::array<int32_t, gxf::Shape::kMaxRank>& dimensions, const int32_t rank) { std::stringbuf sbuf; std::ostream stream(&sbuf); stream << "["; for (int i = 0; i < rank; ++i) { if (i > 0) { stream << ", "; } stream << dimensions[i]; } stream << "]"; return sbuf.str(); } // Formats gxf shape for console spew const std::string FormatTensorShape(const gxf::Shape& shape) { std::array<int32_t, gxf::Shape::kMaxRank> dimensions; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < shape.rank(); ++i) { dimensions[i] = shape.dimension(i); } return FormatDims(dimensions, shape.rank()); } // Converts TensorRT dimensions to Gxf Tensor dimensions (std::array) std::array<int32_t, gxf::Shape::kMaxRank> Dims2Dimensions(const nvinfer1::Dims& dims) { std::array<int32_t, gxf::Shape::kMaxRank> dimensions; dimensions.fill(1); for (int32_t i = 0; i < dims.nbDims; i++) { dimensions[i] = dims.d[i]; } return dimensions; } // Converts TensorRT data type to gxf::Tensor element type (gxf::PrimitiveType) gxf::Expected<gxf::PrimitiveType> NvInferDatatypeToTensorElementType(nvinfer1::DataType data_type) { switch (data_type) { case nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT: { return gxf::PrimitiveType::kFloat32; } case nvinfer1::DataType::kINT8: { return gxf::PrimitiveType::kInt8; } case nvinfer1::DataType::kINT32: { return gxf::PrimitiveType::kInt32; } // case nvinfer1::DataType::kBOOL: case nvinfer1::DataType::kHALF: default: { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported DataType %d", data_type); return gxf::Unexpected{GXF_FAILURE}; } } } // Writes engine plan to specified file path gxf::Expected<void> SerializeEnginePlan(const std::vector<char>& plan, const std::string path) { // Write Plan To Disk std::ofstream out_stream(path.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary); if (!out_stream.is_open()) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to create engine file %s.", path.c_str()); return gxf::Unexpected{GXF_FAILURE}; } out_stream.write(, plan.size()); if (out_stream.bad()) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to writing to engine file %s.", path.c_str()); return gxf::Unexpected{GXF_FAILURE}; } out_stream.close(); GXF_LOG_INFO("TensorRT engine serialized at %s", path.c_str()); return gxf::Success; } } // namespace // Logging interface for the TensorRT builder, engine and runtime, to redirect logging. void TensorRTInferenceLogger::log(ILogger::Severity severity, const char* msg) throw() { switch (severity) { case Severity::kINTERNAL_ERROR: { GXF_LOG_ERROR("TRT INTERNAL_ERROR: %s", msg); break; } case Severity::kERROR: { GXF_LOG_ERROR("TRT ERROR: %s", msg); break; } case Severity::kWARNING: { GXF_LOG_WARNING("TRT WARNING: %s", msg); break; } case Severity::kINFO: { GXF_LOG_DEBUG("TRT INFO: %s", msg); break; } case Severity::kVERBOSE: { if (verbose_) { GXF_LOG_DEBUG("TRT VERBOSE: %s", msg); } break; } default: { GXF_LOG_ERROR("TRT UNKNOWN SEVERITY ERROR: %s", msg); break; } } } void TensorRTInferenceLogger::setVerbose(bool verbose) { verbose_ = verbose; } gxf_result_t TensorRtInference::registerInterface(gxf::Registrar* registrar) { gxf::Expected<void> result; result &= registrar->parameter(model_file_path_, "model_file_path", "Model File Path", "Path to ONNX model to be loaded."); result &= registrar->parameter( engine_cache_dir_, "engine_cache_dir", "Engine Cache Directory", "Path to a folder containing cached engine files to be serialized and loaded from."); result &= registrar->parameter( plugins_lib_namespace_, "plugins_lib_namespace", "Plugins Lib Namespace", "Namespace used to register all the plugins in this library.", std::string("")); result &= registrar->parameter(force_engine_update_, "force_engine_update", "Force Engine Update", "Always update engine regard less of existing engine file. " "Such conversion may take minutes. Default to false.", false); result &= registrar->parameter(input_tensor_names_, "input_tensor_names", "Input Tensor Names", "Names of input tensors in the order to be fed into the model."); result &= registrar->parameter(input_binding_names_, "input_binding_names", "Input Binding Names", "Names of input bindings as in the model in the same order of " "what is provided in input_tensor_names."); result &= registrar->parameter(output_tensor_names_, "output_tensor_names", "Output Tensor Names", "Names of output tensors in the order to be retrieved " "from the model."); result &= registrar->parameter(output_binding_names_, "output_binding_names", "Output Binding Names", "Names of output bindings in the model in the same " "order of of what is provided in output_tensor_names."); result &= registrar->parameter(pool_, "pool", "Pool", "Allocator instance for output tensors."); result &= registrar->parameter(cuda_stream_pool_, "cuda_stream_pool", "Cuda Stream Pool", "Instance of gxf::CudaStreamPool to allocate CUDA stream."); result &= registrar->parameter(max_workspace_size_, "max_workspace_size", "Max Workspace Size", "Size of working space in bytes. Default to 64MB", 67108864l); result &= registrar->parameter(dla_core_, "dla_core", "DLA Core", "DLA Core to use. Fallback to GPU is always enabled. " "Default to use GPU only.", gxf::Registrar::NoDefaultParameter(), GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL); result &= registrar->parameter(max_batch_size_, "max_batch_size", "Max Batch Size", "Maximum possible batch size in case the first dimension is " "dynamic and used as batch size.", 1); result &= registrar->parameter(enable_fp16_, "enable_fp16_", "Enable FP16 Mode", "Enable inference with FP16 and FP32 fallback.", false); result &= registrar->parameter(verbose_, "verbose", "Verbose", "Enable verbose logging on console. Default to false.", false); result &= registrar->parameter(relaxed_dimension_check_, "relaxed_dimension_check", "Relaxed Dimension Check", "Ignore dimensions of 1 for input tensor dimension check.", true); result &= registrar->parameter(clock_, "clock", "Clock", "Instance of clock for publish time.", gxf::Registrar::NoDefaultParameter(), GXF_PARAMETER_FLAGS_OPTIONAL); result &= registrar->parameter(rx_, "rx", "RX", "List of receivers to take input tensors"); result &= registrar->parameter(tx_, "tx", "TX", "Transmitter to publish output tensors"); return gxf::ToResultCode(result); } gxf_result_t TensorRtInference::start() { // Validates parameter if (!EndsWith(model_file_path_.get(), ".onnx")) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Only supports ONNX model: %s.", model_file_path_.get().c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } if (rx_.get().size() == 0) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("At least one receiver is needed."); return GXF_FAILURE; } if (input_tensor_names_.get().size() != input_binding_names_.get().size()) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Mismatching number of input tensor names and bindings: %lu vs %lu.", input_tensor_names_.get().size(), input_binding_names_.get().size()); return GXF_FAILURE; } if (output_tensor_names_.get().size() != output_binding_names_.get().size()) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Mismatching number of output tensor names and bindings: %lu vs %lu.", output_tensor_names_.get().size(), output_binding_names_.get().size()); return GXF_FAILURE; } // Initializes TensorRT registered plugins cuda_logger_.setVerbose(verbose_.get()); const auto plugins_lib_namespace = plugins_lib_namespace_.try_get(); if (plugins_lib_namespace && !initLibNvInferPlugins(&cuda_logger_, plugins_lib_namespace.value().c_str())) { // Tries to proceed to see if the model would work GXF_LOG_WARNING("Could not initialize LibNvInferPlugins."); } // Create the cuda stream if it does not yet exist. // This is needed to populate cuda_stream_ before calling queryHostEngineCapability() if (!cuda_stream_) { auto maybe_stream = cuda_stream_pool_.get()->allocateStream(); if (!maybe_stream) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate CUDA stream"); return maybe_stream.error(); } cuda_stream_ = std::move(maybe_stream.value()); } gxf::Expected<std::string> maybe_host_engine_capability = queryHostEngineCapability(); if (!maybe_host_engine_capability) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to query host engine capability."); return GXF_FAILURE; } std::string host_engine_capability = maybe_host_engine_capability.value(); GXF_LOG_INFO("Using Host Engine Capability: %s", host_engine_capability.c_str()); gxf::Expected<std::string> maybe_engine_file_path = findEngineFilePath(host_engine_capability); if (!maybe_engine_file_path) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to find an engine file!"); return GXF_FAILURE; } std::string engine_file_path = maybe_engine_file_path.value(); engine_file_path_ = engine_file_path; if (force_engine_update_) { // Deletes engine plan file if exists for forced update std::remove(engine_file_path.c_str()); if (std::ifstream(engine_file_path.c_str()).good()) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to remove engine plan file %s for forced engine update.", engine_file_path.c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } } // Loads Cuda engine into std::vector plan or creates it if needed. std::vector<char> plan; if (force_engine_update_ || !ReadEntireBinaryFile(engine_file_path, plan)) { const char* warning_note = force_engine_update_ ? " (forced by config)" : ""; GXF_LOG_WARNING( "Rebuilding CUDA engine %s%s. " "Note: this process may take up to several minutes.", engine_file_path.c_str(), warning_note); auto result = convertModelToEngine(); if (!result) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to create engine plan for model %s.", model_file_path_.get().c_str()); return gxf::ToResultCode(result); } // Skips loading file and uses in-memory engine plan directly. plan = std::move(result.value()); // Tries to serializes the plan and proceeds anyway if (!SerializeEnginePlan(plan, engine_file_path)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR( "Engine plan serialization failed. Proceeds with in-memory engine plan anyway."); } } // Creates inference runtime for the plan NvInferHandle<nvinfer1::IRuntime> infer_runtime(nvinfer1::createInferRuntime(cuda_logger_)); // Deserialize the CUDA engine if (verbose_.get()) { GXF_LOG_DEBUG("Creating inference runtime."); } cuda_engine_.reset(infer_runtime->deserializeCudaEngine(, plan.size(), NULL)); // Debug spews if (verbose_.get()) { GXF_LOG_DEBUG("Nubmer of CUDA bindings: %d", cuda_engine_->getNbBindings()); for (int i = 0; i < cuda_engine_->getNbBindings(); ++i) { GXF_LOG_DEBUG("CUDA binding No.%d: name %s Format %s", i, cuda_engine_->getBindingName(i), cuda_engine_->getBindingFormatDesc(i)); } } // Checks binding numbers against parameter const uint64_t input_number = input_tensor_names_.get().size(); const uint64_t output_number = output_tensor_names_.get().size(); const int64_t total_bindings_number = input_number + output_number; if (cuda_engine_->getNbBindings() != static_cast<int>(total_bindings_number)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR( "Numbers of CUDA bindings mismatch: configured for %lu vs model requires %d. " "Please check TensorRTInference codelet configuration.\n", total_bindings_number, cuda_engine_->getNbBindings()); return GXF_ARGUMENT_INVALID; } // Creates cuda execution context cuda_execution_ctx_.reset(cuda_engine_->createExecutionContext()); // Allocates CUDA buffer pointers for binding to be populated in tick() cuda_buffers_.resize(input_tensor_names_.get().size() + output_tensor_names_.get().size(), nullptr); // Keeps record of input bindings binding_infos_.clear(); for (uint64_t j = 0; j < input_number; ++j) { const std::string& tensor_name = input_tensor_names_.get()[j]; const std::string& binding_name = input_binding_names_.get()[j]; const int32_t binding_index = cuda_engine_->getBindingIndex(binding_name.c_str()); if (binding_index == -1) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to get binding index for input %s in model %s", binding_name.c_str(), engine_file_path_.c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } if (binding_index >= static_cast<int>(cuda_buffers_.size())) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Binding index for input %s is out of range in model %s.", binding_name.c_str(), engine_file_path.c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } // Checks element type const auto maybe_element_type = NvInferDatatypeToTensorElementType(cuda_engine_->getBindingDataType(binding_index)); if (!maybe_element_type) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported element type for binding input %s on index %d. ", binding_name.c_str(), binding_index); return maybe_element_type.error(); } // Keeps binding info const