
Core v0.4.0

Source code for modulus.datapipes.gnn.vortex_shedding_dataset

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import functools
import json
import os

import numpy as np
import torch

    import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError(
        "Mesh Graph Net Datapipe requires the Tensorflow library. Install the "
        + "package at:"

    import dgl
    from import DGLDataset
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError(
        "Mesh Graph Net Datapipe requires the DGL library. Install the "
        + "desired CUDA version at:"
from torch.nn import functional as F

from .utils import load_json, save_json

# Hide GPU from visible devices for TF
tf.config.set_visible_devices([], "GPU")

[docs]class VortexSheddingDataset(DGLDataset): """In-memory MeshGraphNet Dataset for stationary mesh Notes: - This dataset prepares and processes the data available in MeshGraphNet's repo: - A single adj matrix is used for each transient simulation. Do not use with adaptive mesh or remeshing Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of the dataset, by default "dataset" data_dir : _type_, optional Specifying the directory that stores the raw data in .TFRecord format., by default None split : str, optional Dataset split ["train", "eval", "test"], by default "train" num_samples : int, optional Number of samples, by default 1000 num_steps : int, optional Number of time steps in each sample, by default 600 noise_std : float, optional The standard deviation of the noise added to the "train" split, by default 0.02 force_reload : bool, optional force reload, by default False verbose : bool, optional verbose, by default False """ def __init__( self, name="dataset", data_dir=None, split="train", num_samples=1000, num_steps=600, noise_std=0.02, force_reload=False, verbose=False, ): super().__init__( name=name, force_reload=force_reload, verbose=verbose, ) self.data_dir = data_dir self.split = split self.num_samples = num_samples self.num_steps = num_steps self.noise_std = noise_std self.length = num_samples * (num_steps - 1) print(f"Preparing the {split} dataset...") # create the graphs with edge features dataset_iterator = self._load_tf_data(self.data_dir, self.split) self.graphs, self.cells, self.node_type = [], [], [] noise_mask, self.rollout_mask = [], [] self.mesh_pos = [] for i in range(self.num_samples): data_np = dataset_iterator.get_next() data_np = {key: arr[:num_steps].numpy() for key, arr in data_np.items()} src, dst = self.cell_to_adj(data_np["cells"][0]) # assuming stationary mesh graph = self.create_graph(src, dst, dtype=torch.int32) graph = self.add_edge_features(graph, data_np["mesh_pos"][0]) self.graphs.append(graph) node_type = torch.tensor(data_np["node_type"][0], dtype=torch.uint8) self.node_type.append(self._one_hot_encode(node_type)) noise_mask.append(torch.eq(node_type, torch.zeros_like(node_type))) if self.split != "train": self.mesh_pos.append(torch.tensor(data_np["mesh_pos"][0])) self.cells.append(data_np["cells"][0]) self.rollout_mask.append(self._get_rollout_mask(node_type)) # compute or load edge data stats if self.split == "train": self.edge_stats = self._get_edge_stats() else: self.edge_stats = load_json("edge_stats.json") # normalize edge features for i in range(num_samples): self.graphs[i].edata["x"] = self.normalize_edge( self.graphs[i], self.edge_stats["edge_mean"], self.edge_stats["edge_std"], ) # create the node features dataset_iterator = self._load_tf_data(self.data_dir, self.split) self.node_features, self.node_targets = [], [] for i in range(self.num_samples): data_np = dataset_iterator.get_next() data_np = {key: arr[:num_steps].numpy() for key, arr in data_np.items()} features, targets = {}, {} features["velocity"] = self._drop_last(data_np["velocity"]) targets["velocity"] = self._push_forward_diff(data_np["velocity"]) targets["pressure"] = self._push_forward(data_np["pressure"]) # add noise if split == "train": features["velocity"], targets["velocity"] = self._add_noise( features["velocity"], targets["velocity"], self.noise_std, noise_mask[i], ) self.node_features.append(features) self.node_targets.append(targets) # compute or load node data stats if self.split == "train": self.node_stats = self._get_node_stats() else: self.node_stats = load_json("node_stats.json") # normalize node features for i in range(num_samples): self.node_features[i]["velocity"] = self.normalize_node( self.node_features[i]["velocity"], self.node_stats["velocity_mean"], self.node_stats["velocity_std"], ) self.node_targets[i]["velocity"] = self.normalize_node( self.node_targets[i]["velocity"], self.node_stats["velocity_diff_mean"], self.node_stats["velocity_diff_std"], ) self.node_targets[i]["pressure"] = self.normalize_node( self.node_targets[i]["pressure"], self.node_stats["pressure_mean"], self.node_stats["pressure_std"], ) def __getitem__(self, idx): gidx = idx // (self.num_steps - 1) # graph index tidx = idx % (self.num_steps - 1) # time step index graph = self.graphs[gidx] node_features = (self.node_features[gidx]["velocity"][tidx], self.node_type[gidx]), dim=-1 ) node_targets = ( self.node_targets[gidx]["velocity"][tidx], self.node_targets[gidx]["pressure"][tidx], ), dim=-1, ) graph.ndata["x"] = node_features graph.ndata["y"] = node_targets if self.split == "train": return graph else: graph.ndata["mesh_pos"] = self.mesh_pos[gidx] cells = self.cells[gidx] rollout_mask = self.rollout_mask[gidx] return graph, cells, rollout_mask def __len__(self): return self.length def _get_edge_stats(self): stats = { "edge_mean": 0, "edge_meansqr": 0, } for i in range(self.num_samples): stats["edge_mean"] += ( torch.mean(self.graphs[i].edata["x"], dim=0) / self.num_samples ) stats["edge_meansqr"] += ( torch.mean(torch.square(self.graphs[i].edata["x"]), dim=0) / self.num_samples ) stats["edge_std"] = torch.sqrt( stats["edge_meansqr"] - torch.square(stats["edge_mean"]) ) stats.pop("edge_meansqr") # save to file save_json(stats, "edge_stats.json") return stats def _get_node_stats(self): stats = { "velocity_mean": 0, "velocity_meansqr": 0, "velocity_diff_mean": 0, "velocity_diff_meansqr": 0, "pressure_mean": 0, "pressure_meansqr": 0, } for i in range(self.num_samples): stats["velocity_mean"] += ( torch.mean(self.node_features[i]["velocity"], dim=(0, 1)) / self.num_samples ) stats["velocity_meansqr"] += ( torch.mean(torch.square(self.node_features[i]["velocity"]), dim=(0, 1)) / self.num_samples ) stats["pressure_mean"] += ( torch.mean(self.node_targets[i]["pressure"], dim=(0, 1)) / self.num_samples ) stats["pressure_meansqr"] += ( torch.mean(torch.square(self.node_targets[i]["pressure"]), dim=(0, 1)) / self.num_samples ) stats["velocity_diff_mean"] += ( torch.mean( self.node_targets[i]["velocity"], dim=(0, 1), ) / self.num_samples ) stats["velocity_diff_meansqr"] += ( torch.mean( torch.square(self.node_targets[i]["velocity"]), dim=(0, 1), ) / self.num_samples ) stats["velocity_std"] = torch.sqrt( stats["velocity_meansqr"] - torch.square(stats["velocity_mean"]) ) stats["pressure_std"] = torch.sqrt( stats["pressure_meansqr"] - torch.square(stats["pressure_mean"]) ) stats["velocity_diff_std"] = torch.sqrt( stats["velocity_diff_meansqr"] - torch.square(stats["velocity_diff_mean"]) ) stats.pop("velocity_meansqr") stats.pop("pressure_meansqr") stats.pop("velocity_diff_meansqr") # save to file save_json(stats, "node_stats.json") return stats def _load_tf_data(self, path, split): """ Utility for loading the .tfrecord dataset in DeepMind's MeshGraphNet repo: Follow the instructions provided in that repo to download the .tfrecord files. """ dataset = self._load_dataset(path, split) dataset_iterator = return dataset_iterator def _load_dataset(self, path, split): with open(os.path.join(path, "meta.json"), "r") as fp: meta = json.loads( dataset =, split + ".tfrecord")) return functools.partial(self._parse_data, meta=meta), num_parallel_calls=8 ).prefetch(
[docs] @staticmethod def cell_to_adj(cells): """creates adjancy matrix in COO format from mesh cells""" num_cells = np.shape(cells)[0] src = [cells[i][indx] for i in range(num_cells) for indx in [0, 1, 2]] dst = [cells[i][indx] for i in range(num_cells) for indx in [1, 2, 0]] return src, dst
[docs] @staticmethod def create_graph(src, dst, dtype=torch.int32): """ creates a DGL graph from an adj matrix in COO format. torch.int32 can handle graphs with up to 2**31-1 nodes or edges. """ graph = dgl.to_bidirected(dgl.graph((src, dst), idtype=dtype)) return graph
[docs] @staticmethod def add_edge_features(graph, pos): """ adds relative displacement & displacement norm as edge features """ row, col = graph.edges() disp = torch.tensor(pos[row.long()] - pos[col.long()]) disp_norm = torch.linalg.norm(disp, dim=-1, keepdim=True) graph.edata["x"] =, disp_norm), dim=1) return graph
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_node(invar, mu, std): """normalizes a tensor""" if (invar.size()[-1] != mu.size()[-1]) or (invar.size()[-1] != std.size()[-1]): raise AssertionError("input and stats must have the same size") return (invar - mu.expand(invar.size())) / std.expand(invar.size())
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_edge(graph, mu, std): """normalizes a tensor""" if ( graph.edata["x"].size()[-1] != mu.size()[-1] or graph.edata["x"].size()[-1] != std.size()[-1] ): raise AssertionError("Graph edge data must be same size as stats.") return (graph.edata["x"] - mu) / std
[docs] @staticmethod def denormalize(invar, mu, std): """denormalizes a tensor""" denormalized_invar = invar * std + mu return denormalized_invar