auto& dims = cuda_engine_->getBindingDimensions(binding_index); binding_infos_[tensor_name] = BindingInfo{binding_index, static_cast<uint32_t>(dims.nbDims), binding_name, maybe_element_type.value(), Dims2Dimensions(dims)}; // Debug spew if (verbose_.get()) { GXF_LOG_DEBUG( "Input Tensor %s:%s index %d Dimensions %s.", tensor_name.c_str(), binding_name.c_str(), binding_index, FormatDims(binding_infos_[tensor_name].dimensions, binding_infos_[tensor_name].rank) .c_str()); } } // Keeps record of output bindings for (uint64_t j = 0; j < output_number; ++j) { const std::string& tensor_name = output_tensor_names_.get()[j]; const std::string& binding_name = output_binding_names_.get()[j]; const int32_t binding_index = cuda_engine_->getBindingIndex(binding_name.c_str()); if (binding_index == -1) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to get binding index for output %s", binding_name.c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } if (binding_index >= static_cast<int>(cuda_buffers_.size())) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Binding index for output %s is out of range.", binding_name.c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } // Checks element type const auto maybe_element_type = NvInferDatatypeToTensorElementType(cuda_engine_->getBindingDataType(binding_index)); if (!maybe_element_type) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Unsupported element type for binding output %s on index %d. ", binding_name.c_str(), binding_index); return maybe_element_type.error(); } // Keeps binding info const auto& dims = cuda_engine_->getBindingDimensions(binding_index); binding_infos_[tensor_name] = BindingInfo{binding_index, static_cast<uint32_t>(dims.nbDims), binding_name, maybe_element_type.value(), Dims2Dimensions(dims)}; cuda_buffers_[binding_index] = nullptr; // populate cuda_buffers dynamically, in tick() if (verbose_.get()) { GXF_LOG_DEBUG( "Output Tensor %s:%s (%d), Dimensions: %s.", tensor_name.c_str(), binding_name.c_str(), binding_index, FormatDims(binding_infos_[tensor_name].dimensions, binding_infos_[tensor_name].rank) .c_str()); } } // Grabs CUDA stream and creates CUDA event for synchronization if (!cuda_stream_) { auto maybe_stream = cuda_stream_pool_.get()->allocateStream(); if (!maybe_stream) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate CUDA stream"); return maybe_stream.error(); } cuda_stream_ = std::move(maybe_stream.value()); } auto stream = cuda_stream_.get()->stream(); if (!stream) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to grab CUDA stream"); return stream.error(); } cached_cuda_stream_ = stream.value(); auto result = cudaEventCreate(&cuda_event_consumed_); if (cudaSuccess != result) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to create consumed CUDA event: %s", cudaGetErrorString(result)); return GXF_FAILURE; } auto result2 = cudaEventCreate(&cuda_event_done_); if (cudaSuccess != result2) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to create done CUDA event: %s", cudaGetErrorString(result2)); return GXF_FAILURE; } return GXF_SUCCESS; } gxf::Expected<std::vector<char>> TensorRtInference::convertModelToEngine() { // Creates the engine Builder NvInferHandle<nvinfer1::IBuilder> builder(nvinfer1::createInferBuilder(cuda_logger_)); // Builder Config provides options to the Builder NvInferHandle<nvinfer1::IBuilderConfig> builderConfig(builder->createBuilderConfig()); builderConfig->setMaxWorkspaceSize(max_workspace_size_); // Sets DLA core if provided and always fall back to GPU auto dla_core = dla_core_.try_get(); if (dla_core) { builderConfig->setDefaultDeviceType(nvinfer1::DeviceType::kDLA); builderConfig->setFlag(nvinfer1::BuilderFlag::kGPU_FALLBACK); builderConfig->setDLACore(dla_core.value()); } if (enable_fp16_.get()) { builderConfig->setFlag(nvinfer1::BuilderFlag::kFP16); } // Parses ONNX with explicit batch size for support of dynamic shapes/batch NvInferHandle<nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition> network(builder->createNetworkV2( 1U << static_cast<uint32_t>(nvinfer1::NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kEXPLICIT_BATCH))); NvInferHandle<nvonnxparser::IParser> onnx_parser( nvonnxparser::createParser(*network, cuda_logger_)); if (!onnx_parser->parseFromFile(model_file_path_.get().c_str(), static_cast<int>(nvinfer1::ILogger::Severity::kWARNING))) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to parse ONNX file %s", model_file_path_.get().c_str()); return gxf::Unexpected{GXF_FAILURE}; } // Provides optimization profile for dynamic size input bindings nvinfer1::IOptimizationProfile* optimization_profile = builder->createOptimizationProfile(); // Checks input dimensions and adds to optimization profile if needed const int number_inputs = network->getNbInputs(); for (int i = 0; i < number_inputs; ++i) { auto* bind_tensor = network->getInput(i); const char* bind_name = bind_tensor->getName(); nvinfer1::Dims dims = bind_tensor->getDimensions(); // Validates binding info if (dims.nbDims <= 0) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Invalid input tensor dimensions for binding %s", bind_name); return gxf::Unexpected{GXF_ARGUMENT_INVALID}; } for (int j = 1; j < dims.nbDims; ++j) { if (dims.d[j] <= 0) { GXF_LOG_ERROR( "Input binding %s requires dynamic size on dimension No.%d which is not supported", bind_tensor->getName(), j); return gxf::Unexpected{GXF_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_RANGE}; } } if (dims.d[0] == -1) { // Only case with first dynamic dimension is supported and assumed to be batch size. // Always optimizes for 1-batch. dims.d[0] = 1; optimization_profile->setDimensions(bind_name, nvinfer1::OptProfileSelector::kMIN, dims); optimization_profile->setDimensions(bind_name, nvinfer1::OptProfileSelector::kOPT, dims); dims.d[0] = max_batch_size_.get(); if (max_batch_size_.get() <= 0) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Maximum batch size %d is invalid. Uses 1 instead.", max_batch_size_.get()); dims.d[0] = 1; } optimization_profile->setDimensions(bind_name, nvinfer1::OptProfileSelector::kMAX, dims); } } builderConfig->addOptimizationProfile(optimization_profile); // Creates TensorRT Engine Plan NvInferHandle<nvinfer1::ICudaEngine> engine( builder->buildEngineWithConfig(*network, *builderConfig)); if (!engine) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to build TensorRT engine from model %s.", model_file_path_.get().c_str()); return gxf::Unexpected{GXF_FAILURE}; } NvInferHandle<nvinfer1::IHostMemory> model_stream(engine->serialize()); if (!model_stream || model_stream->size() == 0 || model_stream->data() == nullptr) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Fail to serialize TensorRT Engine."); return gxf::Unexpected{GXF_FAILURE}; } // Prepares return value std::vector<char> result; const char* data = static_cast<const char*>(model_stream->data()); result.resize(model_stream->size()); std::copy(data, data + model_stream->size(),; return result; } gxf_result_t TensorRtInference::stop() { cuda_execution_ctx_ = nullptr; cuda_engine_ = nullptr; cuda_buffers_.clear(); auto result = cudaEventDestroy(cuda_event_consumed_); if (cudaSuccess != result) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to destroy consumed CUDA event: %s", cudaGetErrorString(result)); return GXF_FAILURE; } auto result2 = cudaEventDestroy(cuda_event_done_); if (cudaSuccess != result2) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to create done CUDA event: %s", cudaGetErrorString(result2)); return GXF_FAILURE; } return GXF_SUCCESS; } gxf_result_t TensorRtInference::tick() { // Grabs latest messages from all receivers std::vector<gxf::Entity> messages; messages.reserve(rx_.get().size()); for (auto& rx : rx_.get()) { gxf::Expected<gxf::Entity> maybe_message = rx->receive(); if (maybe_message) { messages.push_back(std::move(maybe_message.value())); } } if (messages.empty()) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("No message available."); return GXF_CONTRACT_MESSAGE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } // Tries to retrieve timestamp if clock present gxf::Expected<gxf::Handle<gxf::Timestamp>> maybe_input_timestamp = gxf::Unexpected{GXF_FAILURE}; for (auto& msg : messages) { maybe_input_timestamp = msg.get<gxf::Timestamp>("timestamp"); if (maybe_input_timestamp) { break; } } // Populates input tensors for (const auto& tensor_name : input_tensor_names_.get()) { gxf::Expected<gxf::Handle<gxf::Tensor>> maybe_tensor = gxf::Unexpected{GXF_UNINITIALIZED_VALUE}; for (auto& msg : messages) { maybe_tensor = msg.get<gxf::Tensor>(tensor_name.c_str()); if (maybe_tensor) { break; } } if (!maybe_tensor) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to retrieve Tensor %s", tensor_name.c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } // Validates input tensor against model bindings then binds and populates buffers const auto& shape = maybe_tensor.value()->shape(); const auto& binding_info = binding_infos_[tensor_name]; nvinfer1::Dims dims; dims.nbDims = binding_info.rank; for (int32_t i = 0; i < dims.nbDims; ++i) { dims.d[i] = binding_info.dimensions[i]; } // Checks input tensor element type if (maybe_tensor.value()->element_type() != binding_info.element_type) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Mismatching tensor element type required %d vs provided %d", binding_info.element_type, maybe_tensor.value()->element_type()); return GXF_FAILURE; } if (relaxed_dimension_check_.get()) { // Relaxed dimension match. Ignore all 1s. Binding of -1 is considered as match. const uint32_t shape_rank = shape.rank(); uint32_t shape_rank_matched = 0; uint32_t binding_rank_matched = 0; bool matched = true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < gxf::Shape::kMaxRank * 2; ++i) { if (shape_rank_matched >= shape_rank || binding_rank_matched >= binding_info.rank) { break; } if (shape.dimension(shape_rank_matched) == 1) { shape_rank_matched++; continue; } if (binding_info.dimensions[binding_rank_matched] == 1) { binding_rank_matched++; continue; } if (binding_info.dimensions[binding_rank_matched] == -1) { // Matches dimension dims.d[binding_rank_matched] = shape.dimension(shape_rank_matched); shape_rank_matched++; binding_rank_matched++; continue; } if (shape.dimension(shape_rank_matched) != binding_info.dimensions[binding_rank_matched]) { matched = false; break; } shape_rank_matched++; binding_rank_matched++; } if (!matched || shape_rank_matched != shape_rank || binding_rank_matched != binding_info.rank) { GXF_LOG_ERROR( "Input Tensor %s bound to %s:" " dimensions does not meet model spec with relaxed matching. Expected: %s Real: %s", tensor_name.c_str(), binding_info.binding_name.c_str(), FormatDims(binding_info.dimensions, binding_info.rank).c_str(), FormatTensorShape(shape).c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } } else { // Strict dimension match. All dimensions must match. Binding of -1 is considered as match. if (shape.rank() != binding_info.rank) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Tensor %s bound to %s has mismatching rank %d (%d required)", tensor_name.c_str(), binding_info.binding_name.c_str(), shape.rank(), binding_info.rank); return GXF_FAILURE; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < binding_info.rank; i++) { if (binding_info.dimensions[i] == -1) { dims.d[i] = shape.dimension(i); } if (shape.dimension(i) != binding_info.dimensions[i] && binding_info.dimensions[i] != -1) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Tensor %s bound to %s has mismatching dimension %d:%d (%d required)", tensor_name.c_str(), binding_info.binding_name.c_str(), i, shape.dimension(i), binding_info.dimensions[i]); return GXF_FAILURE; } } } // Updates the latest dimension of input tensor if (!cuda_execution_ctx_->setBindingDimensions(binding_info.index, dims)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to update input binding %s dimensions.", binding_info.binding_name.c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } // Binds input tensor buffer cuda_buffers_[binding_info.index] = maybe_tensor.value()->pointer(); } // Creates result message entity gxf::Expected<gxf::Entity> maybe_result_message = gxf::Entity::New(context()); if (!maybe_result_message) { return gxf::ToResultCode(maybe_result_message); } // Creates tensors for output for (const auto& tensor_name : output_tensor_names_.get()) { auto maybe_result_tensor = maybe_result_message.value().add<gxf::Tensor>(tensor_name.c_str()); if (!maybe_result_tensor) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to create output tensor %s", tensor_name.c_str()); return gxf::ToResultCode(maybe_result_tensor); } // Queries binding dimension from context and allocates tensor accordingly const auto& binding_info = binding_infos_[tensor_name]; const auto binding_dims = cuda_engine_->getBindingDimensions(binding_info.index); gxf::Shape shape{Dims2Dimensions(binding_dims), binding_info.rank}; auto result = maybe_result_tensor.value()->reshapeCustom( shape, binding_info.element_type, gxf::PrimitiveTypeSize(binding_info.element_type), gxf::Unexpected{GXF_UNINITIALIZED_VALUE}, gxf::MemoryStorageType::kDevice, pool_); if (!result) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate for output tensor %s", tensor_name.c_str()); return gxf::ToResultCode(result); } // Allocates gpu buffer for output tensors cuda_buffers_[binding_info.index] = maybe_result_tensor.value()->pointer(); } auto maybe_stream_id = maybe_result_message.value().add<gxf::CudaStreamId>("TensorRTCuStream"); if (!maybe_stream_id) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("failed to add TensorRTCuStream"); return gxf::ToResultCode(maybe_stream_id); } maybe_stream_id.value()->stream_cid = cuda_stream_.cid(); GXF_ASSERT(maybe_stream_id.value()->stream_cid != kNullUid, "Internal error: stream_cid is null"); // Runs inference on specified CUDA stream if (!cuda_execution_ctx_->enqueueV2(, cached_cuda_stream_, &cuda_event_consumed_)) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("TensorRT task enqueue for engine %s failed.", engine_file_path_.c_str()); return GXF_FAILURE; } // Blocks until job is done auto result = cudaEventRecord(cuda_event_done_, cached_cuda_stream_); if (cudaSuccess != result) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to queue event for task done with engine %s: %s", engine_file_path_.c_str(), cudaGetErrorString(result)); return GXF_FAILURE; } auto result2 = cudaEventSynchronize(cuda_event_done_); if (cudaSuccess != result2) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to synchronize for task done with engine %s: %s", engine_file_path_.c_str(), cudaGetErrorString(result2)); return GXF_FAILURE; } // Publishes result with acqtime if (maybe_input_timestamp) { // if input timestamp is present, use it's acqtime return gxf::ToResultCode( tx_->publish(maybe_result_message.value(), maybe_input_timestamp.value()->acqtime)); } else { // else simply use 0 as acqtime return gxf::ToResultCode(tx_->publish(maybe_result_message.value(), 0)); } } static std::string replaceChar(const std::string& string, char match, char replacement) { std::string result = string; std::replace(result.begin(), result.end(), match, replacement); return result; } gxf::Expected<std::string> TensorRtInference::queryHostEngineCapability() const { char* env_var = std::getenv("GXF_TENSORRT_HOST_ENGINE_CAPABILITY"); if (env_var != nullptr) { GXF_LOG_INFO("Using GXF_TENSORRT_HOST_ENGINE_CAPABILITY overwrite: %s", env_var); return std::string(env_var); } cudaDeviceProp device_prop = {0}; cudaError_t status = cudaGetDeviceProperties(&device_prop, cuda_stream_.get()->dev_id()); if (status != cudaSuccess) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to get cuda device properties with errorcode: %d", status); return gxf::Unexpected{}; } std::string device_name =; device_name = replaceChar(device_name, ' ', '-'); std::stringstream ss; // TensorRT builds an engine file per device that changes based on the number of SMs available. // This returns a string that should be a unique mapping per device and SM configuration. ss << device_name << "_c" << device_prop.major << device_prop.minor << "_n" << device_prop.multiProcessorCount; return ss.str(); } gxf::Expected<std::string> TensorRtInference::findEngineFilePath( const std::string& host_engine_capability) const { std::string engine_file_path; if (!IsValidDirectory(engine_cache_dir_.get())) { GXF_LOG_ERROR( "Engine cache directory '%s' does not exist! Please create a valid cache directory.", engine_cache_dir_.get().c_str()); return gxf::Unexpected{}; } engine_file_path = engine_cache_dir_.get() + "/" + host_engine_capability + ".engine"; GXF_LOG_INFO("Loading engine cache dir file: %s", engine_file_path.c_str()); if (engine_file_path.empty()) { GXF_LOG_ERROR("Engine file path not specified!"); return gxf::Unexpected{}; } return engine_file_path; } } // namespace gxf } // namespace nvidia

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