@staticmethod def _one_hot_encode(node_type): # TODO generalize node_type = torch.squeeze(node_type, dim=-1) node_type = torch.where( node_type == 0, torch.zeros_like(node_type), node_type - 3, ) node_type = F.one_hot(node_type.long(), num_classes=4) return node_type @staticmethod def _drop_last(invar): return torch.tensor(invar[0:-1], dtype=torch.float) @staticmethod def _push_forward(invar): return torch.tensor(invar[1:], dtype=torch.float) @staticmethod def _push_forward_diff(invar): return torch.tensor(invar[1:] - invar[0:-1], dtype=torch.float) @staticmethod def _get_rollout_mask(node_type): mask = torch.logical_or( torch.eq(node_type, torch.zeros_like(node_type)), torch.eq( node_type, torch.zeros_like(node_type) + 5, ), ) return mask @staticmethod def _add_noise(features, targets, noise_std, noise_mask): noise = torch.normal(mean=0, std=noise_std, size=features.size()) noise_mask = noise_mask.expand(features.size()[0], -1, 2) noise = torch.where(noise_mask, noise, torch.zeros_like(noise)) features += noise targets -= noise return features, targets @staticmethod def _parse_data(p, meta): outvar = {} feature_dict = {k: for k in meta["field_names"]} features =, feature_dict) for k, v in meta["features"].items(): data = tf.reshape([k].values, getattr(tf, v["dtype"])), v["shape"], ) if v["type"] == "static": data = tf.tile(data, [meta["trajectory_length"], 1, 1]) elif v["type"] == "dynamic_varlen": row_len = tf.reshape(["length_" + k].values, tf.int32), [-1] ) data = tf.RaggedTensor.from_row_lengths(data, row_lengths=row_len) outvar[k] = data return outvar

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Jan 25, 2024.